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Everything posted by mz-s

  1. Well it certainly cost them more than the tournament entries which don't really cost them anything except the prize money for the winner. But I would guess most people fed that $25 however it came right back into the casino.
  2. You are known by the company you keep is all I can think of when reading that post...
  3. I wouldn't be surprised to see these ships casually Carnivalized like the Luminosa and kept in the fleet long-term. As we've discussed elsewhere, Carnival needs smaller ships now that they've disposed of much of the Fantasy class and Costa apparently doesn't need all the tonnage it has right now.
  4. There is no bar but there is bar service. The waiters will come around and bring you drinks.
  5. I don't use the Lido bathrooms, they should be removed from all ships. I don't use the Sports Bar, I don't want to subsidize the cost of running those TVs. I don't use the weird bar of soap they leave in the rooms, I don't want the cost of that added onto my fare. Now you see how ridiculous all this sounds.
  6. Us simply being on the ship creates work for them - but that's the entire reason they are there to begin with. Give me a break.
  7. God forbid people expect to be able to eat food included in their cruise fare on a cruise, like Kathie Lee Gifford used to sing about.
  8. Of course it's a money grab. That is not a secret. The fact of the matter is for every one person who legitimately can't drink (but they are traveling with someone who can drink and drink to excess to the point a drink package makes sense for them), there will be 10 who say they can't drink but then they share the package with their roommate.
  9. Yes, it's true, Carnival's business model no longer meets what I am looking for in a cruise vacation.
  10. There is no way they could charge what they used to charge for their current product. It seems that Carnival wishes to be the Frontier or Spirit airlines of the cruise industry. It's a matter of time before the buffet will no longer be included and I'm sure we will have folks on this board with comments such as, "It won't hurt me to starve for a week anyway! I'm on a CRUISE, a bad day on a ship is better than a good day at the office!"
  11. Is there a line though? Or is it like the old wives tale of slowly heating water to boil a frog alive?
  12. They haven't released the new menu yet. But there will be no more free room service other than the "continental" breakfast, that is certain.
  13. On some ships the bars are still there but they're nonsmoking now.
  14. It may be hard to remember now, but there was a time when Carnival did special things like twice daily room cleaning, white glove captain's receptions that all were invited to, bacon available on the buffet every morning, etc. These were not things that people necessarily expected on vacation or were used to. But they made you feel special and made you want to book another cruise. The most special thing on a Carnival cruise today is you can sometimes get a whole baked potato instead of a half of one. Kathie Lee used to sing about all that was included in a Carnival cruise ticket price. Would be a very short song these days. Carnival is desiring to become the Frontier airlines of cruising apparently.
  15. Carnival's internet program is 5 years behind Royal's right now.
  16. Yes, Carnival's product is SEVERELY diluted since you booked your cruise. It's just the truth of the matter. I hope you got a good deal on your cruise because Carnival's current product is absolutely not worth what cruises were selling for in 2019 or early 2020.
  17. Yeah I would not expect an expanded menu at all. Expanded prices probably, but no additional options.
  18. You do not need to create a username and password, you enter your last name I believe, and folio number. The folio number is written on your sign and sail card.
  19. I am happy to report that is no longer the case! They now serve individual pats of butter in small silver dishes. The butter crock thread is legendary.
  20. The price to have one or two people in one room is usually the same. But cancelling this close will trigger cancellation fees. Whereas if they no-show, there is no extra fee charged.
  21. I suspect it's going to get much worse in a few weeks as it will be the only place to get a sandwich and similar food once the room service menu goes away.
  22. Some have reported the Deli on at least some ships lately has gone way downhill. Long lines, very slow service, and prepackaged, still partially frozen, food. That has not been my experience but I haven't cruised since May and Carnival seems to be moving at breakneck speed with the "guest preferences" lately.
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