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Everything posted by Purdey16

  1. Nice to see you back Emma , hope your health issues are on the mend and sounds if youā€™re having new adventures ahead, Iā€™ve missed the low riders stories, take care
  2. Weā€™re on sky two times next year, one to Iceland and one in September to Spain/ Italy sheā€™s just a bit more glamorous but not over the top sort of way .
  3. As you know from the roll call weā€™re on the same cruise, she is a old ship we like her but I do prefer sky princess to her and Iā€™ve never been on a Cunard ship , the time we were on her for 30 days to the Caribbean was lovely but this was some 5 years ago and couldnā€™t fault anything but as wowzz said whoā€™s been on her after that sheā€™s looking tired and could do with a refurbishment, I love our cabin weā€™ve booked right at the front of the ship so we can see where we are going at all times and get to have one big wrapped around balcony that not a lot of people use , itā€™s a bit private and you have to have strong mussels to open the two doors to go out but we do that every morning when coming into dock and have a cup of tea out there , but last in is your responsibility to close the doors shut and I love the hot stone beds in the spa looking out to see instead of four walls and pool .
  4. Thank you very much Picsa thatā€™s a lot of information there Iā€™m going to be writing all this down , we will be hiring a car for 10 days and exploring all .
  5. Thanks grumpycruiser, and wowzz Iā€™ve made a note of those restaurants nameā€™s .
  6. Thank you all for the get well wishes for FIL , good news is that he is now home and on antibiotics he had a water infection which put stress on his heart and because he didnā€™t tell anyone until it was to late it made him quite Iā€™ll, the Spanish doctors were brilliant and so was easy jet re arranging my husbandā€™s flight this morning because in his panic last night he got the date wrong and booked the flight for next Tuesday but they sorted him out and even sat him at the front of the plane for landing so he could be first off , so everyone is happy now and heā€™s looking to come home Thursday, obviously misses me to much šŸ˜
  7. Wowzz Iā€™m going to Madeira in March for a 10 day land holiday and hiring a car so any suggestions or tips to visit somewhere different?
  8. Good morning everyone whoā€™s been getting them zzzzzā€™s in , Iā€™ve been up all night taking my husband to Gatwick airport to fly out to fuerteventura because his dad is in hospital, we got a phone call at 9 last night from sister and said heā€™d been in all day and staying in and heā€™s asked for Andy ( his son) so heā€™s gone this morning, it is a bit of deja vu from last year when we were getting ready to go on a cruise in September and his mum took Iā€™ll and sadly died when we were on the cruise, and again weā€™re going on a cruise in two weeks time !! , Iā€™m staying here for the rest of the week until Monday and will go out on Monday if heā€™s still in hospital hopefully not šŸ™. Anyway have a good day everyone and Zapp enjoy your cruise, Safe driving home Brian love the Moselle valley camped at night along the river when we were younger . lincslady thatā€™s a lovely thought sending a quick m every morning to ease ther minds .
  9. Good afternoon grumpycruiser, glad youā€™ve decided to stop lurking around šŸ˜‚ and I hope you enjoy your cruise on Arcadia soon to see the northern lights hope you get some fantastic photos . Weā€™re on Arcadia on the 18 th so it will be interesting what you think of her and what is open and how the staff is at the moment, we love Arcadia being a small adult ship but I think princess is winning at the moment in our hearts , hope you have a lovely time .
  10. Lovely nice job for today staking that away neatly in the wood shed, love a open fire or a log burner in the winter. Enjoy your drive home soon Brian to chilly wet uk šŸ˜‰
  11. Im so sorry to hear this josy about the abuse that you have had to put up with over the time of your volunteering, there are many obnoxious people around who think that they are entitled to everything . You are right that centres have only so many spare injections for walk ins and we nearly got turned away at 11 oā€™clock, they were stating no more walk ins today but I said to the car park man ( nicely) that weā€™d come from Bournemouth to bath race course to have it done and he waved us through then so we were very happy to have it done as we go away on holiday soon , we were all mixed ages there over 65s and down to children, I have asthma so pleased to get it , it looked like we were all getting the same jabs because of 1 que and then just sent to booths , we had the spikevax with the two omicron variations one . I do hope you stay because people like you are gold to us with all your help , I appreciate you and what you do , but itā€™s your decision and youā€™ve done your bit . Take care
  12. Try a walk in clinic, go on the app as if you were booking a appointment and scroll down to find walk in clinics and put in your post code for nearest one , you have to be over 50 to have one , thatā€™s what me and my husband did as we are not 65 yet still got a few years to reach that and try and go first thing in the morning. Our nearest one was 23 miles away but we made a day trip out of it and we always get ours done together for remembering dates etc .
  13. We are on this one too Avril , be nice to meet up and have coffee/ tea or something stronger šŸ˜‰
  14. Pleased you donā€™t have to have a hip op just yet but I hope your injections go well today and you are pain free and home soon .
  15. Is that what I think it is !!! šŸ˜‚ , anyway I hope you have a great time on virtuosa on Friday we went to Southampton today and she was in alongside Island Princess, virtuosa looked huge against her , weā€™re getting excited for our trip now in 3 weeks time on Arcadia to the Greek islands.
  16. We preferred pearl and coral which was more open and spacious with views of the aft , waiters quick , felt a bit hemmed in the other two and one was quite dark and close tables together. Service was slower.
  17. I second megabears choice, Iā€™ve stayed a few times at the chewton Glen if you want special itā€™s it with a spa but pricey, out door heated pool as well and takes about 30 minutes to get to Southampton or they do drive you there options.
  18. Glad youā€™re feeling a bit better now Michelle and enjoy shopping with your mum and Blackpool illuminations with the grandchildren.
  19. Josy your brilliant and very energetic but I think first thing in the morning is the best time to get things done and prepared for the rest of the day , so enjoy the rest of the day and put your feet up now.
  20. Thanks Terri , yes the roll call is very quiet but thereā€™s not many off us on it so hopefully the cruise will be half empty šŸ˜ wishful thinking, at least weā€™re be a bit more protected just in case but il still wear my face mask in certain areas and especially on the coach tours .
  21. Looks lovely Wowzz and glad you got to go away and have a beautiful sea view any tips where you are? Have a lovely day anyway.
  22. Good morning everyone another full day of watching tv I think today a sad day šŸ„² I think Iā€™ll be staying in my pjs all day not had a good night after having the booster yesterday in fact the worst I ever felt from them with a very sore arm and shivers and temperature and stabbing pains all over and now the other half is feeling unwell so weā€™re both having lemsips so a chill day today Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be all ok in a few more hours onward and upwards šŸ„“ .
  23. Also a little tip is if you want a table at the front I think roughly there are 8 , if you donā€™t mind standing a while then que outside venue about 35/40 minutes before doors open , but donā€™t worry if youā€™re not at the front you can see wear ever you sit .
  24. Went to bath today to see family and then on to bath racecourse to have a booster vacation walk- in one , lovely place and lovely helpers today, only because weā€™re still under 65 and canā€™t make a appointment but if youā€™re over 50 you can go anywhere and do a walk in , we donā€™t have any walk in ones here at the moment ( Bournemouth) our nearest one on line was Salisbury but since I was going to bath and Stour head today we tried our luck so now hopefully weā€™re a bit more protected for our cruise next month on Arcadia, so stour head ( national trust) was a lovely place to walk around the lake and the trees were just starting to change colours, the house was shut due to repairs so we will return in a few weeks time .
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