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Everything posted by Ombud

  1. lol, even Elite if they booked a single, or full suite. Singles get # cruises doubled but not # nights doubled. So 8 cruises or 150 nights instead of 15 cruises or 150 nights.
  2. I didn't know a florist couldn't deliver but then I guess there's no one on the dock to accept. Will buy onboard in San Pedro as I'm flying in that morning
  3. Safeway until 4/23/23 but you have to download app first. Bought the ones on the left as I'm not crazy about roses. These stores only have the ones on the right
  4. Yes they have the best flowers.
  5. I actually think @memoak said it best:
  6. I'll find out Sunday. A friend who cruised in February stated choice of wine or sparkling wine. There's 1 I'll drink but I'd rather have OBC
  7. I do these!! Love them. A chance to see a little of the other city and not worry about luggage @Lady Meer the tour company should NOT have accommodated her. If my tour was shortened for a passenger's flight I'd push for a partial refund (1× $59 tour was shortened & I got $20 refund)
  8. We get 10% discount on shore excursions but it shows up onboard. Yeah .... 1250 Elites on a recent cruise .... now that cruises are selling out, CCL has enough cash on hand to pay off notes coming due to 2025, & other notes at very low rates, maybe 1 more level?? Or removing the fact that levels can be reached by # of cruises?
  9. We didn't see a lounge either but there was an Elite line. There was one 12/9/22 with coffee, tea, juice, and pastries.
  10. Thank you for helping me work thru this in my head as I also book Standard Fare. I'm going to take a screenshot loyalty status on my phone & use that to show level on the transatlantic (booked the others so long ago I'm getting the medallion).
  11. Then I'm stumped. Why would the port person think I couldn't afford whatever I want? It was the only time I had to repeatedly state my medallion was correct & still I was sent to general check in line and it was really long
  12. Hopefully you wear the same cutoffs and NO makeup, minimalistic purse, no jewelry
  13. I have cruised from FLL 2× post covid (12/9/21, 12/8/22) and yes there's a separate line & lounge. Comical story: on 12/8/21 the port staff continually redirected me to general line telling me "that line is only for Suites & Elites." Had to remind them that 40+ cruises with a black medallion means I'm eligible. Guess us Californians are too casual for Floridians. Finally asked a Princess person to help me access lounge. He was so apologetic. So dress like a Floridian not Californian 😊
  14. What's Is that like plaid or checkered? and I'm off to Google searsucker ....
  15. Remember Princess ships do have self service laundromats so it is not necessary to take a complete change of clothes for a 16 day cruise. Not even 1 change??
  16. Now that they are getting back to normal operations and have operations cash flow positive better to use a major portion of the deposits for debt reduction, instead of just sitting on their balance sheet. Next quarter should be showing positive cash flow over all. Interesting stmt: "We expect to keep paying down debt,” Bernstein said. “We should be well positioned and not have the need to refinance in the next two to three years."
  17. Here's what I'm doing Sunday: 1. Board 2. Lunch in MDR while watching muster drill on phone 3. Drop suitcase 4. Swap minibar for white wine 5. Check into muster station Hoping in that order
  18. Interesting article on debt: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/carnival-cfo-plans-skip-debt-174909399.html
  19. I can confirm that mine also converted to just regular nonrefundable OBC onboard.
  20. Boarding in 4 days & only sales events show up! 😁 Doesn't matter as the 'reservation' is only a tool the ship uses to gauge interest. Looking forward to researching events & watching muster drill at lunch onboard
  21. Can't say for Hawaii or Mexico. Haven't been to those (yet) after the restart. Can state Mexico in 2 weeks, Hawaii in June (Asia was 2019-2020)
  22. Where are you cruising to? Alaska - dress to impress = best flannel shirt & jeans w/o holes for men & women. Women might add a sweater with sequins but in no way formal Caribbean - button down shirt & slacks. Skirt for most women Europe - suit & tie, women dress up Asia - formal attire
  23. Shouldn't be a problem, all public transit has to be ADA accessible (for federal funding). The bus should have an ADA ramp for wheelchairs and other mobility issues. You can just ask them to deploy the ramp (anyone can make that request). Thank you. I feel so much better. I really want to use the larger case. I can only lift 30lbs comfortably and I tend to overpack that one
  24. I was able to pick a solo room as far out as June 2025 ... didn't book as I was just trying to find out if I could Granted I want midship balcony but if I wanted that cruise I'd be able to get what I want / where I want / when I want. So no change for me
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