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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Me too. I was underwhelmed, it seemed more impressive on TV. It was a spur of the moment decision so maybe I was in the best viewing location but judging from the 17.2 trillion people standing next to me on the FDR Drive, it was a popular viewing location.
  2. I feel the same way. NYC is a nice place to visit but I could never live there. I always enjoy visiting but I also always enjoy going back home. I'm just not a crowds or noise person. Some people get their energy from that, I just get a headache. Next Saturday, friends of mine want me to go visit the Rockefeller tree with them. I'm going to try to convince them that we should go to Bryant Park instead. It's a short walk from Grand Central, the tree much more approachable as is the free ice skating rink & plenty of pop-up places to grab a drink or a bite to eat. It is crowded but people seem more civilized. Rockefeller tree is over rated in my opinion.
  3. I wasn't around in 1962 but I'm wondering if the Guy Lombardo & Dick Clark TV specials encouraged people to go & therefor made it a far more overcrowded & hectic experience today than it was back in 1962. Just my humble guess. And add me to the list of people who have no desire to be in NYC on NYE. Growing up, watching those 2 TV specials from home or a friends house was how I spent my NYE until I was old enough to go out on my own.
  4. Twice in years past I've unintentionally got caught up in SantaCon craziness. Both times I wished I was younger and at the same time, glad I wasn't younger. LOL. Fortunately , there are enough places that don't allow SantaCon shenanigans. From what I understand, it has been toned down in recent years. Fun Fact: There are only 2 days a year where alcohol is banned from Metro-North trains. New Years Eve & SantaCon.
  5. Master of my domain! 😇 I'll add the Second Spitter (aka The Magic Loogie with Keith Hernandez) and since it's the season: The Festivus -the holiday for the rest of us. But far too many to list.
  6. Going back to the shingles conversation, is it possible to have a mild case of shingles? About 7 or 8 years ago, I had a weird looking rash on my right side rib cage, a long ugly looking strip. Didn't itch or hurt but after some prodding from family, I went to my doctor & as soon as he looked at it said "Yep, you have Shingles". Gave a prescription and within a week or two, it was gone. Never even got the pain medicine prescription filled as it there was no pain or itchiness. I also don't remember having chicken pox as a child but apparently I must've.
  7. No, I don't remember him which is odd because I used to watch a lot of Yankee games on TV back then. It was during their "dynasty" years. I had to look him up. Seems like he only pitched as a reliever sporadically in a few games over a period of couple of months, got injured and was never able to come back. Certainly not enough to leave an impression.
  8. I can't wait to see his reaction when there is snow on the ground. I had him last winter as well but we only had 1 or 2 snowy days of significance & we didn't let him outside. Before that, the first 3 or 4 years he was a Texan when my step daughter still lived in Houston (it's actually her cat.......for now 🙂😉😇)
  9. I'm less than thrilled with this trade but I understand why they did it.. The Yankees were ranked 25 out of 30 teams offensively. That's pretty bad for a team built to hit home runs & whose nickname is The Bronx Bombers. Mostly a result of injuries to key players such as Judge who missed a 1/3rd of the season as well as some other players that were just having bad years. I feel they could have bounced back offensively next year without the trade by just staying healthy. But I guess the idea is to spread out the offense and take some of the pressure off Judge. Speaking of which, since Soto is not a great outfielder, he'll probably take Judges spot in right field with Judge taking over center field. That's a lot of ground to cover for an injury-prone player. The team really needs more pitching. But I'm sure Brian Cashman & the rest of the Yankees top brass know what their doing. 🙄
  10. When I first moved into my neighborhood, there was a family with 4 kids - 2 boys & 2 girls - and parked in the driveway were 2 Buick Regal Grand Nationals and 2 Ford Mustang GT's. We called it the muscle car house. We always heard when the kids were coming and going. 🙂 I think the Buick GN was limited production car - maybe 5,000 units per year - so the fact that 2 of them ended up on my block was a little amazing. And who would have thought that Buick of all car brands would have the baddest muscle cars of the 80's?
