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Everything posted by MissP22

  1. It's possible with a little fenagling. I'm assuming you have an HDMI output on the DVD player. As I recall the TV's on the Emerald are in the corner which makes it easy to reach the TV input and all you have to contend with is switching the TV's input so it'll see the DVD player's output. Check out this post to see how it's done.
  2. I got the message that smokers are more important to Princess than non-smokers. They care more about their profits than the comfort and health of those that wish to utilize the casino (or the crew that has to be there) thought out the day. I'm going to return to the Enchanted shortly, but will definitely stay clear of the casino for sure. They obviously don't want my contribution.
  3. Libraries have become a thing of the past on cruise ships.
  4. It seems that the Enchanted Princess casino has a similar ventilation problem, just like the Sky. No matter what time of day we went there it was so bad we had to leave.
  5. I doubt if the PSD would tell you their cabin number if you asked. They might let you call their cabin but they would dial it for you.
  6. I've got a plan of attack for next cruise. 🤪
  7. I don't really know. We had a hard time keeping up with out 15 drinks per day each with the plus package.
  8. The last wine list had Moscato listed, even by the glass. Hopefully they'll continue to have it on future cruises.
  9. Our homemade Medallion holders are part thin sheet metal behind the Medallion and it doesn't seem to haver any effect on the Bluetooth range. On our last cruise it worked the furthest it ever has in the past- most times 3 to 4 cabins away. It makes me wonder about the incident with the coin stuck to it's back. Next cruise I'm going to test the system with a half dollar stuck to the back and see if it reduces the sensitivity.
  10. It's been years since we've experienced heavy seas. I do enjoy it for a change.
  11. We went 4 or 5 times and got bored with it since we had the plus package and weren't interested in getting any discounts for drinks.
  12. I didn't notice a card either on the Enchanted. Another cutback I suppose. 😁
  13. As long as you spend money in order to get it. 😉
  14. And it provides you everything, even without a pin number. Try that with a cruise card and see how much info it provides.
  15. What about the BOGO coupon for the Specialty restaurant on the first night? We sure miss that one.
  16. Did this new procedure ever speed things up. Wow.
  17. Like what, for instance? I don't think I've seen one thing that could be considered an increased benefit.
  18. We found the same thing. In order to get the same table & waiter you'll have to confirm it otherwise they'll sit you anywhere there's room. I will say they do try to accommodate people's request if at all possible especially if you arrive early enough.
  19. LOL 😄 I'd love to cruise more than 4 times per year but I would weigh 200 lbs. if I did. As it is, I'm almost constantly on a diet between trips except for thanksgiving/Christmas.
  20. In all our years of travel we've only done one 4 night trip so it's not a big deal for us either.
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