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Jim Avery

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Everything posted by Jim Avery

  1. If the OP would spend a few minutes on search function for this topic they would find this ole dead horse has already been kicked all around the block.
  2. Dutch Harbor was my northern terminus for a few years back a ways. Not surprising that there is a shortage of motor coaches in DH. It is a well protected natural harbor on Unalaska Island, one of the Aleutian Islands. There is a seaman's bar in town where a sign proclaims " Dutch Harbor, it's not the end of the world but you can see it from here". And that's the truth. Had the thrill of flying out of there a couple of times on Mark Air. A company that flew 737s configured for some passengers and a lot of freight on the main deck. The most interesting thing at the time was the airstrip (can't call it an airport really) built in WWII and the bunkers in the hills surrounding the field. It is a short runway that really is a thrill ride. As to DH itself, its reason for existing has been the fishing, crabbing fleets. Lots of seafood handling places but not very scenic. But then Seward is no Ketchikan either....🥃
  3. Lots of them seen on a door on Neptune recently.😱
  4. You don't want to know what is in the guides jellyfish sting remedy.....😱
  5. The OP asked for opinions. I gave mine. Why are you bothered by that?
  6. Ok, let's be clear, no cruise is a "good investment". You take a cruise for only two reasons. 1. You want to . 2. You can. Simple. If you like what you see and can afford it, take it. Stop worrying about saving a nickel here or there.
  7. I don't think I mentioned docked in Vancouver. What I said is I tip in US$ and any Asian currency I might have left over I give in addition to the US$. Primarily to our steward. The crew come from many countries and do trade among themselves.
  8. While good suggestions, and I am a fan of the Thames Clipper boats, none are a good choice if you have more than minimal luggage. If you have more than basic carry on rollers I would suggest Addison Lee car service.
  9. The ships operate on US$ so that is what we use. Also if any unused asian currency we add that too.
  10. Moveable umbrellas like on SeaDream would help. A request to a deck steward and one is set up by your lounger.🍹
  11. Haha don't worry. My dear wife still turns the wrong way out of the elevator just about every time. And on her third Viking WC. Second in 4046. Talk about directionally challenged...🍸
  12. Sorry but going West you lose a day. Going East you repeat the day. Just lost January 22 going Westbound over the IDL.🥃
  13. Chair hogs seem to have learned this on the mass market ships before graduating to Regent.
  14. Nuke is right. You don't get what you don't ask for. Sometimes you have to ask a bit forcefully. Be prepared to walk if you don't get what you want.
  15. It continues to amaze how bad Viking shore side experience is compared to the onboard service. Shoreside acts like they are doing us a favor taking our money and "allowing'" us to sail on their ships. I fully agree with Andy's take.
  16. I hear she is overrun with chair hogs and public facetimers....😱🍸 Glad we are going on Splendor...
  17. Great shots Wavetripper! We miss all of you. Arrived home safely around 5pm Monday Phoenix time after leaving the ship noon Sunday Singapore time. Made for a 40+ hour journey. The worst part was leaving the ship at noon and having a nearly midnight flight. But Singapore airport is a great place and clean and well run. Luggage forward delivered the bags two days after we arrived. Pretty good for coming from the other side of the world. Anyway, hope yall have a great time around Africa and will be looking forward to reading posts and seeing the great pictures...
  18. Ha, people to people. Not the motion of the ocean. I wiggle, Lois pops me in the head...🥃
  19. They are pretty simple once you get that they were designed by a left handed, Bulgarian, crazy man.....
  20. Finally made the Elephant Encounter today. Had to cancel this on the Inaugural WC 5 years ago due to me catching the head/chest crud that was going around to everyone. Back then the Encounter info included pictures of elephants being ridden. Anyway the new version is a rescue center and no rides. The waterfall just next door does offer elephant rides but only a few in the morning and a few more in the evening. Union rules... Probably didn't need to put my back through such a ride. Did the camels at the Pyramids so there. And whoever said the Pad Thai was good was spot on. All the dishes provided were very good. Loved feeding the elephants. When I fed one a banana I thought I would lose a couple of fingers to the trunk suction. Way fun.
  21. When in one of the Murphy beds my legs halfway between knee and ankles hangs over the end. Also they transfer motion rather well.
  22. Clay, At the Elephant Encounter were there riding the elephants or just looking?👀
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