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Everything posted by Nickelpenny

  1. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I hate to report - well, no I don't!! LOL!! - it is bright and sunny and warm here. It is already 81F at 1014 in the morning and we might hit 90F. The weather app states we will have a "slightly cooler day". Temps will be in the mid-90s this coming week so I guess the description is accurate. I love the Chinese language and was able to make myself understood when using taxis when I lived there. And I could read some - but mainly medical stuff - but I don't remember much now. On my alien employment permit, my name was 贝尼 (pronounced Bèi ní). Interesting about the Cli-Fi Day, and no to cheddar on fries. Maybe as a dip for the fries but..... Meal sounds delicious, no - just no - to the drink (why waste a good beer), no to the wine and never been to Akita. Yah, Danica!! Today is a lazy day, I think, though I do need to get to the store. I didn't cook yesterday's meal so I want to try it today or maybe today's meal. Both sound good. I enjoy seeing the pics of everyone's blooms. I don't have much of that around me and I kill cactus so I am not a good plant mom! @JazzyV thinking of you as you prepare for surgery. It is coming soon. @kazu Jacqui, glad you made it to FLL. I will try to remember to watch the sailaway!! Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!!
  2. Happy Friday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I always start my day here and it is great to read all the contributions!! It will be a lovely day "in the neighborhood"!! I can't imagine a world without garlic; that is one thing I always have in my kitchen - fresh, frozen, salt and powder. No matter what the recipe calls for, I aways add some type of garlic. 😆 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is very serious and usually found during a pregnancy ultrasound. Had never heard of John Parker so the info was appreciated. While I have never read King, it is a very true quote. I will pass on the drink and wine, never been to the port, but the meal - yum!! I may just have to try it tonight! What an explorer Cook was. I did take advantage of the $1 deposit so had a nice chat with my PCC. Found out I need to re-authorize my AARP OBC request in July so that is on my calendar for something to do. Off to get my mani/pedi. Nails will be coming off so I am sure I will start biting them again. 🥴 My nail biting has been a lifelong habit and one of the main reasons I get my nails done. And since I haven't worked in direct patient care for years, it is one of the few things I do for myself. Glad @kazu Jacqui gets to go on her cruise!! Thoughts for all who are having difficulties and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  3. @kazu Jacqui - I have cancelled the 17-DAY PANAMA CANAL & INCA DISCOVERY leaving FLL Nov 14th (still on the TA before that date) BUT added: 15-DAY CULTURAL CROSSING WITH ANDALUSIA & MOROCCO Nov 2-17, 2025 Oosterdam 😉 Thanks! Pennie
  4. Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Three good days to celebrate with either a Long Island Iced Tea OR a Long Beach Iced Tea OR both and a Spinach & Artichoke Dip Grilled Cheese!! 😉 I don't get the quote at all and pass on the wine. Never been to Sydney. Historic day for the Catholic Church. Today is also National Piñata Day - a fun party activity here in the Southwest!! Another beautiful day in the desert. We will probably hit 90F today. We have a contest here where you guess the day and exact time the "ice breaks" on the Santa Cruz River - actually when it will hit 100F. I think it will be early this year but we have been known to have a cold spell after good weather. Last year it was April 30th at 1:59pm! The grand prize is a Lennox AC unit valued at $11,500!! 6 month labs done yesterday. Not too bad - not much change - but need to eat more fish to bring that cholesterol down a tad as the triglycerides are good. My PCP hasn't reviewed them yet but I don't anticipate that he would recommend starting any meds. Yah!! Just got a phone call that my insurance "approved" my surgery!! That just irks me to no end! Why should the insurance companies have the ability to .......... ok, I will stop here before I go on a very long rant!! 🤬 @kazu Glad you are able to go!! Cheers to all of those celebrating and thoughts for those on the care list. Have a wonderful day everyone!