  11. Is Virgin just starting out in the Australian market? If so, hopefully this can be attributed to start-up issues and can work out the kinks quickly while training a new staff. Fingers-crossed things only get better from here.
  12. Maybe not a dramatic as @Husky1987 story but the fact Leonard came inside without any prompting is a Christmas Miracle nonetheless. 🙂
  13. Thank you for the update. Hopefully it's just a "time out" and she returns at some point. As you and others have said, sometime the best way to reset is to delete the accounts & start over when the time if right. Maybe she did it out of respect for her ex. I get that she may not want her life dissected on various social media platforms so on that note... ... finally took out the window air conditioner units to store for the winter. In the 30 seconds I was away, Leonard decided to leap thru the open window to the outside world. This was his first time outside since early summer when he got stuck in a tree & the fire dept needed to rescue him. That's when it was 80 F outside, now it's high 30's. I can't decide if the look on his face is because: A) he's embarrassed I caught him B) angry I caught him or C) realizing it's really cold outside. When I opened door to the deck, he came running inside as fast as he could without any coaxing from me. I think he learned his lesson
  14. I made a lame joke about the mods deleting her post because they didn't like her gown. That was before it was pointed out her profile was deleted. While people do get banned for life, I don't think the mods delete their profiles. My guess is the same as yours, deleting her social media accounts to focus on real life and to prevent prying eyes whether it be Nate or someone else on Team Nate or some other random person out there.
  15. Apologies if I came across harsh. It's really more of a "me" problem as I sometimes have trouble keeping up on a fast moving Live reviews. Slow reader, I guess. Not knocking the people that do live reviews or participate in the review threads. It's why these forums are here after all. @bobmacliberty gave perfect advice, so if you can, please do. And if you rather disconnect from the world - especially after the last few weeks/months that you had - perfectly understandable. Enjoy!
  16. I've enjoyed all the reviews from people on this thread. Maybe because I have a "closer" connection? It would be a great idea. Again, no disrespect to those that have reviews with lots of banter or random thoughts, just personal preference.
  17. 100% agreed with everything you've written. Thank you. At one time, I used to know how to search for a poster but can't seem to remember how to do it. Anyways, as you said, hope she is safe and well and it was her choice to step away, hopefully just temporarily while she gets adjusted to new situations. If anybody keeps in touch with her via other means, let her know her CC friends are thinking of her & wishing her the best. And a speedy return. 🙂
  18. Interesting thing about Visible as it is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Verizon, I wonder if it's subject to the same restrictions as other MVNO's. Tom's Guide doesn't make it clear. I did see that Visible customers get $10 discount if they choose Verizon as their home Internet provider.
  19. Speaking of Live Reviews, has @singinalot posted her review to Spain/Portugal yet? EDIT: Interesting, I tried "tagging" her but it didn't work. Not sure if I spelled it correctly? Usually the name comes right up after the first few letters. I did notice a few weeks ago that she had posted right after Thanksgiving but her post was deleted. I only saw the quoted replies. Not sure why it was deleted. Maybe the mods didn't like her gown? 😀😉 Finger-crossed she is not on the permanently playing monopoly list.
  20. I think it depends on the person doing the review. There are several people that can provide exceptional detail in a organized & concise format without endless side conversations or stream-of-consciousness postings. Those I can follow pretty well. It's the ones where there are 5 or 7 pages of banter between valid cruise review postings that I tend to lose interest halfway through. That's not a knock on anyone, just my personal preference. 🙂
  21. I second this motion! Yeah, yeah, I know I can scroll by the endless "Enjoy", "Have Fun", etc posts and ignore the thousands of off-topic conversations (i.e. thread hijacking) but then it becomes too easy to miss a valid post. Also, my scroll finger gets tired. 😄
  22. I think this has already been posted but will re-post. A thread has been created specifically for people to post links to their world cruise reviews. Be interesting to see if someone can keep a "live" review going for 274 days. Even more interesting to see if their perception changes once the uniqueness wears off & they've eaten their 200+ dinner in a row in the MDR. 😀😉 Personally, I have trouble keeping up with a regular 7 day "Live" review although that could be my ADHD kicking in. LOL
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