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Everything posted by Yesimapirate

  1. Well, since you said entitled.... You actually ARE entitled to get what you pay for. You ARE entitled to get what's advertised and listed as a benefit. If you're tired of hearing people's opinions then perhaps it's not they who are entitled and you can take a break from reading. Personally, what I'm tired of is paying more and having NCL announce I'll be getting less AFTER final payment. I'm also pretty tired of people knocking fair and balanced opinions because "that doesn't bother me". That's great. But it DID bother them and the whole point here is to share. If you loke musical theater and maybe you don't have access to Broadway or a quality regional theater, then getting rid of a show is going to bother you and is a VALID complaint. If you asked for Kaluha and rather than get another bottle or even tell you they're out but just pour something else, that's a valid complaint. If the concierge says they'll get you dining reservations, fails to do so and you can do it yourself, that's a valid complaint. When you're suddenly being charged for something that was included (and you've already paid for), that doesn't make you a pig. It's a valid complaint. Those are all examples of things you've attacked people for in the last few days. Maybe the problem isn't that people are entitled and constantly complain but that you blindly defend NCL, insult people who disagree with you and don't allow for an unbiased discussion.
  2. @dcipjr Most of us would ageee with you that there is a difference from ship to ship. However, I would argue that is proof of a decline in quality. The entire point of a brand is that you get the same thing across the board. The rules should be exactly the same. The burger at O'sheehans/the local should look the same across the fleet. An espresso Martini should be the same at every bar, etc. The fact that the quality of each ship, especially when they're resupplied at the same port, is simply poor management.
  3. Sorry, are you complaining about the noise or discussing the new entertainment?😜
  4. I'm happy to hear about your experiences. However, that is not mine. Did they finally accommodate? Yes. Usually by dinner on the 2nd or 3rd night. But I shouldn't have to ask more than once or more than one person. I think mentioning if before the cruise, to the concierge upon board, in a letter to the concierge and to the restaurant manager at lunch should be enough to have something available for dinner. I'm really not seeing how this is a difficult request. I'm not asking them to make anything special. Just do have ANYTHING from another restaurant on the ship available. We don't care if it's from the buffet. We just want her to be able to enjoy it at dinner rather than us finishing dinner and walking to the buffet ourselves.
  5. This really bothers me. Not that they took care of your niece. I think that's great and they should. What bothers me is it seems so difficult to get my diabetic wife a sugar free dessert at the Haven restaurant. The following are replies we've received when we asked. Keep in mind that litterally EVERY other restaurant on the ship has sugar free/no sugar options available. -we only offer what's on the menu -have you tried the buffet -we might have some fruit left over from breakfast -I don't understand -you should have contacted the special needs desk/pre-departure concierge (I had contacted both -we don't have that because no one has ever asked -you should tell your butler to get something and bring it to your room -and just this morning I got an email saying it's up to the chef on board and I would need to discuss it with him Yes, the Haven which claims you can customize things is not willing to go to the buffet/main dining room or anywhere else to get the sugar free dessert already on offer to others. It's pretty frustrating and really just makes her feel bad for being a diabetic. This has happened on every single one of our cruises that had a Haven restaurant! Ironically, it's never been an issue on ships that didn't have a Haven restaurant when we asked at lunch.
  6. We all have different expectations. However, I find what I'm paying to be enough that I don't want to just "get by". I get by when I'm at home. I get by when I'm traveling for work. When I'm on vacation and paying a premium to be in the "luxury " (it's not true luxury by any stretch) of the Haven, I need more than get by. Getting by to me is stressful. The whole point is to make things easier and have less stress. But that's my personal feelings and everyone should do what works for them, even if I can't understand it. If I start feeling like it's just getting by then it will be time for me to look elsewhere, whether it's other cruiselines or non-cruise travel.
  7. Either way, I'm not offended:) I really appreciate the time you've spent sharing your experiences with us. And please save us a little Kaluha!😁
  8. I'll assume the stick up their butt comment was for me. That's ok if it is. Maybe I do. To each their own. However, I'm certainly not suggesting yelling at any of the crew. It obnoxious and simply won't resolve anything anyway. But there are also some things that cross the line. The sommelier losing the key card, no problem because it sounds like he resolved it. Mistakes happen and that's ok, just fix it. Pouring the wrong drink intentionally is not ok. In fact, in most places on land making a habit of that can cost you your liquor license. Making policies up rather than finding out the correct answer is also not ok with me. If you don't know, go take 2 minutes and get the correct answer. That's very basic customer service. As far as complaining about things, where else are you going to actually resolve the problem if not there on the ship? Would it be better to come here and rant? To email customer service when I get home and demand compensation? Threaten to never sail NCL again? I strongly believe a polite conversation with the concierge, F&B Manager, etc explaining the issue and clearly stating what you would like. In the OPs particular case, maybe something along the lines of "we really enjoy Kaluha and we're disappointed when something else was served to us. Do you happen to have any other inventory of it on the ship that can be stocked at the Haven bar?" No need to yell, get the bar tender in trouble or anything else. Simply an easy resolution. I don't think having high expectations is wrong, especially if they're reasonable based on the product being sold. If I wanted to have low expectations and be pleasantly be surprised then I wouldn't have simply booked something outside of the Haven.
