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Everything posted by Stick93

  1. Hey you pay - you can play. I hope it comes back too and I don’t need it. But it’s good for people who want it. Who cares what people think?
  2. I couldn’t give two hoots what others do. I didn’t hold a gun to carnival to give me perks but if they say they exist and I paid my dues and did my time - yes I expect them. Sorry if that bothers you. I also don’t wait in the regular line at guest service because they LET me go in a different line - and I don’t apologize for it when people see me going ahead of them while they wait. I did that to for many cruises and do it on the other cruise lines I am not a high customer on. Thank for try to ask who I am. I know your kind as well. There is always that guy who ask people where they got something from and has FOMO of everything. They hang out close to the cruise director to wait for the hairy chest contest to show the world what bozos they are. They make sure to get noticed at the comedy show get picked for the love and marriage show. They have metals hanging in their dining room that they buy on eBay because they cannot win them. It’s okay - you too can come on the ship and wait your turn!
  3. STATEROOM ACCESS – Due to enhanced cleaning and sanitation, staterooms may not be ready at the time of boarding for the early Arrival Appointments. If you have not checked your bags, feel free to quickly drop off your luggage while our crew puts the finishing touches on your stateroom. This will allow you to complete your e-mustering process and start your vacation promptly This was the part email that was sent to me this week explaining the rules to me. Seems pretty clear what I can and cannot do when I get on the ship. In fact if you read this it’s saying that my state room may be ready when I get on the ship.
  4. I didn’t realize that I get to make the rules on the ship. I was pretty sure that I got an email from Carnival telling me the rules that I have to play by. Can I quote you to the captain when they ask me why I’m telling people what to do that I have the right to make the rules? The people in the other cabins can cruise 75 days and get the same perk - And come here and get lectured by people like you not to take advantage of it
  5. It’s not being an elitist. It’s a perk that carnival Extended to me for being a valued customer. If the premise is that a diamond and a platinum member cannot be trusted to drop their stuff and move on from the cabin they should not offer it to any of them. If they are offering it to us then yes I will take advantage of that. i’m not responsible for any other passenger who doesn’t know how to behave on the ship. I remember on my first cruise when I had zero nights under my belt being told that my cabin would not be ready until 1:30 and I didn’t go to my room. It’s not hard to understand that.
  6. You are correct - if you are not diamond or platinum - please don't go and drop stuff off in the room.
  7. I just got an email that in my upcoming cruise my room may not be ready but i can go to it and drop off my stuff as a platinum cruiser - I wasn't going to but now.....
  8. You cannot test positive if you don’t test😜.
  9. Apparently because of this staff shortages they cannot offer this or priority boarding to P/D passengers. But don’t worry you can still spend money on everything else!
  10. This is true. If you stay long enough at the casino they always win. Either you book again or you lose at the games. It’s a win win for all. Or so I heard from my friend 🤪
  11. I am not an accountant but I believe investment write-offs when balances against investment gains are actually weighted heavier than the 15%. A loss can wipe out a gain and vice versa. This is why people carry losses and can carry them for 20 years. I believe the loss you are talking about is an expense - which for the average shmo is prob a 15% per dollar save in taxes of the amount expensed.
  12. Just off Last week. When you get on ship connect to ship wifi - login to app and you can reserve shows like you would before the cruise. Took 3 minutes and I booked all the show for three cabins. Got all my first choices.
  13. Jerry - it’s a write off. what’s a write off??? I don’t know but everyone does it.
  14. High taxes and no 10% at carnival! Life is rough.
  15. I think the issue debated is why would this be needed if a ship is just like your local restaurant or grocery store. They don’t test - Are you saying that ships are uniquely different?
  16. Thank you Dr Fauci. You have done a great job with Covid. I’m shocked with all you know it’s still so prevalent. I guess you and everyone in the world isn’t as smart as we think. If it was so simple there would be no Covid on the ships but there is so ship must have some unique feature. I mean everyone tested and vaxxed… it’s a slam dunk that the positives we hear must be fake news! ships are unique - don’t fight it.
  17. Except if your logic was correct than we would have kicked this pandemic - we are all aware that vaccine and testing is not enough and people still get it. So feeling safe with vaccine and testing is no different than your magical blanket as a child. This is why people want the mandates dropped because they don’t work. So yes ships are different because of the constant exposure to the same people which would be improbable anywhere on land.
  18. It’s the same people multiplied multiple times over and over all on the same ship for 7 days. More interactions with the same people - I believe you are simplifying this. I believe we agree on the issue of caring about Covid on the ship in general.
  19. You mean the laws of probability? Spending 2 hours in a restaurant or 6 hours on a plane VS 7 days with the same people and staff that has been on 7 days repeated and in close confines of one another - serving and preparing for you? Seems just like a run to Costco or a drive thru at Starbucks - NOT. On my last cruise I saw a guy wearing an N95/gloves/face shield at the buffet. Must be hell for him. I am aware of the risks of leaving my house and I choose to take them - in fact I don’t see them as risks, its living. But a getting on a ship for a cruise has increased risks of getting Covid and if that bothers someone - I gently suggest a cruise may not be for them. Enjoy!
  20. Yes - how often are you blowing in the wind VS inside the ship close to people. I personally am not afraid of cruising and have been on a bunch since Covid. But ships are different just because of the time together. It’s not a one and done - usually minimally 3 days and usually longer.
  21. Does anyone in NYC have issues with this app- seems something changed and now cannot participate.
  22. And probability goes up when you with the same people for 7 days. A ship is different than anything on land. Also filtration on an airplane is different than on a ship. Variable are not the same anywhere which is why Covid is tricky.
  23. I agree with you in theory. Cruises are different. You are confined to less space for a defined amount of time. Higher chances if the is a positive on bord one will be with them for a significant amount of time. I believe if you take a cruise the chances are there will be an exposure. With that information everyone can do what they like.
  24. This hopefully is the start to the real end of protocols that hold people back.
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