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Everything posted by mz-s

  1. They never send out emails about due dates. At least I have never received one. And I've been cruising Carnival for almost a decade. The only time I get any kind of reminder email at all from Carnival is when I have a cruise on a complimentary hold and the hold is about to expire. I don't get emails when my light bill is almost due either. And back to my example of my water bill, I had no idea I'd forgotten to pay it until I saw my next month's bill with a late fee on it. No emails or letters or calls or anything for a month. Some glitch huh! lol
  2. I agree, Norfolk has some improvements if they want to be a year-round port. But if they're willing to I'm sure Carnival would love to replace Charleston with a similar drive-to port on the Eastern seaboard, albeit a few states away from Charleston.
  3. That's my feeling as well, I know Carnival's hands are tied in CHS so I don't blame them. But if CHS is off the table, pretty much means I'm flying to my cruise. And that really opens up my options. Maybe Norfolk will go year-round and become more affordable. To date Norfolk cruises have been way too expensive for me to consider.
  4. I don't see how this is anyone's fault but your own? Certainly your right to not book with Carnival anymore for any reason, but to blame them because you forgot your payment date is beyond the pale in my opinion. I forgot to pay my water bill one month and got a late fee. I called and asked them to waive it as it was a mistake, but they declined and I paid it. I didn't blame their nonexistent "glitches" for my forgetting to pay the bill. It was my fault.
  5. The problem with JAX is it's just far enough for me that I'd rather not drive down the morning of the cruise. CHS is an easy drive for me. It will be sad when Charleston's last homeport cruise leaves.
  6. I expect Norfolk becoming a year-round port is the most likely scenario now that Charleston is out of the picture. Wilmington has a very small terminal behind a short bridge, so it wouldn't be usable for Carnival. I would love Wilmington and I think they would welcome cruisers but they'd need a new terminal (and sadly it wouldn't be downtown like Charleston's is).
  7. People saying Savannah would be nice in a forum post isn't the same as Savannah being a possibility for Carnival.
  8. There is no cruise terminal in Savannah that can accommodate a modern Carnival ship so it's not an option unless they build a new terminal there. Building a new terminal probably isn't an option in time for Charleston's closure in around 2 years.
  9. Where did you read Savannah is a possibility?
  10. It's convenient and they've done a great job keeping it as modern and efficient as they can given the box they have been forced into. I hope Carnival finds a suitable replacement that folks in the NC/TN/WV/etc areas can drive to. Always meet a lot of folks from these areas on Charleston cruises.
  11. There are no "pay restaurants" on Paradise unless I misunderstood your post.
  12. I've sailed out of CHS 7 or 8 times since 2014 I think.
  13. I did not say it was luxurious. In fact I said the line has never been Cunard. Reading is fundamental.
  14. There was a time when Carnival was much nicer than it is today. It's never been Cunard or anything like that but it used to be much nicer than it is now. It wasn't that long ago either, I've only been cruising with them since 2014 and it's really changed just since then. Carnival is still a fun vacation but it's not the sample of luxury it used to be.
  15. I have not seen Propel offered onboard Carnival ships yet personally, or at least haven't noticed it available.
  16. I think that's fair and frankly probably where my wife and I are as well. We'll still cruise Carnival for family trips as sort of the lowest common denominator, quick drive-to getaways out of Norfolk or Charleston, etc., but our days of going out of our way to fly to get on a Carnival cruise are probably over.
  17. The Bahamian Police don't have the authority to detain you in their jurisdiction? Hmm...let us know how that works out for you.
  18. In the Bahamas (specifically Nassau) you will not get back to the pier unless you have a photo ID.
  19. You need some form of photo ID, but it does not have to be your passport. I carry mine with me, but a lot of people don't and carry their driver's license or what have you.
  20. You will not receive an onboard credit. You will get the taxes and fees refunded to the original form of payment.
  21. No Halloween is a big deal on Carnival. I am not sure if they're going to do the big atrium party for Halloween this year, but even if they don't they should do a deck party. Plenty of people dress up.
  22. They had pitchers on sale for $10 on one of my recent cruises. I ordered one. I am convinced to this day there was not a drop of alcohol in it. I drank the whole thing and never felt a thing other than a bit of a bellyache from all the sugar. And I don't drink at home so it's not like I have a tolerance or anything. I will never buy another.
  23. No the pools aren't heated. The water is usually pretty cold. But I'd say in November they should be fine, might need a few minutes to acclimate. Now a February cruise - that water is unbearably cold all cruise long. The water at Half Moon Cay will be cold then too, but again once you acclimate you should be fine.
  24. Well at least on the Sunshine in May, the lasagna they served certainly wasn't what was served in Cucina or MDR. I suppose the actual brand varies based upon "supply chain challenges"
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