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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. That should drown out the "will they or won't they".....Diamonds being kicked out of the Crown Lounge....conversation for awhile.
  2. Knowing how "the powers that be" think, they probably were being ultra cautious. Might give someone ideas. I know that was not @clochette intent and no regular to this thread would do anything but still, the admin are ultimately responsible so better safe than sorry. Missed it too so they were quick.
  3. Usually between 5:00-9:00 pm with the heaviest concentration between 6:00 -7:30 pm when it's almost a non-stop flow. But occasionally, the really little kids pre-school I'm guessing come around as early as 4;00.
  4. At 3:30 pm, poured Halloween candy into 2 large bowls, 360 pieces which is enough for 120 kids at 3 pieces a kid. Usually get between 80-100 kids so there is plenty of surplus. Then I swept the sidewalk & driveway, changed out all the exterior burnt-out light bulbs to ensure the outdoor is properly lit and started the creepy Halloween music. Put on my "costume" which is a t-shirt with the phrase "Zombie Outbreak Response Team" (lame, I know) on it. 3:50 pm, probably still have hour away before the first kids arrive & I'm down to 330 pieces of candy & for some reason, my belly is feeling a little unwell. .Opps! Those kids better get here soon! 😄
  5. Unfortunately, that "someday" will have to wait a little longer. Stay safe and thank you for popping in, even if it's just quick hello or to hit the "Like/Laugh/Thank You" button occasionally.
  6. It's not for everyone but I like it because it's a very different & unique premise. But sometime the time jumping does get a bit too much. With 4 different detectives with 4 different partners, bosses, colleagues and families, it's easy to lose track or keep names straight. At least twice an episode I have to pause and ask "wait, who's this again?" It's definitely a show that you need to pay attention to & not have on as background noise while cooking or cleaning.
  7. @singinalot You mentioned on your Turkey blog that you are planning your next big adventure. Hope it 's going well as it'll give you something to look forward to during this transition time and also gives all of your CC friends something to look forward to as well. 🙂👍
  8. @Luckynana Just to add to Lenny post, it's the same murder that takes place in 4 different time periods - 1890, 1941, 2023 and 2053. Very well done, I've watched 4 of the 8 episodes yesterday. Think of its a a crime drama first with some sci-fi time jumping thrown in, with a bit of political thriller on the side.
  9. Temperature dropped about 30 degrees. Where as yesterday was sunny and 78, today is rainy and 48. Figured I'd be able to catch up on SeaDogs live review as I'm currently 10 pages behind but then started to watch NetFlix show "Bodies". Very interesting premise & I'm hooked. I'll set my alarm for an hour earlier tomorrow to catch up on the Live Review. 😀
  10. @singinalot Awesome you got custody of the dogs. I'm guessing Nate got custody of his cars but you win. As cool as his cars are, dogs are more lovable. 🙂
  11. I'm lucky in that I caught it right away. As soon as the tell-tale bulls eye rash appeared - which only happens in 40%-50% of the cases I'm told - I went to the doctor and he put me on antibiotics right away while awaiting the results of the blood test which took 3 days. A second blood test was taken & both confirmed I had Lyme disease. By then I had a 6 day head start on antibiotics so I was able to "nip it in the bud" so to speak. From what I understand, the earlier you can treat it, the better the chances of full recovery. Which was my case. The only "symptom" I had was the rash, I never had any of the other physical ailments such as joint pain, fever, etc. Like I said, I was lucky. In your friends fathers case, he may have been infected for weeks or months and by then sadly, he had already developed the long term, hard to treat effects. If he never had th rash, mostly likely he thought he had the flu as the symptoms are so similair. The deer tick are spread not just be deer but by mouse, chipmunks, any small rodents as well as birds. Probably how they made their way down to the Bronx.
  12. I used to love seeing deer in my yard. Until I got Lyme disease, now not a fan. Still, they seem to love it. All time record was 14 at once. I think it's because so many of my neighbors have fenced in yards mine has become a major expressway through the neighborhood
  13. At Rite-Aid, I bought $74 worth of candy that was on sale for $50. But then I had $11 in Bonus money so that brought the cost down to $39. But there's more, I earned $20 in Bonus money with that purchase so that brought my final price to $19. It's like stealing candy from a giant drug store chain. 🙂
  14. I do my best to not have leftover candy so as the night goes on, I become more generous with what I hand out. Apparently word gets around because some kids will come back for more. Some will deny being here before when asked but once or twice, someone will say "yeah, you gave me 2 pieces but then I heard you are now giving out 4 pieces so I came back for more". Brazen, sure but I gave them 6 more pieces for honesty.
  15. While I do wait to embrace Christmas until after Thanksgiving, I am slow to let it go. I've been know to leave the Christmas decorations up to the end of Jan/early Feb. After all, there are no "real" festive holidays until St Patricks Day in mid-March. Valentines Day doesn't count as I'm sure that's a fake holiday invented by Hallmark cards & chocolate companies. 🙂 Speaking of March, I once left a live Christmas tree up thru March. It was a Douglas Fir and it just wouldn't die.
  16. I haven't been to the Beacon Theater in decades but loved going there. No bad seat in the house. I think the last concert I saw there was TSO before they become big so, 20+ years ago maybe??
  17. I'm the same way, I like taking my holidays one at a time. I just came back from buying Halloween candy at Rite Aid & refused to even glance at the Christmas decor on the other side of the aisle. lol And don't get me started on stores that start piping in Christmas music on Nov 1st! I love Christmas music - probably have over 125-150 Christmas CD's (mostly bought by DW) but I don't want to be sick of it by Dec 1st! No disrespect to those whose enthusiasm starts early. Having said that, @Jimbo love your 9 themed trees in different rooms and @singinalot, hope your tree is cheering up your home! @Sea Dog, I have no doubt even your slimmed down decorations will be spectacular.
  18. On the Phillies tree, shouldn't there be a few ornaments of cars being flipped over and trash cans set on fire? 🤣🤣 😇 Just kidding good buddy, sorry for your teams loss. It was a stunner. Hopefully I didn't jinx them by offering my condolences a game early.😬
  19. I'm not sure where the Newport area is but it made me think of Jersey City & Hoboken. @Tree_skier should check them out. Both cities have come a long way in the past couple decades. Closer to the city than Newark with the same mass transit options, potentially cheaper Uber fares being so close to the tunnels & probably closer to Cape Liberty as well. The departure port boards should have a wealth of real experience info. I'm just guessing as I've never stayed in NJ, outside of Atlantic City that is.🙂
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