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Everything posted by Tree_skier

  1. Saw video of this on my Youtube feed before I even saw the headline... Absolutely unbelievable! So very very sad and tragic.
  2. Beautiful! I spent one week out in PEI back 2012 considering an opportunity that was offered to me. It wasn’t the right move for me so we didn’t take it but I fell in love with the Atlantic coast and have great visions of one day returning.
  3. Thanks for the history info. I've been a big follower over the years of Super Rugby and have observed some very impressive ANZAC day pre-game ceremonies. Super Rugby season traditionally rolls over ANZAC day. I just assumed that that was it for you guys and Remembrance Day was a Canada/UK thing. I was surprised and impressed by the picture you posted.
  4. Uh... How does that work? Does that mean she could use your vouchers but you couldn't use hers. I'd be trying to reverse asap... 🙂
  5. Airborne was hard to find back in Canada when were there for all of 2020. I think I had success at Costco but my memory fails me at times
  6. Sorrentos on Navigator was horrible only to be eaten after a sufficient quantity of adult beverages. On Ovation it was much better. It's odd to me that the quality ranges so substantially from ship to ship. You'd think their system create some consistency.
  7. That is a very impressive Day 1 list! I'm sure you have a system you're teaching her for next day recovery but I have a system I have been very effective. Take two Airborne tablets and drop them in a bottle of water, let them dissolve for about 10 minutes and down it before getting into bed. The next morning start your morning with the same thing and you will be good to go day after day. https://www.amazon.com/Vitamin-1000mg-Effervescent-Gluten-Free-Antioxidants/dp/B00NRYD7NS/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=3PC3MSFME5VZI&keywords=airborne+effervescent+tablets&qid=1668205924&sprefix=airborne%2Caps%2C750&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1&smid=A2Z8X18L22UI0S
  8. Question for my friend from down under. You observe both remembrance day and ANZAC day... How are the two distinguished from each other?
  9. Yeah I could see different cabins being a hair in the biscuit. I imagine when they look on the computer they would be looking at your specific cabin. Is there a way to link them in such a way that would overcome this?
  10. I had no trouble using my wife's vouchers. I did it both in the Casino and the Bamboo Room. The bartenders can easily see it on their screen.
  11. I have no interest in going to Bar Harbor. My preference is they drop Bar Harbor immediately. However, to continually assert that there is no constitutional precedent to challenge the implementation of this plebiscite is disingenuous.
  12. The Supreme Court has ruled the 5th and 14th amendment apply. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_movement_under_United_States_law
  13. So this lovely sight greeted me this morning. Beautiful snow on the mountains. This is in Southern California. The local ski area, Big Bear Lake is not opening yet but they are surprisingly close considering the date. However, back home in central California, my SIL let me know that the season is about to begin. SIL is on his way up right now to scope out the conditions. Sadly I won't be home until the week of Thanksgiving. Hopefully I can slide on up the day before turkey day. The day after turkey day I fly to Hawaii. As an ex-pat Canadian one of the things that I miss living in the USA around this time of year is the ubiquitous poppys you see almost everyone wearing in Canada. When I moved to the US in 2016 I had a couple of the traditional poppys sold in every establishment and sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion. I wore it proudly every year in the week leading up to Nov 11 and it would often spark interesting conversations with people curious about it when they saw it. Sadly, a couple of years ago the last one I had fell apart. Last year felt genuinely weird without wearing one. However, this year I made sure from now on I will have one I can to wear proudly for years to come. This one is solid metal with gold etching. I've had lots of conversations this week. I know for most on this thread tomorrow is Veterans Day. For me it will always be Remembrance Day. I thankful for my heritage and proud of my former home and native land's history and contribution to freedom and liberty around the world.
  14. Nobody needs an excuse to book and extra cruise. Sometimes it just makes us feel good though 😉
  15. So sorry for your eye pain... I hope you feel better soon. Also sorry for bringing Covid discussion into this thread @dani negreanu and others. It was my response to @Sea Dog that precipitated it. It was inadvertent and done without malice but inappropriate. I'd delete it if I could. Sorry.
  16. The drink benefit all by itself is worth over $1100 per 7 day cruise if it keeps you from having to buy a drink package.
  17. It was last minute and you are booking different category's. Book two of the noted interiors and your price is half. Pretty great deal then.
  18. No worries, after you posted I looked it up on Cruisemapper. Im sure they look completely alike from a distance.
  19. True, they are not synonymous but are very closely related.
  20. We are embarking POA on Nov 26th and have fortunately gotten the earliest boarding time. My experience with Royal is that while you have a boarding time it is rarely enforced and can sometimes turn into a free for all. What is it like with NCL at Honolulu. Should I expect an orderly embarkation process? Or should I expect a crush of people all trying to get on the ship as early as possible?
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