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Everything posted by Stick93

  1. I had a villa in HMC about 8 years ago on one of my cruises. We prob paid about $300 or so at the time. I was so underwhelmed by the entire island and the cardboard hut I prob wound not spend a dollar on it again, let alone almost 1k. I will save for the next toilet paper crisis because at least I feel value in a clean bottom side. They need to spruce up the place and make it more like a destination or an all inclusive stop.
  2. Except that isn’t the make up of a NY Summer cruise…but we will see.
  3. Interesting thread. Not sure about this ship and the clientele out of NY - I think the ship may be too nice. This ship is sort of the layout of the vista class but with more sophistication and elegance. The cruises out of NY in the summer have a rougher crowd. Will be interesting how the first season goes in NYC.
  4. Sunshine is better - I agree. “We have found” - do you work for carnival?
  5. I didn’t write the whole line is going down. You may have read that and someone (not necessarily you) who is sensitive to carnival can infer over negativity with any criticism. Yes I was on sunshine and sunrise. I was a cheerleader until one of their prized customers threatened my life on the then overcrowded ship and security and the ship did nothing to help. But that’s okay! The sunshined ships are terrible, the clientele on the ships is getting worse and carnival seems to not care about its loyal customers. It’s okay but as a person with almost 100 days and over 15 cruises on carnival I can have AN opinion even if it goes against people who truly love the cruise line and will defend it no matter what they do.
  6. SUNSHINED ships are too crowded and overloaded. In general I have found the behavior on Carnival has deteriorated over the time we have cruised with carnival. Nothing the OP noted surprised me.
  7. Carnival is great at taking an older ship and makes a big announcement about the new ship arriving - Sunshine/Sunrise/Radiance/Luminoso/Venezia/Firenze - six ships The costa ships are not new, especially the Luminosa which is 20 years old. The Venezia/Firenze are also not new builds and we have all yet to see them but prob are similar minus to Vista class, but with less Carnival identity. Great idea but not new modern ships like the other brands have put out. Not even close to an Oasis class ship which we have established is a 2009 build. I am sure if they could rebrand a ship and call it “Carnival Crapolla” - if it ran well and had births they would announce yet another new ship they could call it the Happy Crappy Fun ship - The other brands are building and building for the future - Carnival is putting out fires and trying to stop the bleed as they are too heavy and weighed down. After the 3 excel ships are out they have nothing ordered and will prob cont to add ships from their other brands. I cannot wait for Carnival German style from Aida and Carnival UK style from P&O.
  8. Maybe the misunderstanding here is what is not written - the casino never takes a hit directly if they pay a fee you pay the fee. But indirectly like adding money to your card on a slot they just haven’t figured out how to get you.
  9. And no charge for not playing😜
  10. I have never seen any dress code enforced on Carnival. I have sat next to people in men wife beaters and women with bathing suits. Nobody cares and the truth is it’s not worth them fighting with you. Wear what you like from a birthday suit to tuxedo!
  11. Yes but as a PSA for anyone else with an issue 😜
  12. Can you claim Covid still, and get a “positive” test?
  13. Carnival is fun if you don’t mind a ship that is rusting around you. It’s great if you don’t mind the passengers who don’t know that there are other people around they share space with. The product is stale but is exciting if you never did it before. I am platinum but my next 6 cruises are on Royal.
  14. Maybe - but I was thinking the ships themselves which are literally withering away.
  15. If passengers RUM run does this effect your math and you investment in Royal...Asking for a friend who is both a cruiser and investor.
  16. They don't call them the FUN ships for no reason -
  17. Maybe its time for Carnival to take better care of their money makers -
  18. Seems to be happening more and more - Hope the FBI gets to the bottom of these young people just dropping
  19. YOLO - if it adds to the value of the trip the amount makes no difference. Sounds like you will enjoy the freedom of the package. The rest is math -
  20. You are aware oasis comes in the summer and symphony will be arriving next summer - Anthem is a great winter home port ship. Brining an oasis ship here is not possible in the winter because you would lose many of the activities for 1-2 days leaving and coming back. As well Central Park on allure was just decimated by cold weather in Texas - NYC would be far worse. NCL is nice - they change ships frequently. At least you have options. Carnival and MSC are also starting year round from NYC - so even more choices.
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