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Everything posted by zqvol

  1. The quoted post is nothing more than one person's opinion. You might want to tip someone but saying that you should tip someone is doing nothing more than trying to impose the posters opinion on others. Tip who you want, when you want and the amount you want. Don't let anyone try to push their OPINION on to you.
  2. They put big bills under the drawer because there are no places for them, it has nothing too do with mistakes or robberies.
  3. Usually it is 48 hours to cancel. If you cancel before sailing it will go back to your credit card, if you cancel on the ship the refund will go to your on board account.
  4. And NCL never makes adjustments to adjustments
  5. The reports indicate that the current variant is more contagious than prior versions, though apparently less serious for most people, qand it is expected to take off, but who knows.
  6. They seem to be having trouble getting the ship finished on schedule which is a good reason to be concerned about future cruises.
  7. You really need to find another cruise line since NCL does so much wrong in your eyes. I never have any issues using a PC.
  8. Here is the key, Post cruise hotel booked.
  9. Have you tried to google that question? I just ran a quick search and got quiet a few responses including from Ebay and ETSY
  10. Sounds like OP booked a guarantee since he didn’t pick a cabin, or have an option to do so. ATA minimum he is going to have to pay the difference between what he booked and a cabin that he wants in the same category or higher. Sounds like the $500 quoted is a good deal.
  11. Port visits and embarking don’t use the same pier. It’s perfectly”safe”. Because you have so many complaints about NCL you should definitely switch to MSC.
  12. Stock up all you want but they are difficult to spend
  13. There is no way around the 12 month rule.
  14. Mine were ready last night within 15 minutes of completing checkin
  15. Yes it is Eastern time. The only reason to check in that early is to get an early arrival time at the pier, though in reality it doesn’t matter what time you get because they don’t check them.
  16. The information in the quoted post is woefully inaccurate. For a US citizen on a closed loop cruise you don’t need a passport, and if you choose to sail with a passport as long as it is valid on the day you return it is perfectly acceptable.
  17. Taste and Savor are main dining rooms. NCL always has at least one main dining room open on embarkation day.
  18. They modified it this week due to the storm, they made it 7 hours instead of overnight.
  19. All spa cabins have access to the spa, it is not a perk, but goes along with the cabin, like a butler I the Haven.
  20. Another thread on the same complaint, why not just join the 2 or 3 that are already on here about this topic.
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