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Everything posted by Tree_skier

  1. Good to know. Just a coincidence for me I guess. I looked up all my other cruises and I have either have Italian or nothing listed as available for embarkation lunch. I'll keep my eyes out for it.
  2. No, the charge that wouldn't go through didn't show up in my order history but is showing as pending on my credit card.
  3. I had the same thing with with a UDP purchase. I was told that it was a temporary hold and that it would drop off in a few days. Apparently yesterday was a zoo with IT problems. Today all my purchases have gone through. I used a different credit card just to make sure there was no issue with charges going through that looked like the one that needs to drop off.
  4. There has been a change for me. I'm now seeing the first device for 13.99 and all subsequent devices for 11.99 per device.
  5. No, Chops isn't usually open on embarkation day. My last couple of cruises only Giovanni's or Jamies was open for embarkation lunch.
  6. I'm in the same boat as several others here. Attempted to make a purchase which the cruise planner said didn't go through. However when I look at my online banking it shows a pending charge. What a colossal fail on behalf of Royal. Their biggest sale of the year and this is what customers have to deal with.
  7. The new internet pricing is goofy. I want to pay for up front and not depend on them to know about the discount months later.
  8. I made a purchase yesterday in my cruise planner. It indicated that it didn't go through. However when I look at my online banking it shows a pending charge for the amount of the purchase. Royal's IT is embarrassing.
  9. I'm still getting squat when I go to the website. I booked something for cococay and labadee through the app but it frustrating trying to get into website.
  10. Make sure you sign up for zone zero VR experience. It's hoot for all ages.
  11. I was in A and C in February. I'm not really sure what to tell you except you'll enjoy yourself. We did. Specific questions may elicit more responses. Here is a link to my live review from Odyssey in February that includes stops in Aruba and Curacao. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2830373-not-homer’s-odyssey-semi-live-odyssey-of-the-seas/
  12. We did that on our one only MSC cruise. We boarded at Civitavecchia. It was weird watching people do muster when we were on 3rd or 5th day.
  13. I was hoping for that to be the case for me as I have been fortunate like that before. I booked Icon the day they came out. It's up $400 since.
  14. Absolutely Barcelona. I would only board at Civitavecchia if my intention was to tour Rome before or afterwards.
  15. Was that MDR lasagna because I've never had that? I enjoyed my Giovanni's lasagna. I thought it was quite flavorful
  16. What's even worse is when they combine your girl friends C&A account with your current wife's C&A account... Awkward! 🤡
  17. It doesn't matter what the site is. Whether it is TripAdvisor reviews or Google reviews or right here on Cruise Critic, I always look at the number of contribution someone has made to a particular site. I will weight a reviewer's review differently depending on the whether it was their one and only review or they if they are a regular contributor to a community. Also, their experience if discernible will help weight the review as well.
  18. We still don't know what question the OP asked. It's hard to judge a matter until you know every detail.
  19. I think tomorrow. I had previously posted that we should expect to see it Wednesday based on previous years experience. However, It would appear based on the email that it starts tomorrow.
  20. I've got a list on a spread sheet of everything I want to book and the current prices, the previous sale prices and a blank spot for whatever we see tomorrow. We'll see what the savings turn out to be.
  21. This is the right answer. I think some are conflating two different emails. One indicated that cruise planner sales begin tomorrow and then there was a second email indicating that C and A members get 24 hour early access sales on new cruises. I still think we'll see a decrease in prices in the cruise planner starting tomorrow.
  22. We had Funk it up on our Serenade cruise to Alaska in 2021. They were talented just a little too easy listening for me.
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