  5. Happy Tuesday to all!! Thanks for the daily and fleet report. Cheers to bean counters and for Emancipation Day. Foursquare seems like an app I would not use. Very important quote. All the food and libations sounds wonderful; never been to Whitehorse. Even though I am not a Yankee fan (Go Dodgers!!) I will celebrate their achievement. Cooler this morning - 47F - but another beautiful day. High predicted to be in the low 80s under - you guessed it - sunny skies!! Doors and windows open and the sounds of spring abound!! I have taken a break from subbing for the last 1.5 weeks but will do so tomorrow as I was asked by a friend to do so. Then not again until next week. After doing my taxes yesterday, I need to readjust my withholding! What a shocker that was. Spoke with the ladies I work out with this morning and they all had to pay - for 2 of them, the first time ever. I try to make my tax owed to be $0 or pay just a tad but not yesterday. 🥴 Today is a lazy day - I think. I may even go out to lunch/dinner. I enjoy staying home and it seems that even when I plan on going out, it never happens. I enjoy my own company!! @atexsix @puppycanducruise @Mr. Boston My sincere condolences for your losses. @StLouisCruisers I did have the ice machine for my shoulder and it made a huge difference. I couldn't sleep in my bed for almost 2 months!! And, yes, stay ahead of the pain is a fantastic plan. Thoughts for those on the care list. Cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  6. Good Monday morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. The only thing I will celebrate about McDonalds is the Ronald McDonald House. I refuse to eat there as their food is so unhealthy - well, almost all fast food is healthy, therefore, I rarely eat fast food. Cheers to ASL and Boston Strong! I laughed at Lewis' quote. The meal, drink and wine sound interesting. Never been to the port. Two important days in history! Today will be a little cooler than yesterday. Presently 53F heading only up to mid-70s under sunny skies. Beautiful weather. Nothing planned but we will see what I end up doing as I have a couple of things on my mind to do. We will see!! Wow, lots of medical stuff going on with everyone today. Thoughts for everyone who is going to the doc or having procedures today. @StLouisCruisers when I had my rotator cuff surgery they pinned my bicep also with 4 pins. It was completely shredded. I had a long recovery (arm in a sling for 7 weeks) and lots of PT afterward but I am so glad I did it. Its been 4.5 years since surgery and I want to say my arm is at 95% in range of motion compared to before surgery. And no pain what-so-ever; I can sleep now without my shoulder waking me up 50x a night!! Cheers to those celebrating and everyone have a great start to the week!
  7. What a morning to wake up to!! It may be hard to laugh today but I will try - turning off the tv might help! Oh, how I love dolphins and I will celebrate the "ex" in ex-spouse(s)!!! Love the quote and yes to the meal, drink and wine!! Yum!! Never been to Hiroshima. Historic days in history. Another beautiful day here; presently 57F heading up to high 80s under sunny skies without a cloud to be seen. We will hit the 90s this week and summer is soon to be upon us. @Denise T your situation sounds frightening. I second getting a restraining order! @LAFFNVEGAS Bon Voyage Sad to read about the crew on the Rotterdam. Condolences to family and crew. Not sure of my plans today but I have to try and re-pot the one and only plant I have; I kill plants usually. I am keeping my fingers crossed this will work as the plant was a gift after I obtained my National School Nurse certification 7 years ago. I was around the 27th RN in the State of AZ to obtain it. Thoughts for those who have lost friends and family members lately. Cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  8. My parents used to do the workamping gig. I think they did it for 5 years or so and did it for "pin money". They loved it. I don't know why they stopped - well, mom said it was because they were "old". It was too bad because it kept them young.
  9. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I rarely have lunch (or breakfast) and I don't play scrabble. So those days can be celebrated by others. Interesting to learn about the Borinqueneers; I will gladly celebrate their day. I disagree with the quote though I am what I am because of the moments in my life - even the multitude of bad ones - sooooooo...... hmmmmm. The meal sounds interesting, as well as the drink! The wine - ok, I will just take a glass; I can afford that!! Awh, Messiah - love Handel!! Never been to the port. It should be a beautiful day today; presently 67F (at 0840) heading up to mid 80s under sunny skies. Door and windows are open to bring in the fresh air. But yesterday did me in; I can't do compressions in CPR like I used to. So today will be a recovery day; in fact, I didn't even go to the gym. I think I will just putter around the house or maybe delete all the work I did overseas that I have kept on my external hard drive. It is 1TB and I only have 53 GB left so it will clear up a lot of space. Why I am keeping those things I have no idea. Well, maybe I do; it is a memory of probably the best 10 years of my life and I got to do thinks I never thought I could and start seeing the world. 😔 Thoughts to those on the care list and those who have lost loved ones and/or dear friends. Cheers to those celebrating: @AncientWanderer Bon Voyage!! Oh, and the new dailyites!! Have a great day everyone!!
