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Everything posted by Purdey16

  1. Very pleased for you sue that your dad is home now and your mum and dad back together in their own home , A big Happy Anniversary to you on Monday.
  2. Very pleased for you sue that your dad is home now and your mum and dad back together in their own home , A big Happy Anniversary to you on Monday.
  3. We went to the beach again for our lunch today which is getting a bit of a habit lately since moving last year it only takes us a ten minute walk and I’m slow, salmon sandwiches again today but no wine this time just a flask of coffee, almost a beach to ourselves, cloudy at times but when sun was out it was hot .
  4. Hope you have a lovely holiday and enjoy visiting family, fingers crossed for your flight.
  5. Have a lovely cruise zap look forward to you telling us all about it , hope the sun shines for you 🌞😎
  6. Hi Avril , I think it’s more than perfect for two people, I cooked 2 chicken Kievs and two portions of chips all together tonight, a nice square basket and very easy to clean, it is big and it sits on top of my cooker because I don’t have space in my cupboards, it comes in black or all white which is what I’ve got .
  7. I don’t know about that wowzz but I’m happy not spending so much time in a hot kitchen cooking dinner now and more time for sitting down drinking some nice wine 😉
  8. I wouldn’t be without my air fryer now and only had it for two weeks, it is a big one 5 ltr and a big square basket which is better than a round basket, much easier to put things into , also just had a smart meter installed yesterday and tested out the oven usage compared to the air fryer and way lower of course, cooking things frozen too is a bonus, I’m still learning and going to bake a cake in it this weekend. After reading many reviews and what was best for me and voted best from BBC good food I brought the COSORI xxl 5.5l oil free one from Amazon. but I’m baffled how to cook paella in it though 🤷‍♀️
  9. Have a lovely holiday vamps and I’m sure your girls will be very well behaved and you’re soon be able to relax and get plenty of sleep. I look forward to hearing about your cruise when you return 😎
  10. Have a wonderful cruise Andrew and I look forward to hearing about it all 😎
  11. Happy you have eventually got some rain , we have too now for the next few hours it’s dampened our beach plans this morning but the rain is more important for now, beach tomorrow instead, hope you have a good soaking and I mean that in the politeness of ways ☔️
  12. Nice to hear from you Damian and your well , but sorry to hear you had to cancel your cruise, but on the plus side Michelle will get to spend some time with her sister and you some relaxing dog walking in what looks like a beautiful place, Teddy is looking very grown up and handsome.
  13. A belated wedding anniversary wishes to you graham and Pauline I hope you had a lovely day yesterday and have a special wedding anniversary meal out tonight with your Sarah, cheers to 41 years 🥂🍾💐
  14. Ha ha I think our bad luck run out late 90s , with selling a beautiful car which someone brought of us to specifically end their life in very sad , so no we’re pass on coming to Mt Etna with you even now we’ve been trouble free for 20 years 🥴
  15. Personally I love everyone’s photos on here whether it’s gardens, sunrises , hotels, dinners, celebrating a special occasion, a new car , booking a new cruise, I’m celebrating my life !! As on numerous occasions me and my husband have had several near misses, ie , being rescued in Yellowstone national park fire in 1988, caught in the great San Francisco earthquake 1989, being late for our ferry the Zeebrugge ferry disaster 1987 ( god rest all the 193 that died then ) we being a family of 4 with 2 small children under age 3 , to saying goodbye to my husband in 1990 for the gulf war not knowing if I would ever see him again and numerous occasions after that , I certainly know what’s going on in this world at the moment and feel for everyone going through hard times as we are too, so we are living for everyday while we can enjoy your life as much as you can everyday is precious, so I love to read when others are able to share what ever they can do even if it just going to the beach and having a McFlurry, favourite pizza restaurant, etc , this is a everyday thread and we should be able to post what we’re up to if we want.Rant over I hope I’ve not offended anyone but I’ve kept quiet for a number of years now and I think we’ve all gone through some tough times and still going through them .
  16. So pleased for you Michelle it’s been found and on its way home , we’re also on our way home now off to the airport in a hour so should be home for 6 tonight it will be nice to be home in my own home and bed with my fans going on all night , I feel so guilty when having them on all night in someone’s else’s home . Lovely pictures graham of the Lake District and hotels.
  17. Safe journey tomorrow Brian and enjoy Italy and make sure you get your euros back cause that’s lots of pasta & pizza money 😋
  18. Sorry to hear this Dave and I hope everything turns out well for you and the insurance company is understanding in this and continue to keep you insured with them for your upcoming holiday.
  19. Have a lovely holiday Michelle especially with your grandchildren, my grandchildren are arriving tomorrow to join us out in fuerteventura, it’s hot but windy here .
  20. I love your food pictures graham and nice to see where you visit each time for your lunches , enjoy everyone of them you work hard for it and life’s to short for Pauline to be cooking all the time 😉
  21. Good morning to all this morning sunshine again down here and dry as a bone with no rain , what a brilliant Sunday of sport yesterday with the F1 Hamilton & Russell and then the ladies football and then the commonwealth games . Finishing my packing today has I’m off to fuerteventura for two weeks to look after father in law and a dog so only half a holiday for me because I have to cook 😁 but it will be hot out there and at least they have a swimming pool next door to cool down in . Hope all that’s going on a cruise have a wonderful time and those staying at home continue to have a relaxing summer 😎
  22. So sorry to hear this josy , I hope you’re symptoms are mild and not feeling to I’ll . Like you I am also careful in what I’m doing, especially in lifts and touching surfaces, but I still got it back in may , so I wish you speedy recovery.
  23. Good morning all sounds like you all kept yourselves cool yesterday, we stayed in all day until the time was to leave for the Michael Buble concert and after a long walk through some rough cut grass queuing for the gates to open which was the hottest part off we went to get a good position and we did , had a brilliant evening and his voice was still fantastic live , my sore knees held up good for 7 hours walking and standing but I wasn’t giving my space up for late comers pushing their way through, I’m sure il be suffering today today but it was worth it . Have a lovely day everyone 🌞
  24. Yes it should be , I have a few mini fans that will last all night it just about fits in my back pocket and quite powerful, I’m not taking a bag because the size allowed is small , and there plenty of food and drink places to buy stuff etc obviously at a high price but I’m certainly looking forward to see Michael after all these years .
  25. I remember my very first day arriving in Canada transferring from airport to our new house it was 112 dgs and we stopped to get ice creams for the kids while travelling and they didn’t even last 1 lick 😂 and was told by a native Indian sat outside the shop that you don’t buy ice creams in this weather you buy slush puppies.
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