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Everything posted by julig22

  1. I just paid mine - thanks to the person who resurrected an old post as a reminder! Not huge, but if you booked your cruise before the annual increase, you pay the old rate if you pre-pay, the new rate if you pay onboard. And I cruise in 2 days, so not much of a loan to NCL. It will all be on the same CC statement at this point. You can always wait until just before you sail if you want it paid before you board, you don't have to pay it at final payment.
  2. Why don't you ask on a previous roll call? Unless they turned off notifications, they will see that someone has posted and would have the info.
  3. Sixthman cruise Nov 8-13. Flogging Molly's Salty Dog Cruise
  4. Umm, "Solo guests cannot claim two dinners" is the wording on the vouchers already. It means as a solo you can't use it to get 4 meals by yourself, not that you can't invite a guest.
  5. You proved to the ship that you had completed the application and met the vaccination/testing requirements when you boarded. The ship has that information for the port authorities - no need for anyone else to ask to see that you have completed the application. The ship takes care of it.
  6. In addition to what's been said, production staff put on a special Christmas themed program.
  7. https://whdh.com/news/assault-reported-on-norwegian-cruise-line-ship-docked-in-boston/
  8. You asked why anyone would say they are vaccinated. Because they would not be subjected to additional testing. You profile will show vax or not if a testing situation comes up.
  9. You are leaving out the part that says unvaccinated may be required to test, as determined by the Greek authorities.
  10. Final payment is due at 120 days.
  11. Earliest is probably 9 or 9:30, depends on the port. But that's check in, not boarding. So you may be sitting in the terminal for a couple of hours. And it's midnight EST.
  12. I had to cash out at guest services, they keep calling until you do. I've been told they won't let you disembark if your account is flagged but no personal experience.
  13. Had that happen, was on the Dawn, needed to check in for upcoming cruise on the Star. I couldn't finish the check in because the video wouldn't load. Didn't matter if I was using my WiFi plan or not. IT manager said it was the network, not sure if it would have worked if I had premium WiFi. For me it was just a matter of a couple of days so didn't pursue it.
  14. I was onboard another ship when my 21 day time came. I could not access the video onboard and was not able to complete check in, and not able to save my time. IT manager onboard said it wasn't unusual to not be able to watch the video.
  15. Vendors are having staffing issues in some cases so some excursions aren't profitable and get cancelled. Plus the usual weather considerations.
  16. Not sure what buying a painting has to do with DSC? Maybe start a new thread with a little more relevant information?
  17. It is added to your account and is refundable. Have had a number of cancelled excursions, although I didn't cancel them. Because of their insane accounting system, if you had the $50 credit, they will refund the full amount of the excursion, less any latitudes discount. And then charge back the $50 credit. You will need to collect any remaining credit before you disembark, they will not add it back to your cc.
  18. Exactly the same situation, using the tests I got for free, have an appointment the day before my cruise.
  19. Sorry, not even close to what you said. A one day deviation will arrive 1 day before your cruise. Not 2. Perhaps you meant to say your flight LEAVES two days early, that would make sense. ,
  20. I recently dumped my pcc because he didn't call back and always had a lot of excuses, always needed to get a supervisor on the call yadda yadda. But I also know that it isn't up to the pcc to give you FCC either. They can only put in a request for FCC if your reservation meets all the conditions - most do not.
  21. Just make sure that whatever you do also complies with requirements for foreign ports on your cruise.
  22. I always assumed that you had to take the new airfare but I did just reprice a February cruise and my airfare stayed the same. But the original port fees & taxes (which were quite high when I booked) went down. And I gained the latitudes extra point. As to transfers - the transfer from the airport should drop off when the deviation is added but apparently that doesn't always happen - and remember that there will still be a transfer to return, so you'd have to check to see what transfers are actually on your reservation. If you are at a hotel, you can either find your own transportation to the port or return to the airport in the morning and use the NCL shuttle.
  23. Request as soon as you know that's what you want. Cutoff is 75 days. You need to contact NCL if you booked directly, your TA if you booked that way.
  24. No, not the way it works. The deviation is figured by when you arrive. True that you will most likely have to leave on an overnight flight but you will arrive the day of your cruise if you don't request a deviation. Sometime the day before for a 1-day deviation.
  25. If you are looking at 2022 cruises, you are already past the final payment deadline (120 days) Did you file a claim with NCL after you were denied? Do you have proof of a negative test prior to arriving at the port? You would have to have something in order to pursue a claim.
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