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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. I try my best to take advantage of these sales. They do make the FAS well priced. It is however all or nothing for us: We cannot opt out of any part so for a person that drinks as little as I do and don't value the speiciality meals much it really has to be half price to be good value. I really only want the WiFi minutes and excursion discount and had I booked through US that would have been "free" (as in "included in cruise price"). Having said that, it does feel very luxurious to just walk up to a bar, get a Coke or a beer and it's all already paid for, And La Cucina is nice. 😄
  2. This is Cruise Critic. Not the friendliest place on the net. But at least information here usually is pretty reliable. Contrary to what you find on another very popular site whose name should not be mentioned here.
  3. Should not be a problem. That alcohol ban was only for a short time last year.
  4. That actually works in a lot of places nowadays! And more an more getting added to the list! But I do suggest keeping som small denomination notes and/or Euro coins if you're in the habit of using bathrooms while on the go.
  5. I have been booked in the new solo categories. WHen I've been invited to bid it has not been for solo categories.
  6. Definitely other ruiles in Europe. Fee for cancellation from day one for example. So what people tell here really don't apply for us. But even after final pay you can ask for a room upgrade at reduced price.
  7. Correct! I'm in Europe and it's in Terms and conditions for us as well. I don't think CN promos ever are UD only.
  8. What I have done is send an email to cruisenext@ncl.com In the email I include the number of the coupon I want to transfer and name, email and Latitude number of both me and the person recieving it. Sometimes it's super fast (a couple of hours, if that) but I undertsand that 24-72 hours cab also happen (even though it's never been over 24 for me if done during "normal office hours")
  9. Apart from the bar sometimes being crowded I don't recognize much from when I was on Gem just before Christmas. Cookies - Available every day at around 3 pm in The Great Outdoors. Should be listed as "snacks" in the dailies. OP, did you ask anyone if there were cookies somewhere? Or did you just roam around hoping to run into some cookies? Once a day room cleaning - Old "news"! Unless you need assistance with a third bed or something I honestly don't get why anyone would need any turn down service anyway! If you do need assistance I guess you can request it. Towel animals - seriously? Nice, but surely the steward has better things to do! As has been mentioned, you can request them. And of course you should tip accordingly (whatever that is). As for general cleanliness there was no such issues during my cruise. I thought Gem was an amazing ship! Yes, showing her age a little, but in general very nice!
  10. I'm in Spain quite frequently and tip for example the hairdresser. But I do it by adding to the credit card amount before tapping the card. And in restuarants and similar of course. No US type cash tipping except maybe a tour guide when I take guided tours.
  11. Probably not. But handling cash is really a hassle. Cashless is spreading more and more at least in northern Europe. Probably not as much in southern Europe. But do them a favour, use card when possible!
  12. So you just THINK you'll pay tax. The 150 minutes has no retail value. What would you pay tax on?? Wouldn't the tax for 0 be 0?
  13. What??? Ok, I'm in Europe and it's different here so maybe I don't understand US FreeAtSea. But do you really pay anything for the 150 minutes? Isn't it drinks and food you pay taxes on? You can't UPGRADE to plus unless you first have the basic package to upgrade from. Including the 150 minutes. I get so confused reading this question!
  14. I think I read that you are on a last minute booking. If so there might not be possible to book anything else than guarantee. A guy on my TA last year didn't like what he got assigned and even though they could move him, if I recall right they wanted quite a high fee to do so. I would suggest you contact NCL for correct information though and try to get the room you want right away.
  15. Well, if it sails from Southampton instead that's an improvement. I was considering a Portsmouth sailoff cruise as one of a couple of options. When listing pros and cons Portsmouth was a con for me. Not a big one, but still. Southampton is way more convenient for me (easy to get to from Gatwick, budget hotels within walking distance of both train station and cruise terminal). But NCL still lists Portsmouth as departure port for both May 8-18 and May 18-30..
  16. I just came off Dawn. Elements was on my druise. And a nice rock/soul/pop dance and sing show with the production cast. I liked the music show, Dodn't see Elements since I've seen it before.
  17. Nope! Well, I actually don't WANT to lose my luggage. But if I do it's no big deal. It can be a hassle, especially if my winter stuff gets lots on the way home to Sweden. Nothing irreplaceable in my checked bag, and I often fly home wearing my boots because those would be the hardest and most essential to replace.
  18. I was thinking along those lines as well. Vancouver is crazy expensive! But also very nice, so maybe worth it. 😄
  19. This is on more ships than Jewel, but don't know it's on all. It's not new. It's probably meant for carry-on luggage. It's not recommended (although maybe possible) to bring big suitcases onboard yourself. If it doesn't fit the scanner going through security I imagine it's a bit of a hassle. (I actaully saw some people getting told to leave their suitcases with the porters and not haul them around themselves when checking in at Southampton.)
  20. Blaming boots certainly is a main theatre show! But on ships like Spirit and Gem there is first come first serve for the theatre.
  21. That's what I do as well. Not because I'm not tech savvy ( I am...) but because it's the easiest in my opinion for things I'll only use once or twice. Often I take a screenshot of the barcode or QR code and put it as a widget on one of my phone home screens. Things that come with a "dowload to Wallet" (wether Google or Apple) go into the "Wallet", things that don't will go into gallery/ download folder/home screen. I often carry paper copies as well to be on the safe side, but I do prefer to keep things on my phone and not have to pull up papers. (I'm not just talking NCL boardin pass here, but in general.)
  22. PLEASE choose the middle room for this! 😄 (Not that I will be on the same cruise, but I would hate to be the neighbour of a gathering like this!) And have a nice time, wherever you spend it! 😄
  23. Actually, I like that idea! I still have quite a bit to go before Saphire so "dinner with officer" isn't an option for me. But I have been glancing the tier benefits and thought "Nah, not too interested in that". I would actually much rather share a (small) table with a random staff/crew member and talk with them about their work and experiences! The guy clearing buffet tables could be just as interesting as... well, anyone else! (I do chat with staff now and again, but it would be so nice to have them sat down at a table with me!)
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