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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. Although you received ha has and thank you, and likes, that is really not funny. 😒
  2. Having done the 2+ hour drive home after flying back from Europe, I would ask the following question. Will you have someone with you to talk to and to make sure you stay awake. Again, I have done this, but without the layover, and neither DW or I ever seem to be able to sleep on planes.
  3. I don't think anyone has managed to digitalize old yearbooks, but just in case they did. Jerry (er, Jerome) Seinfeld graduated from Massapequa High School in 1972. (Just in case, there is more than one Massapequa High School, this is in NY State.
  4. With kids, you should probably, make that definitely, avoid the sculpture garden in Oslo. The sculptures are quite "adult".
  5. And since when do things have to make sense? But, I do agree with the point you are making.
  6. Another reason to use a TA. You can let him or her deal with the insurance company if they are in your opinion unnecessarily delaying after you have filled out all the necessary paperwork.
  7. And buying it a $O or real close, makes it truly a bargain when you get the OBC.
  8. Agree, our Princess Alaska cruise was really enhanced by the naturalist, Mike Modzelewski, who was aboard.
  9. You must redact your account number for your brokerage. Everything else is up to you.
  10. Sorry, I don't have it. We were in my late Mother in Law's house. And Jerry was on the Barbara Walter's show. He said his age, and our son said he must have gone to school with you. She said no, but then found her old yearbook in the closet, and there he was.
  11. When Covid first hit, there was all kinds of speculation on these boards whether Carnival Corporation would do away with the benefit (many were absolutely sure they would) or require more than 100 shares. Instead what they did was extend it 2 years instead of the usual 1 year. It is still a cheap marketing tool. Getting rid of it would be foolish.
  12. I saw Jerry's picture (though he was listed as Jerome) with his hair down to almost the middle of his back in my DW's high school senior year yearbook. I would like to know if he is supposed to be so cool, why he did not know the prettiest girl in his graduating class (a very large class, BTW.)
  13. Theoretically it could be revoked (or not renewed) like the dividend, but they are really 2 different things. The shareholder OBC is a marketing tool that costs them next to nothing. The dividend is something that companies pay out of profits.
  14. LOL, we were in Jamaica way back last century for our 20th anniversary. It seems there was a small departure tax. The woman in front of us in line said she had no money left, please make her stay. They did not. In fact they not only let her leave, they made her leave.
  15. And those booking themselves rather than using a TA who would advise them of the problem.
  16. LOL, I once was asked by a technician for the cable company after a visit NOT to give him a 10 if there was a followup phone survey. It seems 10s were sometimes read as a 1, and then the technician was in trouble. He was fine with a 9. (They now do 1-5.)
  17. That is not only on HAL as we had a naturalist in Alaska on Princess.
  18. We have mostly done some form of anytime dining. We did however have 3 large tables with regular seating, two before lines established anytime and one after when the small Ocean Princess did not have it. On the first, one couple barely showed up and a woman with a fairly young child sometimes showed up, but usually late. So that was not a real experience where we could chat with others. I do remember the joy the youngster had when a cake was brought to the table for our anniversary and he got to eat some too. On the second table, we did bond with all the others and saw them throughout the cruise. On the Ocean Princess, our tablemates were a German girl and her mother, a couple from Washington DC on their first cruise, and a couple from Canada who were more experienced cruisers than us and had sailed on world cruises. The German girl basically giggled a lot, and her Mother spoke no English. The government bureaucrat from DC was a bit of a know it all despite being on his first cruise. (I don't remember his wife saying anything.) But we did hit it off with the Canadians who sat at our right. I do remember some good experiences with the people we sat with at anytime type dining. Once in fact, for some reason, the person next to me mentioned where he went to college and the year he graduated. I graduated from the same university one year earlier, so it was easy to find things to talk about.
  19. Many of the days the Carnival stock went down were days the whole market went down a lot. Yesterday the market went up a whole lot 700+ points.
  20. This is wonderful for you and everyone else who was in the same situation. All that stress about flights should now be mostly over. I say mostly, because air travel is still quite a mess.
  21. Great news. Thank you for keeping everyone updated throughout this whole situation.
  22. So, anytime anyone posts something you do not like, it must be a fabricated story?
  23. And when in the past, I questioned whether someone could enter your cabin because of this wonderful feature that everyone touts, I was told that someone would really have to be planning on this to do this.
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