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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. Just adding to my previous comment: It is however good to PLAN to be back very early if doing non-NCL excursions. For example two hours. Even if all aboard time is for example 30 minutes. That way you have a healthy margin in case anything goes wrong. It may be that your wording when asking the question made the person reply this way for that very reason.
  2. Call again! And if they tell you the same thing again, ask them to make an extra check with some sort of supervisor. Because that is just not true!
  3. At NCL website, "contact us" I find a "Swedish" phone number. Swedish as in not an international call. It has a Swedish prefix. But it will still take me to a British person. Enclose screenshot, but of course not any use to you unless you're in Sweden!
  4. It certainly seems so. I always get excellent service. Not haven. Not Platinum or above. Not a big tipper. Maybe it's my sparkling personality that makes them like me? 😄 (And now I need to get my daughter who is reading over my shoulder to stop laughing hysterically...)
  5. La Cucina is my favourite. I'm not much of a foodie, but I do have an appetite. La Cucina's portions are big. And tasty! Le Bistro has good food, but portions are a bit small for me. I don't want to "have to" go to the buffet after dinner. Teppanyaki gives you more than enough food, but in my experience quality varies. I have had both really good and not that special. Moderno has diappointed me. Some cuts of meat have been tough and tasteless. Others have be OK, but I would have expected better. (In general I eat more vegatarian an fish/seafood than meat)
  6. Oh how I wish CruiseFirst was availble for me i Europe as well! Great for those that book non-balcony rooms less than 4 months prio to sailing. (Still loving my CruiseNexts though and have been able to tale advantage of double up a few times anyway.)
  7. Not really. But to be fair, we don't know HOW close OP is cutting it. Just that there is a real risk. Personally I can't see myself doing those flights and then not make the cruise, "free" or not. If the return flight is booked, will they stay in an hotel before going back? Or will they reschedule the return flight? If that's OK, why not OK to reschedule the first flight instead? None of business anyway! To each their own!
  8. Ok, this discussion made me put this leftover pack of really nice Christmas cookies among things to pack. ("Leftover" because I have had so many other yummy things to eat. Love them and cannot believe I haven't eaten them already! Over two weeks until I leav though, so by then they may not still be around.)
  9. True. Someone wrote here some time ago that she was in an inside, some higher deck, and bid on an oceanview that she won. It was a porthole oceanview on deck 4. She did not feel lika winner... 😮 (I had a porthole oceanview on deck 5 forward so I didn't have anything to lose except money when bidding on the balcone I ended up winning. 😄 )
  10. That's how I always understood it. Thanks for confirming!
  11. It has been reported here that you do get an extra dinner. It doesn't look like it on my reservation/eDocs. I will know for sure when I actually check in at the terminal March 8.
  12. Yeah. After my most recent cruise I read quite a few comments in different places that just wasn't right. Along the line of "There was NO information at all about this". And yet somehow I knew about it and even had a printed information leaflet and had talked about it with other people that also somehow knew about it... Of course this was about minor things like itinerary related stuff and not IMPORTANT things like cookies! That we, by the way, had every day. This was in December.
  13. I was thinking 2 hours as well! But here's what's in the FAQ (I think link should work even if itorigin ally is for EU site) https://www.ncl.com/fr/en/cruise-faq/boarding-times And I totally agree about stress! I get a knot in my stomch just reading OP's post!
  14. I know there people arriving to the Vancouver terminal not much over an hour (definitily less than 90 minutes) before departure last year. I THINK they were on NCL booked flights and transfers though, which may make a difference.
  15. You mean the ones sitting there playing cards with people desperately looking for a seat swirming around them? Gotta love them... 😞
  16. I had a bid to balcony from porthole oceanview accepted on my March 8 sailing from Cape Town a couple of days ago. The bid was right on the border between "fair" and "good". I suspect I could have bid less and still got it, but my reasoning was that I had set a total I was prepared to pay for a balcony. Needless to say that amount was WAY below the actual price for a solo traveller! A couple of weeks ago when solo supplement was dropped on the lowest categories I upgraded my really bad deck 4 solo inside to a porthole oceanview AND got a refund because of lower price (my PCC fixed this). That refund and a little bit more became my upgrade bid. I would have been perfectly happy in my deck 5 oceanview, but the balcony will make this into pure luxury! And only €150 over the original price for my lousy deck 4 forward inside only few weeks ago. (The cruise has been sold out for a week or two, so what's going on now is handling a cancellation now and then and moving people between categories.)
  17. In EU only passengers 1 and 2 can BUY the FreeAtSee. Nobody ever GETS any part of it here.
  18. I booked a Balcony Guarantee for my TA on Gem (booked a couple of months before departure). I got a regular midship (more towards aft than front) balcony that I was very happy with.
  19. I think they mean 99 in one day
  20. LOL! Just thinking about the worries that there would be a drink cap, "only" allowing 15 drinks/day. 15 alcoholic drinks and I would be REALLY drunk. If concious...
  21. As I said on the other topic: Both travellers get half price. Meaning two people pay for one if that's the way anyone want to look at it (as apparently NCL does).
  22. Both get half price. So not a scam. Good thing that a solo traveller gets the same % discount as a couple!
  23. I just want to point out that I am in no way suggesting this sharing would be OK. It IS against the rules and I have no problem followong this rule. I am just trying ti interpret what's going on. (And how come person 3 doesn¨t have a drinks package.) As you point out, if thousands of passengers across the whole fleet did this it would probably have the effect of raised prices. But maybe that's not such a plausible scenario with the majority of passengers sailing with US rules and therefor all (or non) of the adults in the room having the drinks package. Still breaking the rules though. And I do not think that should be done.
  24. Yeah.. I suspect that if person 3 could have had the drinks package for $21.80/day this probably wouldn¨t have been an issue. As it is I THINK person 3 has to buy the package at full price, $109/day. Not sure at all if this is the case, but I can't find any good inforamtion about EU bookings.
  25. It's a European booking. I travel solo so I don't know the full rules, but there is no automatic package applied to us.We buy it separately (and it's all or nothing, you cannot opt out of just drinks), and only passengers 1+2 can buy it as I understand it.
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