  10. Happy Friday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Whoa on the wind, I remember the first US flight into space and walking on the moon, and street children are not just a third world problem. Yes on the quote. The meal looks absolutely fantastic so I think I will make it today - kind of combining all 3 of the recipes. Of course, it will be in my Instant Pot! Pass on the drink and wine and never been to Cozumel. I don't remember the Russian flight but it made the US work harder to make our space program one of the best. AZ spring is in full bloom with the temps heading up to the high 80s with lots of sunshine. Soon I will be off to a BLS class; I have taken it so many times but this will probably be my last. I bought a different kind of bird feed - one with a lot less "filler". I think the birds like it as they don't drop the filler onto the ground. It is nice to watch and hear the birds and also the hummingbirds. Thanks for all nice words on Martina's picture box. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  11. Good Morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. The "Louie Louie" Day made me smile, my pantry really doesn't get much in it (except for maybe my spices - need to look at those), and I will celebrate National Pet Day even though I no longer have a pet. I love dogs but I like big ones and that wouldn't work where I live. Cats are more my thing as they are so independent. My shadow box is done: Love the quote and the meal, no to the drink and wine and I have only been to Norfolk driving there. What a fabulous day in history - Civil Rights!! Sorry to read a lot of you have rainy/dreary/yucky weather! Presently it is 66F and we may get to 90F today. Sunny skies abound!! Just heard OJ Simpson has died after a battle with prostate cancer. He was 76. Day started early today - 0400. Already been to the gym and a wrap on a research project I was in. Today I have to refill the bird and hummingbird feeders. Other than those things, nothing planned except to enjoy the weather. @Haljo1935 Happy Birthday to your DH! After looking at the feast @aliaschief posted I am hungry!! Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating!! Have a great day everyone!!
  12. The next day I drove down to Petra. I parked and started to walk down and this cute young man with 2 horses asked me if I wanted to ride the horse up to the top. I asked how much and he said $50. I had brought a tad over $100 so I said - Why not? I got on the horse and then he said - Oh, but it is 2 horses as he had to ride one so it is $100! I got scammed but I would do it again in a heartbeat. He took me up to above Petra and I walked down. Then as I was walking back up after a couple of hours, he picked me up and took me back to my car. Amazing!! Just some of the pics of my day at Petra: I am on the horse After walking down from the top Starting the amazing views Just some camels along the way I was so glad to be able to go!!
  13. Happy Hump Day to all and thanks for the fleet and daily report. I will celebrate all 3 days. I do have siblings (5 of them) but we are not close. I live the quote! Yes to the stuffed cabbage, no to the concoction of a drink, yes to the wine. Cool about Big Ben! I have been to Aqaba and Petra but not from a cruise. I flew up to Amman from Dubai in Jan 2010 and then rented a car to drive down to Aqaba, past the Dead Sea, and then back to Amman. The next day I drove down to Petra. I found my pictures - I have over 500 of them!! 😊 But here is just a couple and I will split them up into a couple of posts: Driving down from Amman heading to the Dead Sea I saw many things going down and I got lots of stares! At the time, I didn't know that most women did not drive so I was a spectacle. Had to stop at many checkpoints asking for my papers. At one stop, once the police/military person asked me harshly for my papers and then looked at me, proclaimed "Oh, Amirikin! Would you like to join me for some coffee?" in a very pleasant voice. I apologetically said no, I needed to get to Aqaba and that I would be coming this way the next day so maybe then. Ha-Ha. Never went back that way!! Went by where they would make the salt. The mountains seemed like the upper AZ desert to me. Finally got to Aqaba
  14. Happy Tuesday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Poor Jenkins and Dumbo, love antiques but don't have any, thoughtful quote, and good for Hancock!! Pass on all of the gastronomy stuff today. I have been to Denali several times but it was when I was on assignment in AK. Yesterday it just got a tad darker and inside it seemed like it was early morning. But I watched it on my computer - amazing!! I decided to take the whole week off so I am a little off kilter. I am a procrastinator so my fav phrase, I will do it tomorrow, has been thought by me several times so far this week. I do have a Basic Life Support class on Friday as my cert is expiring this month. Other than that, nothing really planned. I am finally - slowly - dismantling Martina's toys, litter box and other things. I put her gravity feeder outside and I either have a young stray or someone's outdoor cat coming to feast on the food. I don't see a collar but who knows. I have a picture box frame that I will put her collar, paw print and collar in - with a picture. I hope to do that is week. Happy Birthday to @luvteaching and Happy Anniversary to @ger_77. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Oh! @aliaschief I LOVE your pictures!!! 🥰 Have a great day everyone!!
