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Everything posted by Itchy&Scratchy

  1. cruising is so much more fun. Our family is a lot like yours - we are in our 40, one kid, my parents are in their 70s. They love cruising with us. Since we only have one kid, one cabin is all we need. That said, sometimes two cabins with 2 people in them are cheaper to book than a cabin for 4. You really have to check all the prices before booking.
  2. I didn't think I did anything extra to link the accounts, but when I check the 3 of us in, I always use my Visa for all of us. This time we had $125 OBC, and I brought $400 worth of Princess gift cards with me, which I deposited to my account at Guest Services once the long lines have dissipated. I checked the folios daily on the app. The emailed folio for my son and DH has this line at the end of it: Folio to Folio Transfer: MRS ITCHY&SCRATCHY and their balances are transferred to my folio and then the OBC/Gift card credits are applied to them. My folio says: Folio to Folio Transfer: MR son of ITCHY&SCRATCHY and Folio to Folio Transfer: MR Husband of ITCHY&SCRATCHY
  3. but when I get Mocha CreamIce (iced coffee), I don't ask for a double shot of espresso. It's a rather small plastic cup of coffee.
  4. but it's not a DOUBLE. Medium coffee is not usually double the size of a small coffee. Even a large coffee is usually not double.
  5. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/308-private-islands/ basically, you can snorkel right around the wooden pier and there are a ton of fish there. Bring some hot dog or hamburger buns with you from the buffet, and they'll have a feast, while you are having the time of your life. Have somebody throw pieces of bread into water off of the pier so you don't have to deal with soggy bread while snorkeling.
  6. good idea, thank you! I was eyeing it until I saw this thread.
  7. Enchanted has coffee machines in the buffet (free brewed coffee), but dang it - they were broken half the time.
  8. but it's not a "remote island in Africa" do they even celebrate Thanksgiving on Tenerife?
  9. exactly what did you expect them to do? Run down to the nearest coffee shop? These people work for pennies and don't have any say in coffee selection. That's exactly what we do on RCI cruises - bring our own instant coffee.
  10. it does for everyone. Just click cancel and login with the regular Princess login.
  11. it looked right, but the taste was way off. Dunes tasted a lot more like the Midori Sour I've always gotten. Not a drinker at all, and we don't ever get a package - I only get one or two cocktails on a cruise, so I didn't want to get another one remade. room delivery is free. Hint-hint. order at different bars and find the bartender who makes it to your liking? I did.
  12. Midori Sour made for me on Enchanted was the worst drink I've ever had. However, Dunes which has about the same ingredients was magical. If you like tart, I'd advise you to try an Ultimate Cooler. When you are on a ship, open the Princess app, click on Order, and go to Beverages. You can look at each beverage's ingredients to see what you'd like the best without actually ordering them. My hubs really liked Georgia Tea.
  13. no, of course, not. And we are not as old as the majority of the cruisers were on this cruise. We are still under 50. 🙂 We even use knuckles to push elevator buttons. Paper towels to open doors. You know - regular precautions in public places.
  14. we were on Harmony last Thanksgiving and also wore masks. RCI didn't have a sip-n-cover rule. It was just masks indoors unless actively eating or drinking. Everybody masked most of the time, crew did at all times, but quite a few cruisers ignored it outright, even in crowded places like theater and ice rink. However, we felt much safer covid-wise at that time, and that's the reason I booked a cruise for this TG.
  15. not in GA... In a very long time. My mom actually had an emergency in June and an overnight hospital stay when we came back from the cruise with Covid, and I couldn't go with her to the hospital. But they didn't test her. They tested her for everything under the moon, even A1C for some reason, but not for Covid.
  16. we were on 8 as well. 🙂 I can only do 3 flights of stairs up before I run out of juice (out of shape and very fluffy), but we routinely walked down from 16 just to avoid taking the elevator.
  17. On the same cruise - lot of people coughing and sneezing. Some did it right in their hand. Some didn't bother covering up at all. A woman on the elevator with us coughed without covering up - I was visibly taken aback. She was like - it's not covid. And I said - you still have to cover up, nobody wants your mucus all over them. We wore masks indoors at all times, unless actively eating. We didn't get covid THIS time, but we got it on our last cruise in June. This time we were freshly boostered in addition to having it in June. We also used plastic gloves at the buffet because I saw people sneezing into their hand and then touching public utensils. Otherwise, I'd have to wash my hands after every plate fill up. Which I occasionally did, when not wearing gloves. I did this because we touched a lot of foods with our hands - peeling hard boiled eggs, eating donuts and sandwiches, mcmuffins, etc.
  18. that would be my plan as well. As an example - Enchanted is a much newer ship, yet she had engine troubles during our TG sailing and we were about 2 hours late arriving in St Thomas. Could it happen to Island? Yes, it could.
  19. perhaps, you should be asking if she is allowed to debark early, instead of confusing them with the flight information.
  20. so, the cruise doesn't end in Barcelona, right? But your client is trying to bail at an earlier stop? I am not sure she is allowed to get off the ship earlier, at least without incurring some kind of a fine in some cases. Perhaps, that's why the system is telling her she is departing too soon.
  21. I don't know. We've never cruised on MSC before (tried twice, though, but the pandemic ruined our plans). 🙂
  22. is it open for breakfast? Not for alcohol. 🙂 Where can we get specialty coffees during breakfast? How about sodas? We were spoiled by having a freestyle coke machine on the Allure of the Seas, but found it somewhat difficult to get a soda during breakfast on Enchanted Princess, since most bars are still closed. Sure, you can try to ask a waiter/waitress for one, but there were few available during breakfast and they were busy.
  23. yes, we enjoyed it very much when DS was younger. Now he is a "big" boy, almost a teen, so he doesn't want to go to that party anymore. I still have pins he made years ago during this party. 🙂 Fun times. 🙂 I thought these were pretty new productions. Did you see them this year? I am sorry you couldn't enjoy all the food. Having allergies is very tough, and staying safe while eating unfamiliar food is as well. Jayson was awesome! I saw him do the dance classes and he also did the flashmob dance!
  24. we had to take this tour last November and it was good. But I wouldn't say this beach is the most beautiful or whatnot. Secret sands: We like going to Sapphire beach - just as beautiful. And has amenities. How much was the Secret Sands tour supposed to be? It's not on the taxi list from last month. I think we may have paid $36 pp in Nov 2021, but now it's probably a lot more.
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