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Everything posted by crazyank

  1. there are no testing requirements anywhere in Europe at the moment unless you are arriving from China.
  2. We have only had one bad experience with a charter. There was a very large group from a company called Kiyani. Totally obnoxious, rude bunch who thought they owned the ship. They ran around in packs of 20-30 all the time, taking over venues, blocking stairs and hallways, and even shoving people out of elevators so they could stay together.
  3. Ummmm, Yes, Please post where you got that recommendation?
  4. This is incorrect. We were on Symphony in the western Med also. The requirement at La Spezia was that everybody had to take a shuttle bus from the ship to the port entrance. No excursions were required.
  5. Pretty sure you mean a dual voltage charger,
  6. that's when it's time to speak up and tell the waiter to bring your main course.
  7. this varies depending on the ship. during our last cruise on Vision early seating was 6:30pm, late was 8:30pm
  8. And some beep and holler because they are drunk, rude, or both. The one that ran over my wife was very drunk and had been seen bumping people from behind and screaming "get out of my way" on several different occasions.
  9. yes, we agree it does happen and we agree that some people are very careless around scooters/wheelchairs. Our experience with getting hit by a scooter is the result of a very serious incident that happened a couple years ago.
  10. This! and please don't be one of those people who run into others from behind while beeping your horn and yelling get out of the way. Also, please don't run over someone's foot.
  11. We can understand not wanting to get into conflict with another guest. It's our opinion that this was clearly a situation where a manager should have stepped in when a guest is disturbing other guests with loud noise.
  12. Why didn't they return to the manager and insist that something be done?
  13. Apparently Ret MP thinks he gets to make that decision for everybody else.
  14. As long as it's YOUR policies, laws, and moral standards. Never mind what anybody else thinks, wants, or feels. There's a bunch of folks in the middle East who would wholeheartedly agree with you.
  15. This is probably the best answer I've seen. Teaching kids to cope with reality is an excellent idea. Much better than trying to force others to conform to somebody else's idea of morality.
  16. ROFL, you're the one who is triggered, trying to force your idea of morals on everybody else. The rest of the world doesn't care what you think is appropriate.
  17. So you want YOUR idea of morals imposed on everybody else.
  18. Call it if you wish, but you'll be wrong. We were on Brilliance 3 weeks ago, lanyards were definitely in the majority.
  19. Yep, we agree. And after seeing the behavior of some (not all) pinnacles on our recent cruise on Brilliance we really understand why people get disgusted with pinnacles.
  20. That's for sure! and you can include line cutting.
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