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Everything posted by julig22

  1. Haven't done an after final pay upgrade with that scenario but I believe they would stay. My 10% stayed when I got an on-board adjustment (room upgrade & price drop) - but before FP. I had fcc from a previous price-drop and was able to do a paid upgrade after final pay, cost for the upgrade was based on the original price (before fcc). But I did lose my 3x points. But it might not be a bad idea to confirm, since there may be some restrictions with the offers you have - you might not be able to combine them for starters. In my case, somewhere buried in the fine print it says you can't use courtesy fcc with a 10% coupon from a cancelled cruise for example.
  2. From my experience, both the 10% and $100 coupons remain, as discounts against fare. I have repriced in the past and everything has remained. I always do a mock booking however so that I know what the price (and promos) will be before the discounts so I can verify.
  3. From the ship, last October, telephoto lens. Not great but gives you the idea - I believe I was on the starboard side.
  4. You can get FCC for a reduction IF everything is the same. TA can put in a request but has to be approved. Got FCC for 2 cruises earlier this year but most everything else I had was booked with 35% discount, 3x points - and those promos have changed, so no FCC. So upgraded instead.
  5. Cancelled, for many reasons. Sometimes times are changed as well.
  6. Flew from Quebec to Oregon in June. YQB to Chicago to DFW to PDX. Pretty slim pickins as I recall. And I seem to remember every-other-day schedules, but not sure if that was going or coming or both.
  7. Maybe they do it in odd months LOL. Got 10% in July, asked in August and got a no. Sailing later this month on the Spirit, any bets??
  8. Probably too late to mention now but the statement credit is a much better option. Use the NCL card onboard, get 3x points on whatever you spend, which adds to your statement credit. Then use the credits to pay the bill.
  9. I believe that at this time it would only apply to people in the same cabin, as far as cancellation/refunds go. Basing that on various posts from people trying to get refunds in similar situations. Companion can cancel, those in another cabin are denied refund/fcc from NCL. Insurance may pay, would depend on your policy if you choose to cancel. Unless you linked your cabins (which they apparently don't do anymore), they would have no way to know your association with someone who canceled, so you wouldn't be denied boarding if you have a negative test.
  10. It changes back and forth, just like any other credit card/ bank offer.
  11. I started my online check in for an cruise last October when I booked it. Went back a few days later and couldn't finish it because of the 21 day restriction. So changed just about a year ago it seems.
  12. Most likely no and no but it depends on the source of the obc. If it's nonrefundable, you spend it or lose it, probably can't use it in the casino. If it's refundable (someone paid for it) you'll be asked to collect it before disembarking.
  13. Because the bids are processed by a 3rd party, not NCL.
  14. When you book onboard, it is just a courtesy (mock) booking - at least if you are buying CN certificates to pay for the deposit, because they aren't actually paid for until the end of the cruise. The 10% off the fare (not the entire amount) is applied after getting home. Promo code CNUD10. But I was specifically told that it could take up to 7 days for the discount to be applied. So very possible that you just cancelled too early - it worked perfectly for me. But sadly that promo ended....
  15. Um, looking on your roll call since you haven't sailed yet isn't going to be helpful. There are generic groups for the Jewel, groups for specific trips, past or present, plus groups specifically for posting dailies.
  16. Whether or not you can change depends on the airline policy for the tickets - which are normally nonrefundable. Terms for bulk purchase tickets are way different than tickets you would buy as an individual. Delta is the only one people have mentioned, pretty sure AA will not change.
  17. Absolutely incorrect If you are sailing soon, you should have received one or more letters from NCL regarding the requirements. If sailing later, the rules may change so keep watch. And you will also have to fill out the ArriveCan application within 72 hrs prior to boarding.
  18. Doubtful that the latest transfer (if they have more than 1) will be much later than 8-8:30, although it depends on your port arrival time.
  19. Where are you flying from? I took a look at flights arriving in Rome on Nov 1 from Toronto and the pickins are pretty slim which would explain the 1day deviation.
  20. $75. Last month on the Star the last shuttle times were 6:30 for early flights, 8 am for flights after 2. There are also shore excursions, ending at the airport, 7:30 meeting time. Our arrival time was 5am, everyone off the ship by 9 am. Plan on at least 90 minutes to the airport.
  21. Just because they accept bids doesn't mean something is available and with the staffing issues they are having, there may be limitations on what rooms can be occupied. Did you do a mock booking to see if what you want is available? If there is, and the cost is more than what you paid, then call back and ask for the specific room. NCL doesn't do the bidding themselves and I've never seen any indication that they hold out on for a possible bid over a paid upgrade.
  22. Depends on the airline. Delta seems to allow changes but that's the only one I've heard about. But I wouldn't count on doing it at the airport, do it ahead of time.
  23. Process for getting tender tickets may vary by ship and/or port. Ship size/capacity and tender capacity, plus distance to the port will determine how long it might take, both to board and get ashore. Tickets are never needed for NCL excursions. On my last couple of cruises, tickets were available in the morning, not reserved ahead. Latitudes gold and above did not need tickets - probably also applies to Haven and those with priority access. Tickets not needed once the initial crowds have cleared out.
  24. Some specifically mentioned the long line to get covid tests but OK.
  25. Since you aren't getting any info here: 1. Maybe ask on a roll call 2. Realize that the schedules often vary and won't necessarily be the same so maybe not helpful anyway 3. There are groups on other social media sites where people post dailies, as well as ship-specific and cruise-specific groups.
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