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Everything posted by Angel57

  1. Happy Birthday @purplesea - I hope you have celebrations planned. x
  2. Sorry to hear that Mick…..Hope you enjoyed the cruise tho.
  3. Basically, it’s trial and error. I would first decide on for type (wet, dry, raw or home cooked) and then maybe use just one protein that isn’t known to cause allergies (maybe avoid chicken). If that suits then move onto another protein. A complete minefield and every dog owner will give you different advice 🤣
  4. I would take vet advice on nutrition with a pinch of salt….. they will often recommend something like Hills or Royal Canin….😢 Good luck.
  5. Freddie didn’t have any issues but we took a long time to find the right food for him. Every time we changed type or brand it would result in upset tummy. We tried kibble, then raw and finally settled on wet which suited him best as anything containing peas, chicken or turkey did not agree with him. The website allaboutdogfood is very helpful in rating foods and steering you away from the nutritionally poor brands! For the last 4 years we have opted for Millies Wolfheart which do wet and dry and you can buy in pet shops or online. They have a very helpful customer service who will help you chose which is the right type and recipe. Gill
  6. I don’t think there is an answer Kalos. Sadly in all walks of life there is a percentage of people who don’t care one iota how their behaviour affects others. Sometimes it just doesn’t cross their mind but with some, they are just downright selfish (I.e. I’m going to enjoy my holiday no matter what attitude). I do agree that these incidents on ships are thankfully rare, but if it happens to you, then it must be extremely unpleasant. As a solo traveller I cruise because 99% of the time it is a very safe environment - if that perception changes, then I will think again!
  7. I love bubble and squeak but probably not in a soup…….!!
  8. Totally agree Harry. I am returning to cruising on Aurora in the early summer (first since Dec 2019) and am really looking forward to it. However I am going with my expectations being fairly low and it not being the same as pre C. But, I will just love being back at sea, not having to cook, laughing with friends and doing exactly what I want, when I want. Can’t wait!
  9. So sorry to hear about Sarah, Graham - but it sounds like she is getting good care I know how close the three of you are so I’m sure it has been a very stressful time to see Sarah in pain and distress. Make sure you and Pauline take care of yourselves and best wishes to Sarah. Gill
  10. What a worry for you all. Hoping things are a bit better tomorrow. Thinking of you. Gill x
  11. Just an awful experience for you Megabear. I’m not sure which is worse - the behaviour of those uncouth and drunk individuals or the apparent complete lack of concern / action from security. I suspect security were not wanting to escalate the behaviour into something a lot nastier, but…..
  12. Yes, I remember him and his green flash……. Never did see it 🤣
  13. Absolutely agree about the two Captains you mention. Communication to passengers plays a huge part in a successful cruise (altho safety obviously rises above that). If you are told what is going on with the midday or 6pm announcements then you are a lot more accepting of any issues that have arisen.
  14. Happy New Year to everyone. I loved the description of your neighbours @Beckett- fabulous. My dog Freddie is the same over fireworks although to be fair we had some at 9pm and the between 0000 and 0030, so couldn’t really complain. My resolution every year is to lose weight - I am never very successful with that one and I feel 1st Jan is not the day to start- maybe tomorrow 🤣
  15. Glad you safely back home @Megabear2. Sounds like another not so good flight experience. Get some rest now and I wish you and all your family a very happy and healthy 2023. You have been an absolute star with all your informative posts this year which have been appreciated by so many. Gill
  16. @Beckett it was such a lovely start to a rather early morning (courtesy of Freddie the dog wanting to check his perimeter at 5am) and to see your post from yesterday evening. Im sorry to hear you haven’t had the best year, but hope that you are now looking forward to 2023 - we are all so pleased to see you back here again. Gill x
  17. What a dreadful experience for you Megabear…… I hope you reported the occurrence as that sort of behaviour is very very unwelcome anywhere and anytime regardless of a football result….. I do hope you can enjoy the remainder of your cruise.
  18. I totally agree and would hate to see the MDR with place mats……. But I can see that they will be disappearing on many of their ships at some point. BTW - Mrs W will be expecting you to be keeping your dining table clean now 🤣🤣
  19. I do agree. Years ago we always had a tablecloth on the dining table. I never do now. It might be quicker for the waiters to quickly remove a tablecloth than clean down a table, however not having tablecloths in the MDR would certainly cut down on what must be considerable laundry costs….…
  20. Happy Christmas. Freddie got loads of presents but one of his favourites is a Moose which already looks like it has been at the cooking sherry! Gill x
  21. I remember my solicitor telling me he had one client who would come in to see him every January to amend her will and it all depended on which family members had remembered her at Christmas…….🤣 The one thing tho that really winds me up is when a gift is not acknowledged. Two misses of that particular lack of manners and no more pressies…. As a child I always had to write my thank you letters on 27th December. These days it is easier with texts and emails also available. Mrs Grump here wishes you all a very happy Christmas and a glorious 2023 for cruising 🙏
  22. Gosh, that is a bit minimalist - I would hope they would give you more if you asked…?
  23. So sorry to read your post Damian. What a dreadful time for you and the family. Your Teddy looks like he is keeping everyone’s sprits up tho.
  24. I hope your grandson is feeling much better now with having been able to get the medication. Awful stress for you all which shouldn’t have happened. Gill x
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