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Everything posted by crazyank

  1. Bogus info indeed. VAT refunds should be done at point of departure before you leave the country.
  2. 15 minutes?? What about people who are in the pool? We certainly swim for longer than 15 minutes!
  3. Definitely Chef's dinner over Chops. However, keep in mind that how much you enjoy Chef's dinner may depend on your table mates on that particular evening. The last time we did Chef's dinner the evening was ruined by an elderly Pinnacle who apparently thought she was queen of the ship. She simply would not shut up!
  4. We've seen this also, we simply ignore whoever is trying to shoo us away and sit where we want to.
  5. Hang on a second, you expect us to share our dinner plans with people we don't know and didn't choose to be seated with just for their convenience? Not likely.
  6. verifly is a complete waste of time. Delete it.
  7. Nope, not really, how can a cruise line tell somebody "sorry, your plastic ducks are not allowed"? Nothing illegal about bringing ducks onboard. Instead the crew members just do ever more work gathering the darn things up and disposing of them. And believe me they do! Seen trash bags full of ducks being disposed of.
  8. RCL is no longer connected with Diamonds International. Found this out during our cruise back in August. The new jewelry company is Eafy.
  9. Spam! looks like a somebody shilling for business
  10. several crew members have mentioned to us that the duck craze has gotten out of hand. As for how many wind up in the trash? A lot, especially on turn over day.
  11. Website still says testing required for cruises visiting Greece.
  12. It's just you. Nothing at all wrong with using OBC to tip. Much better than just losing the OBC at the end of a cruise
  13. And Greece has dropped all restrictions as of 24 September
  14. Greece dropped all the requirements on 24 September. RCL website says "updated 30 September, effective 1 October" Proctored testing for any cruise that visits Greece is still required, according to the website. Kinda looks like RCL missed the boat on this, any bets on when or if they will catch up?
  15. Just looked at our set sail passes, no problems whatsoever.
  16. and stopping line cutters IS providing a service to everybody else in line.
  17. We've had exactly the opposite experience. Played in Vegas and absolutely hated it. We've played many times on cruises and with one exception have always found the dealers to be friendly. As for other players objecting to how we play, a quiet "mind your own business" or "play your own hand please" usually shuts down the complaints, if not then things get elevated to the pit boss. The exception to friendly dealers was on Rhapsody, the dealer was not paying attention, to busy chatting with people at other tables, after several mis-deals and complaints from players she was replaced. We've seen players who got nasty about how someone else was playing asked to leave the table on a couple different cruises.
  18. She's not required to pay gratuities at all if she chooses not to.
  19. That's for sure! RCL is still requiring tests for any cruise that stops in Greece and nobody can explain why. Greece dropped ALL covid restrictions including travel by cruise ship awhile ago.
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