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Everything posted by MissP22

  1. Do you know what the charge is? Can you decline room service?
  2. Simple because it's the lowest amount of items I've ever heard of someone using the package for. I'm sure their happy and so is Princess. 😄
  3. Princess must just love people such as yourself. You buy an expensive package and hardly use it. 😁 LOL
  4. Thanks guys. I believe they've made it so confusing than many people will just buy the drink package so to be done with the charges. I can just see the line at the service desk with people asking for an explanation about the unknown charges. 😉
  5. If I have the standard package with the classic soda package & request an attendant or waiter for a soda or mocktail would that incur a $14.99 per cruise charge? We don't utilize room service- ever. This whole thing is confusing me.
  6. For us, the cost of either plus or premium package has always been questionable. Now they've made the decision easier for us to go with the standard package and just buy what we want. Whenever someone wants to sell me an extra add on option and goes to great length to explain just how great the value is, they obviously have an incentive to gain extra profit from my decision. They've made my choice even easier.
  7. They don't like to mention drinks spifically but keep talking about how great a deal it is to have the package, when the main cost of the package is in fact the alcohol. We felt almost as if it was a waste since we don't normally drink that much. It could be that the attendance has diminshed due to most people having the packages, which include alcohol. Why bother with a meaningless talk if you don't require another drink?
  8. She reminds me of a car salesman but associated with cruise sales. Her attitude just rubs me the wrong way.
  9. If they were sure they could fill the ship up with people booking that opted for the packages, then yes, I'm certain they could live without us. But with the economy the way it is today, they should feel lucky it's as crowded as it appears to be.
  10. And here all along I thought I was the only one making up my homemade concoctions. 😄 I always add a little something "extra" I bring with me from home. 😉
  11. I'm hopeing that what you posted is true as I haven't had the time to actually read every post in this thread. At first glance it appears that there ar many increases that would drive us away from Princess but I also can live with a charge for Alfredo's/Gigi's 😪 and room service since we don't use it.
  12. That's absolutly true. What makes it actually funny is when attending one of the Captains parties they still like to thank all their loyal customers and go on and on about all the benefits they receive. 😄LOL
  13. Of course that's their bottom intent. We had previously decided not to purchase the package on future trips since we don't utilize the drink portion to it's fullest but IF we continue sailing Princess in the future, I'll have rethink that decision.
  14. Just what I read on the internet. I'm trying to keep up reading this thread and getting more confused every page.
  15. Baby Ruth's don't float. They sink, much like this new incentive program will. Sorry, I had to add that amonst all the bad news.
  16. Yes, but peple can still choose to live without a vacation if the pricing get out of hand. Except that there are things that are only offered on OceanNow that you'll have to pay to get if you don't have the package.
  17. Just be careful when sending in delicate items. Sometimes they're a little hard on some items.... which I perfer to wash myself. Aslo take a photo of each item in case they lose it. It can be handy for ID purposes.
  18. I think their counting on that. There's only so much a person can consume and if they can feed you with high calorie pastries at 3 PM you won'ty be tempted to order 4 appitizers + 2 main cources at dinner. 🙄😁 ...just kidding.
  19. Not to many people like those front row seats and you can usually get there at the last moment & still get two. They give me a pain in the neck looking up.
  20. Not that I know anything about their rules but I never heard about bringing fruit on board the ship. Is it possible that they made an error by confiscating them?
  21. People are welcome to stay there as long as they like while I'm getting a seat at the next event. They can walk by and listen from the entrance.
  22. So true. We always get there early as well but like the first level seating on the aisle. We always dart out before the CD comes out & starts his reading of the nights activities. Why people want to sit there is beyond me. Maybe they feel obligated?
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