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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. And if that doesn't work, then call in. I understand you have a great relationship w/your TA, but HIA is one of those strange inconsistent things for HAL, so calling is best if you run into issues on the app or website.
  2. Understandable. I was in So Africa at the time of POTUS election then again in the weeks before/during/after Trump's inauguration. Every Uber driver felt the need to weigh in on US politics. Given I had no rent car and relied on Uber to get to/from work everyday, it was the longest 8 weeks of my life.
  3. Yes the closeness of those 2-tops are prone to cross chatter at breakfast. DH is not a fan. No, I think she certainly would not criticize a love of butter, but dear Julia might wonder why I lean the other way - am not a fan of butter, don't put it on potatoes, bread... so I would certainly let her have my share.
  4. Or football, I would guess, from Americans. Seems everyone from AL and MS are supposed to.be college football fans...
  5. I feel like that's directed at me and all the other "how do we take on our liquid coffee creamer" posters, lol. 🫣 You know I'm taking some for cabin use when I'm not "snacky" enough for GDC. 🤭 Thank goodness I'm not a red cabbage fan so that's one less thing I have to make room for.
  6. I've seen it and always considered getting then something else would strike my taste buds, so yet to try it. For sure, I'm trying it next time I see it. I'm committed to simply stopping at the point I see it and looking no further down the menu.
  7. @AV8rix I see people holding the large HAL banner, too, when we leave FLL and always make a point of waving at them. My sister thinks I'm a dork and DH has no idea what I'm talking about, so I wave double to cover theirs, lol. 🙄 I have wondered if they hold up banners for other cruise lines, but since we're special, I've not pursued an answer. 😊
  8. Using Chrome, it let's me see them, but can't do anything. Possibly doing maintenance? Or just glitchy again.
  9. I feel your pain @eurodolphin as I currently have a booking that I cannot add it to. I strongly encourage you to call HAL beverage department (it will be an option after you've selected "1 for current booking") as the app and website are very glitchy and frequently do not display accurate results. Give them your booking number and tell them you want to add the HIA package. You will need to pay at that time, so just be ready for that. Safe travels - enjoy your cruise!
  10. And while the bathroom may not be equipped, the doors on all suites are larger than regular cabins and will accommodate mobility devices.
  11. Don't know how I missed this - thank you!!
  12. I avoid taking out the garbage at almost all costs - let DH do it and don't care what he wears, lol. If the neighbors don't like it, they don't have to look.🫣 Now as for getting my first cup of Joe during a cruise, I'm pulling on a pair of pants or slipping on a sundress, whichever is closest. Kindly refer you to my comment above about husband taking out trash - that's a win win for me, lol.🤭
  13. Highly recommend calling in to make your reservation.
  14. I have no problem doing that if leaving it in the original plastic bottle is an issue.
  15. The one I've seen in the shops is what @Retired_Army described.
  16. You are 1 star: Look in the circle on the left - there is 1 star. Look just to the right of the circle - the ribbon says 1 star under "Mariner ID" and below the ribbon tells you the number of credits needed to reach 2 star Look to the far right of the ribbon - your next level is shown, so deducting 1 gives you your current Mariner star status
  17. Hey @jasonwa87 another advantage of booking the Advantage fare, is that if there is a price drop after you book, you can get a reduction on your booking either to the cruise fare or as OBC. That is not automatic, you have to call in to have that done. Safe travels - enjoy your cruise!
  18. Very annoying is also having to constantly close out the "refer a friend" ribbon before being able to get anywhere beyond the first page - it blocks the log in button on my phone. High class problem to have, I guess, considering it's a cruise vacation I'm trying to handle, lol.
  19. Is it insulated enough to actually keep the ice frozen for a while or just keep your drink cool? DS likes ICE!!
  20. Yes, it is milk; creamer is also there, so you have a choice. If you want more than the little amount in the glass jar, you can write in "glass of milk." You can also have it warm instead of cold if you prefer, default is cold.
  21. Thanks @LBCABob we have been considering those cabins for AK for quite some time. DH is struggling w/giving up his balcony, but I enjoyed the forward views on a recent cruise w/o him, so I'm back to considering and researching again.
  22. @MisterMatthew as others have said, yes after deposit is paid - up until final payment you can make as few or as many number of payments in whatever amount you would like. You can do that yourself directly on the website or app w/o calling in for a person to handle. You can also split payments between cards during a single transaction. If you booked through or transferred the booking to a TA, your payments have to go through them - you cannot make payments except for excursions and other add ons. If you book air through Flight Ease, that gets added to your total and eill be at final payment, so consider that as you consider budgeting payment amounts. If you need to cancel even if you have a non-refundable fare, call in - they are at times willing to transfer all monies you've paid to another booking. I have personally done that more than once. Just be prepared that they technically can so no and may opt to do so. Safe travels - enjoy your cruise.
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