  15. Three interesting days, the meal sounds delicious, no, no, no on the drink, pass on the wine, never been to Darwin, and cheers to Hank Aaron!! He was playing against my Dodgers when it happened. It will be a cooler day today with partly cloudy skies but we will only see about a 70% eclipse of the sun - which should be awesome! I don't have any glasses so I will do the pinhole trick and also watch it on the tv. Happy Birthday to @StLouisCruisers and @Norseh2o and Happy Anniversary to @erewhon and @Overhead Fred. Cheers for those who are celebrating other milestones. Thoughts for those on the care list. Have a great day everyone!!
  16. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I love seeing beavers but they can be a reason for destruction in some parts of the US; the only snail-papers I get are in the mail and they immediately go into the trash. I still think in the metric system for most things; in fact, my tape measure is metric! As a beer drinker, I will celebrate international beer Day instead!! I have never been a fan of potato salad though my grandmother would make German potato salad - which I did like. I don't know what made it "German" but it was way better than the one my Mom made; my Mom was not a good cook!! Pass on the drink and wine, never been to the port, funny quote, and I do love a good Bach!!! It is absolutely beautiful here today - cool mornings, warm afternoons with sunshine. Presently it is 58F heading up to mid-70s. I have given up trying to see the SpaceX launches as I would need to get in my car to see it. The view from my house is not a good viewing spot. Oh, well. I don't think I qualified for the knee study as I received a text from the appt rep and then a message to call the actual ortho institute to call them. I guess I will stop trying and then worry about solutions after I take care of my back. One thing at a time and I don't want to jeopardize my TA in Oct/Nov. My CT is late this afternoon. After all the x-rays, MRIs, and CTs I have had lately, I am surprised I am not glowing!! Bon Voyage to those embarking today! Thoughts for those on the care list. Have a great day everyone!
  17. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. When reading the "Todays", a big smile appeared on my face about good 'ole Charlie and Twinkies. I remember the commercial and also how I would eat Twinkies (digging out the middle with my tongue!). And it is important to be aware of drowsy driving! Interesting quote and while air fryer anything is good, I will pass on it and also pass on the drink and wine. Never been to the port. I remember putting the film in backwards!!!! Yesterday was such a busy day and oh soooooo windy!!! 45 mph winds and you could hear it blowing!! Today will be much better but it blew in a cold front. We got up to high 70s yesterday and today we will only get in the low 60s. But it will be sunny all day!! So a nice day. Decided I would take all next week off so I cancelled a sub job I had picked up a long time ago. Today will be a chill day with the gym, straighten the house up a little and then maybe enjoy the outdoors. I will sous vide a pork loin this afternoon but haven't decided what to have with it. Boy, a lot of people returning from a cruise. Hope you had a fantastic time!! My next cruise is not for 207 days 17 hours and 6 minutes (but who is counting???) and I hope I will still be able to go at least for 1/2 of it. I am hoping for the best. I hope all who were in the earthquake area have gotten over the "shock" and all is well. As a Cali girl, I remember my first earthquake as a child. I thought it was cool!! Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  18. Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I will gladly celebrate Victims of Violence Wholly and only Vit C by natural means - no pills! I don't like 4x4s so....... Disagree with the quote, pass on all the food and drinks, never been to Ireland, and interesting day in history. Early morning for me as I have to hit the gym and then sub at a HS. Off I go!! Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day!
  19. Happy Hump Day to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I am a tad late to the party as I decided I would sleep in this morning - all the way to 0730!!! LOL!! I love the music scores in movies (except the Tubular Bells in the Exorcist - which to this day - creeps me out!!), haven't seen a fan dance but would love to, and, oh, I love rainbows. Here are a couple I have seen on BHBs and one from Lanzhou, China: Yogi was something else 😂, the meal sounds delicious but only with the wine - no way, on the drink (caramel 🤢), never been to the port, and OMG, I graduated from HS in '73 and now that year is one of the Days in "History"?!?!?!?! I am out of my funk and I want to thank everyone for the encouraging words and suggestions (I won't individually name you because I know I will forget someone!!). Part of the reason I am out of my funk is I just decided to not let this development get me down. But the biggest reason is: AND I have over 100 sea days!!! I am so excited and I just don't know why this was so important but I don't care!! In a way, it means I have spent a lot of money the last 2 years but I have enjoyed cruising so much and it has opened up a whole new way of exploring the world that I never thought I ever, ever wanted to do. AND I have met some of the neatest people on the planet - either in real life or virtually!! I am on cloud nine!! Can you tell??? LOL!! I am thinking of all who are going through trials and tribulations. Cheers to those celebrating and everyone have the best day you can today!
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