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Everything posted by Purdey16

  1. All good I’ll be able to try the new restaurant out on my 3rd June trip to Iceland, plenty of catch of the day from there then 😁. Im glad your having a nice time wowzz and keeping us informed cheers 🍷
  2. Very pleased for you indiana that it went well and hope for good results for you , sorry though you ran out off time to catch a show , it’s been a long day for you all and I’m sending my best wishes and fingers crossed for good results.
  3. Wowzz glad you’re having a lovely time on sky and things are going good for you in the restaurant, what time are you roughly going to dinner? We normally go around 8 or 8.30 so hopefully not to busy then and then onto the last show.
  4. So I’ve just said good bye to dad between fly home later tonight, he’s gone to bed now for a sleep and I don’t think he’ll be awake when we leave , he was very emotional , we are due to come out end of June to look after him for a week 🤞 he doesn’t seem to think he’ll be here but he’s a cat with 9 lives with what he’s gone through over the years I’ve told him he will see 89 years old all be it a lot slower mobility wise but I will see him , ( we can only hope ) so flight at 7.25 tonight with 4 minutes delay I can live with that 😁 home about 2.30 in morning.
  5. Wowzz your on one of our favourite ships and we have the premium plus drinks package paid before they put the prices up to 15$ a drink and like you we enjoy a good red full bodied so any hints on what you liked from their list is greatly appreciated, hope you have a fantastic cruise.
  6. Onhhh it’s always beautiful down south don’t worry have fun 🤩
  7. Always remember though if doing a P &O excursion like we did you only get about 30 to 40 minutes up the top , and if there are a lot of people at the top this cuts the time down due to you been given a time to be back down for the bus . Im going again this June and making our own way there on the shuttle and pre booking because this time we are going for a hike up the top
  8. Have a lovely time josy and wowzz on sky princess and calm seas for you
  9. So sorry to hear your results Pam and hope your treatment starts soon , enjoy your coffee with your friends and have a large piece of cake . We’re all sending you virtual big hugs and support on here 💐
  10. Good morning all , good news is dad got home late last night it was a struggle to get him on a flight and in and out of taxis then the last 5 steps up to the house he was very exhausted, looking very frail but we’re all very happy he’s back with us and he even watched Scotland beat Spain last night footy , I’m sure now’s he’s home he will get better but it’s a long road he has a doctors appointment on Friday and then we will know a lot more because she speaks good English and explain things better. We have booked our flights home for Friday and b…… expensive they were but it’s the start of Easter holidays. Josy I hope you have a lovely holiday when you go soon and plenty of sunshine for you . Brian I hope you foot is getting a lot better and less painful.
  11. Thank you Avril he’s certainly a lot better considering going from Tuesday not surviving his blood infection to maybe coming out over weekend or Monday, also his artery from heart to groin has completely collapsed causing a blood infection, anyway strong antibiotics have apparently sorted that out ( blood infection) he’s too old for the operation to repair the artery even a young man would struggle to survive that they said but my husband and sister in law haven’t been able to really get a proper update from doctors to what’s happening, he’s 89 and I don’t think he’s quite understanding what they are saying, he thinks he’s getting out every day but we do know he’s not not been helicopter back to fuerteventura but flying at our expense, we have to know he’s strong enough for that flight , they haven’t even had him out of the bed to walk let alone make himself go through airports stuff etc but we’re certainly happy he’s still here no matter what ,hopefully they will keep him in for the weekend but the hospital in Gran Canaria is so busy just like uk with patients queuing in corridors and very very strict on visits. I might just say he’s not my father my parents died years ago but he’s been more of a father to me than my own father that’s why I call him dad , I’ve not been able to see him yet I left that to his son and daughter, I’m just holding the fort at the other end , cleaning, shopping, making there dinner’s, and taking them to airport every morning and night , My husband says he wants the miracle medication he’s on , we’re not sure what what the future is with this collapsed artery entails. Thank you for asking Avril, I hope you and Frank are well and happy.
