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Everything posted by complawyer

  1. i wont accuse your husband of being crazy, but it seems he certainly likes to live on the edge. one cruise, we were booked on delta airlines, connecting to atlanta, taking the red eye ( i dont remember where we were departing from ) but the flight was supposed to leave lax at 9:00 p.m. it was delayed until after mid-night, and naturally, the connecting flight in atlanta wasn't anywhere near the gate where we landed. the only reason we made the connection, is because the captain was also delayed. i was cursing up a storm, and really sweating it. tell your hubby, pop for the few extra $$$, book an inexpensive hotel for the prior night, then grab a cab to the ship on departure day, it will allow everyone to breathe a lot easier
  2. dress to the 9's if that will make your cruise and you feel better. you will note, however, that most of your fellow passengers will still be freestyle casual. but, dont let that deter you and enjoy the dress up night
  3. well, unless something has changed in the past few hours (and i dont believe it has), isnt it amazing that after a few years of the dynamic alleged "sales" ncl has been running (30% 0ff, 40% off, 2nd person is free), now after all these years even though there is no sale, the prices haven't changed at all?
  4. also remember it's a whole lot easier to be rude, snarky and even down right obnoxious, when you're on line and dont have to talk to anyone face to face
  5. i may be mistaken, but i dont think ive ever seen root beer offered on any ncl cruise ive ever taken
  6. turtles06. if you cruise extensively, you will find that at most ports, there are a number of cabs. you make it sound like we're going to be kidnapped, and later shot and killed. if you completely read my post, we've hired cabs in civi at least twice, in naples, oslo, hamburg, brussels, tenerife, and places too numerous to mention. never once in any foreign country have we ever had a problem, mishap, or threat, and we've always worked out with the driver, where we wanted to go, how much, and how long. ALWAYS!! have gotten back to the ship i n plenty of time. also, it was just a suggestion, so dont get all huffy about it. you can easily fit 3-5 people in a cab, and the price split accordingly, is much cheaper than the ncl excursion. if you dont like to idea of renting a cab at the port, by all means, DON'T DO IT!!!!.
  7. here's a thought, and ive done this a few times. try and get off the ship as early as possible. see if you can negotiate a cab to take you to rome and back to the ship. that way he can take you wherever you want. just remember it's about an hour from the port to the city itself. but!!! it can be done,
  8. one last question, cruiseny4life are they edible, and if so, do their legs taste like chicken?
  9. one last question cruiseny4life are they edible ,and if so, do the legs taste like chicken?
  10. before any more of you try and pile on my good buddy chiefmatejrk, (and especially you sea shark) we have gone very far afield from the original question "is there a dress code" other than Le Bistro, which insists men have collared shirts (and ive never been on ocean blue so i cant comment) the answer is NO! there is not a specified dress code on ncl ships. while i dont expect to see sting bikinis or micro mini skirts on women, or tattered jeans and ratty t-shirts on men, in any dining room, after 20+ cruises on ncl ships, the true answer to thin question is use a little common sense. if you wouldnt wear something in a restaurant on land, it's probably inappropriate to wear at a restaurant on the ship. sure, if you want to wear a suit or a tux for dinner and you wife/girlfriend/ significant other wants to wear a gown, go for it. doing so however, might make you feel slightly out of place, as most others will probably be a whole lot more casually dressed and certainly, i whole lot more comfortable.
  11. hey good buddy cruiseny4life. what the h**l is a flaming leapfrog? where can i get one, and can i decorate the inside of my cabin with it? (lol)!
  12. i prefer to keep any that come my way
  13. from club balcony cabins on up, if they have a sofa (which most if not all do) they usually pull out into a bed
  14. seashark. hopefully this is the last time i need to comment on this. 1st off, everyone who has ever sailed on an ncl ship is aware that it's casual, except for a few chosen restaurants, and even then, it's limited to collared shirts for men (which is why i usually avoid le bistro) 2nd , i'm with chiefmate jrk 100%. i not only wear sweat pants and slippers, i usually dont wear socks either. when someone comes into a restaurant, one may look up to see who it is, but their interest in that diners clothing should end there. really, who cares what someone else is wearing, unless youre a male and incomes a drop dead gorgeous woman (sexist comment, i know) but most important, is why are you making such an issue about chiefmrkjrk's post? one of my favorite lines from a movie is " the likelihood of someone being right, increases in direct proportion with the intensity of someone trying to prove them wrong' of to quote Shakespear, "methinks the lady doth protest to much" so, my dear seashark, if the the shoe fits etc. why dont you just drop it. i know that you are both contributors to these post, but really, who cares what anyone else is wearing? so why dont you :quote Lennon and Macartney "let it be"
  15. we've been on cruises where on a number of occasions an ambulance was called. it isnt pleasant. the crew packs up everyone in the cabin, lock ,stock and barrel and then the passengers are left to fend for themselves.
  16. cruiseny4life: please continue to be as snarky as you wish. if some readers dont like it, they can either choose another cruise line, or another post. read my prior comment. while i never understood the concept of wearing a baseball cap backwards, personally, it wont bother me in any restaurant on the ship, or on land but i do think it looks rather silly
  17. chiefmatejrk. while i try and avoid le bistro at all costs, i have to admit that i too go there in slippers. unfortunately, i dont have any sweats with collars, otherwise i would be proud and honored to follw your example (lmao)
  18. seashark, there is a difference between caring about the topic of what people wear and commenting about it. by the way, your comment to chiefmatejrk, (and the recent comment) added nothing to the discussion and totally unnessesary
  19. all hail chiefmatejrk. why would anyone else possibly care if someone comes in to dine with a hat or baseball cap on, or even if the cap is turned around (this is something, however i will never understand) does it really in anyway distract from you meal, and if it really is that distracting to you,dont look
  20. just be thankful it wasnt the captain. on the other hand, how would anyone else know why an ambulance came to the ship?its usually because a passenger requires more medical assistance than can be offered by the medical staff onboard. just hope itdoesnt happen to you or anyone you are sailing with
  21. i dont know, my wife is surgically attached to her cell phone, and the 1st thing she does when we get on board is upgrade her minutes, as for me, i take the position that my wife is with me, so there is no one i need to talk to, and i can ask her to check the daily news and sports. i never had a problem and never did ncl insist i upgrade my wifi usage. as a matter of fact, the only reason i even bring my cell phone with me, is to take extra pictures
  22. you need to raise the bar and broaden your horizen's. we used to do the same as you, board from a us port to cruise the carribbean. however, one of the things i like most about ncl, and keeps me booking, is the wide variety of ports of call. my wife and i have been to many places that i thought would never get to see in my lifetime, or even thought about seeing, and im now just 6 weeks shy of turning 75 between dec 2016and jan 2017, we took a cruise from hong kong to signapore. to this day, i still remember getting off the plane and thinking to myself "WOW! I cant believe im really in china" i even got to ride an elephant in bangkok . you sound like the inquisitive type, come on, give it a shot!!! what's not to like?
  23. you need to raise the bar and broaden your horizen's. we used to do the same as you, board from a us port to cruise the carribbean. however, one of the things i like most about ncl, and keeps me booking, is the wide variety of ports of call. my wife and i have been to many places that i thought would never get to see in my lifetime, or even thought about seeing, and im now just 6 weeks shy of turning 75 between dec 2016and jan 2017, we took a cruise from hong kong to signapore. to this day, i still remember getting off the plane and thinking to myself "WOW! I cant believe im really in china" i even got to ride an elephant in bangkok . you sound like the inquisitive type, come on, give it a shot!!! what's not to like?
  24. well, you certainly cant blame ncl for the fog!
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