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Everything posted by Stick93

  1. How is the internet on anthem? I am going on January and need internet for my kids online classes.
  2. The money is not the issue. I just want to make sure they will let me have the the other two in the room. I assume they don’t care.
  3. If I have two rooms and bid on a 2 bedroom suite and win (a bid that is on just one of the rooms) - can I move everyone to that suite or just the two people in the room that won?? I know only two would be moved but I have connecting rooms and wouldn't want to leave the other members of the family behind?
  4. We were on this sailing. Looking forward to seeing more
  5. It’s carnival. It’s was all over the Magic in august as well.
  6. I don’t test anymore - gave my tests to the people who are like to test. Should habve sold on eBay!
  7. If you are concerned for paxlovid on board - a cruise might not be for you. Covid is on every ship. Sometimes it’s hiding and sometimes it isn’t. But most people who get Covid are not taking paxlovid, and the ones who have a are seeing a higher chance of rebound - just ask the president, his wife and lord Fauci.
  8. Yes - I am sure if you go on YouTube you will see the whole thing.
  9. Thanks for looking at my signature - I never thought people cared. Horizon is a nice ship and I sailed on her when she was 3 month old. It still looked like every other carnival ship. Nothing special besides the Havana area which is an upgrade that is worth a few extra bucks. The magic is one class below and has the best layout of any carnival ship. Again she looks very tired and unkept. I sailed Adventures of the seas, Freedom or the seas, Norwegian Gem and Celebrity Infinity - all ships that are older than the Magic - some by double digits and all looked in better shape. The carnival brand is stuck in the last decade. The new ships which I have researched and watched many reviews are still behind the other new ships. Yes some new restaurants and bars - big whoop! A roller coaster? Who cares it’s as stupid as a sky ride. An outdated ropes course and some water slides - nothing new. Adult only area with jacuzzi - still better on all other cruise lines. We can disagree as I have not been on them and that’s okay - but where we can all agree is the rest of the fleet has been poorly maintained and lacks any serious upgrade besides a new water slide here and there. They are all rusting from the outside in!
  10. Yup they will have 3 excel ships and all the rest that are game overs in a few years. Oasis of the seas was built around same time as breeze and is prob a better ship than the Mardi Gras with all its mileage on it. Carnival does a lousy job keeping the ships modern, clean, painted and presentable. I was on older Royal, Celebrity and Norwegian ships that were older than the Magic and they didn’t look half as tired and left to rot. You are wrong - carnival product is stale and the other cruislines have much better foresight. The Excel class is a game changer for 10 years ago not compared to the new ships on the other fleets.
  11. The fantasy class ships are better than this ship. It’s and old ship dressed in some new clothes. The sunshine idea is horrible. In general the carnival ships look tired. I was just on the magic which I think is the best class ship (have not been on newest ship) but even she looks unkept and In need of some love. If you love carnival you will get the same product on all the ships.
  12. Off the Magic today… First carnival cruise in 3 years. Carnival will always be my first love…. The ship looked tired, worn and unkept… The staff looks overworked… The product is stale. They definitely catering to new cruisers who may not know better.
  13. Monkey pox - woooooo! Sounds scary! COVID over I guess!
  14. Did the pharmacist know the winning powerball number also.? How does he know you prob won’t die?? I think it’s because most people aren’t dying now - vaxxed or unvaxxed.
  15. We are going to have a great cruise - the wild people need 8 days to do damage!
  16. you get a cruise... you get a cruise...YOU GET A CRUISE!
  17. you don't know there could be a new vaccine then? it could never end.
  18. The vaccine is a very emotional topic here on the boards - There are many who are passionate and still believe if everyone would have just vaccinated the stupid covid thing would be gone. There are some who are stuck in March 2020 and not August 2022. Science has changed and the virus has changed - some have have not changed. The cruises were the last hold outs besides very blue states with this vaccine - It sure looks like the unvaccinated are getting ready to rejoin the cruise world and I as well book a winter cruise with my unvaccinated children. There will be some people who refuse to cruise with this news - but that okay. We love them all anyways!
  19. personal reasons - but I agree its a wonderful Island that is very easy to get around and very safe!
  20. I will be testing because I can see the writing on the wall. But that email is gonna confuse the $&@$ out of people on this cruise. That ship will not leave on time! There will be hundreds without tests from that email.
  21. OP welcome to carnival - behavior is optional. The honest truth is bad behavior is on all the major cruise lines but some behavior is exaggerated on Carnival. Running in the halls is a Carnival thing at 3am. Also on the SUNSHINED ships there is less common area and many more people in fewer areas as they put many more people on the ship than it’s original design. The spirit and dream class ships are my favorite ships of Carnival. They have better layouts and traditional theaters unlike the SUNSHINED ships. More room and common area. I still like my carnival cruises but I have ventured passed them for the most part and have found better behavior on Royal and celebrity.
  22. I have a feeling many people will not be testing before. I don’t plan on getting off the ship anyways but they need to clarify.
  23. Kind of funny to make a comment how one thinks cruisers are the worst but spends time on a social platform all about cruising. The site is literally catering to cruise enthusiasts and so are the cruise lines. This is why they offer gimmicks and perks because it brings people back. People spend too much money many ways. Why get a suite when an inside room affords you everything on the ship. Why pay more for faster to the fun when you will eventually get there. People feel there is a value of building loyalty to a brand. We can argue about what it’s worth and what they have “earned” but it’s these perks they try to get and it works. If it didn’t work nobody would offer them!
  24. On Carnival there’s no real value in becoming a diamond member. However on Royal Caribbean after you become a diamond member there are some real perks that people really go after. Free drinks is one of the biggest reasons why people try to reach the next level and that’s a real value to people who would’ve bought a beverage package.
  25. I hear you buddy. You can get one on eBay. They sell them. In life you alway pay - it just nice to get something back which I have. I will enjoy it and when I see the stink eyes at me I will remember I paid for it and how good it feels.
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