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Everything posted by BetsyS.

  1. SUESEABE - I agree with you. I loved the Dover sole at Rudi's. I had Crepes Suzette for dessert and that was delicious too.
  2. FlaMariner - I agree with you. I loved the pea soup at Dutch Cafe on Niew Statendam. My stepfather got the bread pudding for dessert at Lido every day at lunch.
  3. Years ago on the Veendam, one of our room stewards was counting the days until we got to Amsterdam. He was leaving the ship there to fly to the Phillipines to see his family for a vacation. We made sure we gave him his tip the day before we got to Amsterdam. He was a great guy and we saw him again on another cruise after that. As we know, crew can have assignments changed because of promotion, vacation, end of contract, etc.
  4. Jacqui - Thanks very much. My stepfather and I are glad we have adjoining cabins. My mom is with us in Spirit. She wanted us to keep going on cruises. She loved HAL. Bon Voyage to all! 🥂😊
  5. Years ago, my pet peeve on the Veendam was people who wore bathrobes in the Lido at breakfast and lunch.
  6. Torquer - My stepfather and I were on the Niew Statendam last August. Our room steward said that it's better to send the laundry out during the day because there were only 2% of room stewards on duty after 8PM. We had our laundry bags ready to go out before we went to breakfast and we got it back the next day or sometimes by the time we got back from dinner the same day.
  7. 3rdGenCunarder - Back in 1975, I was on one of the (old) HAL Statendams going from New York round trip to Bermuda. I was on the deck before sailaway. Another HAL ship was leaving before us. The guy standing next to me said "my luggage is on that ship!"
  8. shippmates- Years ago when I was on the Veendam, I was waiting on line to get on the tender in Bar Harbor to get back to the ship. It was our last stop before returning to Boston. At the very last minute, I realized I was on the waiting line to go back to the Maasdam! Last summer when I was in Halifax on the Niew Statendam, there was another HAL ship right next to the Niew Statendam. I had to make sure I was going to get on the right ship, because it was the last stop before returning to Boston.
  9. Skicruiser55 - Bon Voyage! 🥂😊 Have a great cruise!
  10. 81Zoomie - Thanks for your very thorough reports and great pictures!
  11. ladyj1138 - I agree about the tags. They remind me of happy memories from my last cruise. I think I will have to remove them, though, because I will be on another cruise in 2 weeks.
  12. Ruth C - Thanks. That's a big help! I forgot about bags being left out in the rain. That's a distinct possibility.
  13. horseymike - Thanks! Great idea!
  14. OlsSalt - Thanks for the tips. I will put plastic back in my suitcase and take it home - good to know.
  15. horseymike - Thanks very much.
  16. When I get clothes back from the dry cleaner, should I remove plastic from clothes or keep it on when packing? TIA
  17. Dr. Dobro - Thanks for the great reports and beautiful pictures! I like the photo of your wife, but could we please see one of you too sometime?
  18. loveandpeas - Bon Voyage and Happy Anniversary! 🥂😊 I think it's great you will be on the same ship! I enjoy it when the waiters at dinner sing to celebrate a birthday or anniversary.
  19. Thank you for taking the time to share your cruise. I enjoyed reading your posts and your pictures are beautiful! Safe travels home!
  20. Thank you for taking the time to share your cruise. I enjoyed reading your posts and your pictures are beautiful! Safe travels home!
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