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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Even if the sale did go thru on time, 1 month to rebrand the ship & get it ready for a 3 year cruise with a presumably new crew seems pretty tight schedule.
  2. They are all beautiful but I like the first one the most. Big and fat, just like a Christmas tree should be! 🙂
  3. That is great and almost a little too good. I always thought slow and steady ( 1/2 - 1 pound per week) is the way to go with weight loss. At least that has been experience when aggressively losing weight, quick to come off, quick to come back on. When I lose the weight slowly, it seems to come back slowly.*** *** Disclaimer: This is based on my personal experience with my own personal body. I am not a medical professional nor expertly trained in anything medically or medically adjacent.. Your experience may vary based on too many circumstances to list. This is not intended as medical advice and always consult your personal physician or other qualified health care provider or qualified loved one before making changes to diet and exercise regime. This is not intended as an advertisement nor solicitation for payment of any kind. No personal information has been gathered or sold to third-party vendors. Please click to "like" button to acknowledge these terms and conditions and other excuses as to why this info may be totally useless to you and gets me off the hook for being liable for anything that may happen, has already happened or is currently happening to you. 🙂
  4. I know he played on the HS baseball team with Brian Leetch. Leetch played both baseball & hockey in high school. I guess he was a better hockey player than pitcher.
  5. At least they wait until warm weather. I have a couple of Japanese Red Maples that usually drop the last of their leaves between Christmas & New Years. Tough to blow/rake leaves when they are frozen to the ground.
  6. Thank you. I'm reading posts about what people pay for turkey and all I kept thinking to myself is every supermarket around me is giving away free turkeys if you spend X dollars. Granted, maybe the free turkey isn't as good as a store bought turkey but I find if you drown it in enough gravy, it's hard to tell the difference. Besides, I'm more about the side dishes. I'll load up my plate first with mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, string bean casserole, a couple of piping hot dinner rolls, various other veggies - corns, peas, etc - there is hardly room for a slice turkey.
  7. My only purpose for bringing this up is as an example of something that was never taxable before but now is. Tax rules change every year. The only iffy, maybe is if you sign up for a new credit card and get a sign-up bonus that is paid out in cash & does not require any spending in X amounts of days. Rare, I know but it must've happen as the IRS has rules for it. At least that is what I was able to discern from the 3 links I posted. Not sure if you looked at them. Honestly, the tax implications of using a few hundred dollars of BOA RC rewards when booking a cruise is something I'll never think about.
  8. Obviously, Jade is displeased with you. You must've done something of offend her and must seek forgiveness immediately. 🤣
  9. There was a mention of 4X Royal BOA CC rewards the other day. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2974699-4x-points-on-bank-of-america-visa/ Looks like Dec 10th is the last day to earn.
  10. Uhh, maybe. Or maybe not. Tax laws are constantly being tweaked every year. I found this out when I tried to resell tickers to several sporting events I could not attend. Never had an issue in years past until last year. New IRS rule says that anything over $600 (I think) is taxable income. And I was just over the threshold. For credit card rewards point, they are not taxable as it's considered a rebate. Unless it comes from a sign-on bonus with no spending requirements or other strings attached. So in the vast majority of cases, not taxable. Disclaimer: I am not a tax specialist or attorney by any stretch of the imagination. Just a guy that uses Goggle. I'd triple check my sources & seek out your own. I will not be held accountable nor reimburse anyone that takes my advice. You'll find out if you owe taxes when your credit card company sends you a 1099-MISC. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/110614/are-credit-card-rewards-considered-taxable-income-irs.asp https://www.cnet.com/personal-finance/credit-cards/advice/are-credit-card-rewards-taxable/ https://www.bankrate.com/finance/credit-cards/credit-card-rewards-count-taxable-income/
  11. I too have a bunch if old manuals, boxed away, Out of sight and out of mind. And I can very well relate to your problem. 🙂
  12. I would always joke that if my pager went off while in a public place, I would loudly talk into my Timex wristwatch while cupping my ear with my other hand - pretending to have a ear piece I guess - and say "Tell The President he'll just have to wait until I get there" 😀
  13. When I started my I.T. career in the 80's, we took turns having the beeper, on-call one week at a time. No remote connectivity during off hours so you'd have to drive into the office to fix the problem. That's always fun at 2 am on a winters night. At the time, it was a 25-30 minute drive for me. One weekend was really bad & I had to go into the office on 4 or 5 different occasions. Next time it was my turn, my boss took pity on me & booked a hotel across the street from the office, all food and drinks paid & I could have my future DW stay with me too, with all her food and drinks paid. My first career job was COBOL programmer on IBM mainframes. Hate those SC07 (bad data) and having to read hexadecimal dumps (aka Egyptian Hieroglyphics ) to figure what and where it came from .....at the aforementioned 2 am winter night. And the dozens of 500 page IBM manuals were useless.
  14. That's the thing about Apples. They just work, out of the box, seamlessly & the same across all devices. And I'm a Windows/Android guy. In the the office, it was all DOS 3.1/Windows computers for everyone unless you worked in one of the "artsy" department - designers or marketing - then you got an Apple computer. But you really had to justify the extra expense. And even though I don't own a truck, it's always Ford. Up until recently, owned many a Ford products with mostly good success. My dad was a Ford man.
  15. Back in the days when I was an I.T. professional, my company issued Blackberry's for corporate use as both Android & iPhone were deemed too vulnerable. My next company issued me an iPhone as a work phone. Being an Android guy, it was culture shock. It wasn't until I was about to leave that company that Androids became "secure enough" to use as a work phone & I could stop carrying around 2 phones with me wherever I went. This was during the 2010's decade.
  16. I was about to make the same joke. Good thing I read ahead as I don't have to suffer the wrath of @Sea Dog😉😇 Just kidding. 30 years ago, people were either Team Apple or Team Windows. No defections to the other camp were allowed. Now it's either Team iPhone or Team Android.
  17. Royal continues to offer a little something for everyone. I'm not sure how big the venue is but on a 6,000+ passenger ship, no doubt they will have no problem selling it out in spite of the $200 price tag & formal dress requirement. At least in the short term.
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