  9. Call me Karen if you want. Hell, I'll even wear a dress if you want so no one gets confused that you're calling a man a woman's name but I'm not going to tolerate poor service in the Haven. Maybe all the negative posts recently is getting to me? Maybe I now have a chip on my shoulder? Possibly I'm being reminded of my horrendous Jade cruise 18 months ago? I now feel far more trepidation for my cruise in 9 days than excitement. And I'm not thrilled about that. I'm happy to see you're more tolerant than I am and glad you're enjoying your cruise.
  10. I'm annoyed enough that on my next cruise I will blatantly abuse absolutely everything.... except the lobster tail. Clearly they only consider multiple lobsters to be excessive. Since that's the only charge for additional food in the Haven, I will be eating a full cow's worth of filet. Surf and turf and turf and turf and turf and turf and turf and turf? Yes please!
  11. You can get beamed up once. Further beamings will be charged $25ea for your convenience
  12. It looks like you're having fun and that's great. However, your experiences are making me worry about my cruise. I'm not a fan of changing answers and fluctuating rules. That screams bad management and poor training.
  13. To me, the concierge rules the Haven. Thr concierge works on tips. I wonder how many lobster tails I can have each night if I tell the concierge I'm deducting $25 from his tip for each charge I get. I bet he'd think I'm a jerk and cheap. Well, that's how this makes me feel about NCL. It's not about a lobster. It's about now cutting services and charging me for what I already paid for. Had they make the change and not applied it for people who booked (or had final payment) before the announcement, I'd probably think they're cheap but wouldn't be so annoyed. Had they made the announcement to discourage people from ordering 5 but not actually charged someone who only ordered a surf and surf and didn't get the filet, I'd be okay with this. Had the change not been 10 days before my next cruise AND the champagne change not been made less than a week before a previous cruise, I'd probably be okay with it. Had they proactively reached out to me so I didn't have to learn about it here or onboard, I'd be okay. Had they said to me "I know you're spending far more than you could on other classes if cabin and want to feel special so here's $100 onboard credit to be used for that extra lobster tail " I'd not only have been ok but I'd more than likely book another suite on the cruise. But they didn't. They reinforced the feeling (or truth) that they don't give a damn about me and made me feel both foolish and adversarial. And now I'm going to politely tell every single member of the ship management, Haven staff and F&B team how I feel. I'll also probably order lobster when I normally wouldn't. And I'll taste the most expensive alcohol the premium + package will get me. If we're nickle and diming and adversarial them I'm not going to get mad. I'm just going to win their game.
  14. Funny you say the worst is behind literally the same day it comes out that there's a cut to something that will annoy some of its highest margin guests. Having studied travel related companies pretty closely for 20+ years my take is completely the opposite. They're going to look at the cuts and the occupancy and think the cuts have had no effect to passengers and only increases the bottom line. I think they're going to cut even more! There's no reason for them not to until occupancy levels drop. As I've said before, prices and quality will drop until there's a recession and people slow on the rate they book cruises.
  15. I'm not going to rant repeatedly that I'll never sail NCL again but I'm NOT okay with this. I'll be sure to let Roel the concierge know my feelings. Maybe repeatedly 😁
  16. I'm sure as the passengers from the prior cruise were departing the staff stopped their turnaround duties and had a meeting to discuss and plan how to attempt to ruin your holiday. You must be quite a passenger for that special treatment. 🙄
  17. Mental note for my cruise: only post how amazing the entertainment duos are 😁
  18. I'm always pleasantly surprised by the posters on this site. There's never any exaggeration or hyperbole and the opinions are well thought out and rational. 🙄
  19. Excited to follow along. We're on the same itinerary in 2 weeks. Have an amazing trip
  20. That's quite disappointing. The headaches after an accident are often as painful as the injury. I wish your mother a speedy recovery and you an easy experience with what you're going through.
  21. @OrcaGirl out of curiosity, how was NCL with you guys after your moyour's injury? It sounds like the crew themselves were helpful but was management accommodating or were they more interested in not accepting blame for fear of litigation?
  22. It's may be unreasonable. A Game show IS a live entertainment option. Decent is in the eye over the beholder. While I agree it's lame, the fact that it's well attended shows that many people believe it is indeed a decent live entertainment option. I'm not sure I'd say a cover band with a bad backing tracking and off key vocals is decent live entertainment and yet I've seen that quite often on NCL. And always with a much smaller crowd than the silly game shows. And personally, I find it a bit distasteful to knock a particular employee repeatedly when we have no clue if this was something she was instructed to do or not. Wrong to Trae her apart without the fill story.
  23. I would think that as a long time mariner and attorney that you'd base a case on something more than hearsay but good luck with whatever you choose to do.
  24. I hate to be one of those people who jumps on the OP for a customer service issue but there are some big red flags here to me. Starting with Dec 28th to January 3rd is is 2 or 3 business days, depending if we count the full day on the 3rd. Why is someone so impatient during a holiday week that they don't even wait the time range offered for a response? Especially 2 months after the cruise? I could be wrong but it just sounds strange to me and makes me feel there's far more to the story. Nonetheless, I hope your daughter is doing well and on the road to recovery. That's far more important than any amount of money.
  25. It's part of the psychological marketing that is a loyalty program. EVERY travel program, be it airline, hotel, cruiseline, etc has a card that shows your loyalty (though some have switched to digital). It's to try and make you feel special so you overlook the fact that the program's intent is to make you loyal to them while not realizing it's not the 2 way Street most people believe.
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