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Everything posted by crazyank

  1. Correct, and we have seen several staff with trash bags full of ducks that were being disposed of.
  2. This is no longer true. Fewer and fewer shops are accepting dollars, especially for small purchases and if they do the exchange rate will be really bad. Many businesses are reluctant to accept cash at all and prefer payment by credit or debit card. Euros are definitely the way to go and/or a card with no foreign transaction fees.
  3. The way you wrote it makes it sound like you cannot use it for lunch and dinner on the same day at all. As long as the total number of meals is three you can use them for any meal.
  4. This is not quite correct. We've used the three night package for lunch and dinner at Izumi on the same day many times.
  5. Nope, the outlet has nothing to do with charging speed. Only your charger and phone determine how fast.
  6. If we are seated with someone who is late we simply tell the waiter to go ahead with taking our order. We definitely will NOT wait.
  7. Nope Nope, and by freezing it you will have to deal with condensation. Nope, not true at all. Again, Nope
  8. 83 euros a day for the Med at the end of May
  9. Neither of these things has anything whatsoever to do with RCCL.
  10. Not gonna happen. You just wasted whatever filing fee you paid.
  11. Totally agree with this. The one time we did Chef's Table it was ruined by an elderly Pinnacle who arrived late and seemed to think she was queen of the ship. She just wouldn't shut up, even talking during the descriptions of the wines.
  12. In your post you said "the ship will do everything necessary to get you back to the US" This is NOT true. The ship or cruise line may make contact or pass on information but CBP makes the arrangements for re-entry to the US. So, in fact, you did lie, inadvertently or not. As for getting personal?? Who cares?? I would expect nothing less from the ayatollah of decency and morals. ROFL!! consider yourself ignored
  13. Absolutely NOT true. The ship will turn you over to the nearest US state department official and that person will assist with getting you back to the US. A member of our family had their passport stolen in Cozumel (we were with them on that cruise) and that is exactly what the ship did. The procedure was ship gave them the contact details of the port agent, port agent contacted US consulate, at that point all cruise line involvement stopped.
  14. His stuff is very good quality also. We've had several pieces appraised for insurance reasons and each piece was appraised with in a few dollars of what we paid for it.
  15. There is no excuse for your son deliberately running into the man from behind. A simple tap on the shoulder should suffice. And how do YOU know he didn't have a hearing problem?
  16. My wife was run over by a drunk, belligerent scooter driver. Major injuries to her foot and ankle, cruise ruined, thousands of $$$ in medical expenses.
  17. Did you ever think maybe the boy had a hearing problem? I wear hearing aides and at times it's difficult to hear someone behind me. Run into me from behind with a scooter and we will have words, strong words. This kind of behavior is what makes people angry at scooter users.
  18. Ok, have it your way, No cruise line or country in Europe is requiring covid testing unless you are arriving from China. Happy now?
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