  12. Looking nasty Brian but happy you got antibiotics, make sure you don’t get any flys near it 🫣
  13. Well went to the place where my case was and it was behind a reception desk at a low grade hotel that only has the doors open at 10 o’clock so we came home and I then took my husband and sister in law to airport at 9 and then I went to the airport office to see if there’s was still there and it wasn’t so I could see no other cases there it’s all open so I drove back home to the hotel to wait for it to open and I’d thought I’d just check my air tag again and my suitcase was back at the airport 🤬so I drove back to the airport to pick it up I wasn’t going home and sitting waiting for them to deliver it , after all a girls got to change her clothes 😄 so happy now I’ve got it , husband just got to hospital now to see what’s going on , Thank you everyone for your wishes and concern.
  14. funny thing is I have a Apple air tag inside my suitcase my husband and staff tried chasing after them yesterday but we think they got into a taxi, my tag as them now in the same town we’re staying in 7 minutes away , if that was me taking someone else’s suitcase last night I would of returned it straight back to the airport it’s only a 8 minute run ! So this morning just having a cup of tea and going out in the car with the tracker on and knocking on ther door , after 7 o’clock of course 🥴 , should of done it last night but left it in their hands using common sense and the airport to deliver the case they said and besides we were to upset about dad and getting up dates on him .
  15. Well it sounds now you need some antibiotics, not being rude or anything but as you get older your resistance gets weaker so no gaffer tape on that now 🥴
  16. You’re up early today Brian or are you on a time difference?
  17. Me too I’m awake and have been a few hours, we’re back in fuerteventura now due to dad being seriously I’ll in hospital got here last night and someone took our suitcase from belt and left theirs, same colour and same colour ribbon so now staying in dirty clothes for hospital visit, we left there’s at the airport and hopefully they will take ours back , not a good time to experience and thankfully we put some important paperwork in our rucksack , power of attorney etc stuff, makes it difficult because we have to fly to Gran Canaria each morning because that’s where they flu him too because he’s so I’ll .
  18. I have always kept mine in the original boxes and taken along a prescription slip as well and when I’ve been on stronger control drugs that you have to sign for at pharmacy I get a doctors letter stating that , never had a problem even on a flight and carrying over a months worth with me half in suitcase and half in hand luggage, always carrying extra for unexpected delays, if in doubt about your medication get a doctors print out or letter.
  19. Good morning everyone I’m home now had a couple of hours sleep, got in at 3 o’clock this morning, flight was delayed etc , we’ve had a wonderful time in Madeira explored almost everything and weather was good, just a last few photos of the last day’s dinners and chilling .As a joke the pictures of the trees that look like potatoes trees my daughters believed they were 😂😂
  20. Good morning Brian I hope you’re having a lovely time, those trees look a bit errie but I love sunrises and sunsets, here’s mine this morning sat on balcony with cup of tea
  21. Azura just leaving Madeira now been a long day in from early morning
  22. Good afternoon everyone it’s been a cloudy cool day today with only a little bit of sun first thing this morning, 3 ships in today which made the town very busy, today p&o Azura , since we have been here it’s just been 1 p&o ship a week in but others especially Aida have been in every day , hotel staff say we normally get 3 ships in a day in the winter and 1 ship in a week in the summer!!! Strange, went to what they call fishermen village today very quiet we got there before all the buses turned up then went back into town for lunch and to scout out a restaurant for tonight’s meal so we’re going to a Irish pub/restaurant for a change.
  23. Having a good time still in Madeira, visiting all my spots I picked out before leaving uk , today’s sunrise, then on to Santana for the triangle houses, then on to the highest peak on the island but I could only make it halfway bit high enough to be above the clouds for a picnic.
  24. A drive up to monte this morning where the cable car stops my plan was to walk around the gardens up there but other half didn’t want to , watched the basket men push the people down the road, it’s funny how 20 years ago we didn’t take anything in and couldn’t remember seeing things at the top but it was a P&O excursion and you’re just following everyone else and rushing to get to the basket ride down, we had a good walk around and went inside a church can’t remember what it was called, lovely sunshine up there early before we left the clouds were coming in then back to the hotel for some lengths in the pool then onto Reid’s for afternoon tea which was lovely, we then went to our sister hotel where we can use their facilities, lovely pool and we sat and watched the two ships that were in today sail out . Tomorrow is a boat trip to hopefully see some whales and dolphins and then more scary driving and more new words to learn 🫣 have a lovely day tomorrow everyone and stay warm inside out of trouble.
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