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Everything posted by Stick93

  1. My name isn’t Karen… they lifeguards was there I guess if they let it… on my next cruise I guess I can bring my 13 year old😜 I agree. We should not need to speak up. I forgot someone also took a dump on the floor of the solarium a well - I actually thought someone was joking but sadly they were not, it was all over the floor!
  2. Just on her sister Liberty and there were kids 12-16 in the pool and solarium area all day. They were not half as bad as the damn speakers people need to play loud enough that all the peace and quiet you want has long gone. I don’t know why it’s so hard to act proper in common areas.
  3. The show is not great but everyone can go and leave if they don’t like it. I went my first time on anthem and stayed about 15 minutes. Never went back. I also would not sit through we will rock you again after the 2 times I have as it too is stale for me. Plenty to do on the ship and I plan on going again….
  4. They sale when you get on in $100 - $80ish before
  5. You never stayed to know the power of knowledge you are given…
  6. On anthem they have fresh squeezed orange juice in 270 every morning.
  7. 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Any bar - esp if she doesn’t look 21 they wont serve her alcohol, but when they see card and swipe they will know she should no have alcohol.
  8. tell us if you feel smarter after staying…
  9. Wall Street knows something we don’t. Obviously they see something in Royal that they don’t see in Carnival.
  10. Well said and I agree with you - but that doesn’t mean people don’t feel otherwise and act otherwise. It’s like rum running. They catch many people and they take it away. Some people get it past them and know that. But just about nobody gets thrown off for it.
  11. Sounds like a big empty threat. Never heard of one person this happened to besides someone who let their minor drink on their card and I cannot confirm this. Let me guess someone you know heard from a captain once who told you that their best friends mother did this and they got caught and now they are paying down a dept to carnival cruise line…. Never happened and if it did please send proof on this thread - It’s an empty threat
  12. Never heard of anyone caught and if so nothing has happened. They got bigger issues than the drinks people share. Gotta laugh every time some write about trouble.. Have you seen the people on cruises these days - hahahahahh
  13. Sadly they have not always shown this. A fact of life is that a broken clock can still be right twice a day. The ship delayed today was their newest and their biggest showcase along with the other excel ship. If they didn’t get it right today - that would have been a big shame Happy they did get it right.
  14. I took wrong passport on oasis last year but had my passport card - no issue.
  15. Great answer. The loyalty drinks are really the nicest perk of all the lines. I need to get there quick!
  16. Oh well that was quick. I am sure if they give people a good product people would book. The product is still unknown in this newly branded ship. The royal cruises are actually getting more expensive every winter that I go on so there seems to be demand. Well carnival must be bleeding too much to even take a chance. Royal, NCL and now MSC see something - carnival doesn’t want to chance it.
  17. In my not being there I went to guest services and cancelled my tips just to see if I could do it when I wasn’t actually on the ship. To my surprise my final bill never came to the cruise I never took.
  18. I cancelled a cruise as well on anthem and got all the emails including an email stating that my final bill will be coming on the last night that I was not there.
  19. Many places to meet on the ship. A standard room would prob not be a place you would want to all meet in.
  20. We did this - it was a coach like bus. Save your money IMHO - it’s a waste of time to see a civilization who killed their strongest and basically eliminated themselves. But if you still go it’s a good hour or more of a ride and the guides will take you on the ruins and talk to you about the great Canadian philanthropist who bankrolled the excavation and preservation.
  21. I would like Carnival to start banning some of the bad fish on the ships - would make a better experience for all on board -
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