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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. Of course the person could do that! But they may not want to because of the cost. Sharing would be less expensive/free.
  2. Not really a difference in rules for using the package. Just in how to get it. Sharing still isn't allowed.
  3. And we can't opt out of the drinks and/or speciality dinners and still get Internet minutes and excursion discounts. It's all or nothing. (I've been able to take advantage of a couple of half-price promos, but not always possible.)
  4. On my recent TA on Gem a fellow traveller suffering from jetlag had gone to O'Sheehans around that time expecting them to be open 24/7 but it seems they were closed for maybe 2 hours or something like that around that time, preparing for breakfast. I don't know if that is typical or not though.
  5. You'd use 10GB in a day??? Wow! That would last me a whole cruise! And then some...
  6. I cruised Star in October and Gem in December 2023. I eat most of my meals in the buffet. The food was noticeably better on Gem. Not necessarily better prepared, but better/more choice and presentation. As for speciality: Moderno on Star was not great. La Cucina on Gem was very good (taste and portion size). Le Bistro at Gem (ate there twice) had well tasting food, but ridicilous portion size (small!). (Maybe it should be noted that I'm not much of a meat eater. Steaks are not for me, but I can tell the difference between good and not so good meat, an unfortunately Moderna served the not so good meat.)
  7. Absolutely! As long as you let whoever runs the excursion know!
  8. According to the benefit listing it's one bag per platinumperson. So two bags in acabin with two platinum guests. I have read here that people get a second free bag if needed, but I don't know anything about that. Maybe a YMMV situation.
  9. Ok, I actually don't think any rule breaking has to be done. The person with the sode package should order their drinks themselves and offer their card. If it's just a simple Shirley Temple or similar it's not likely to be any charge. The bartende will register it as soda water. Right or wrong, that is how bartenders seem to handle at least simple mocktails. I don't knwo about more advanced ones, like virgin mudslides or whatever, but would not be surprised if it would be the same. Technically not part of the soda package, but in practice often still given. As long as there is no alcohol involved bartenders often have a relaxed attitude as long as you have some sort of drinks package.
  10. I LOVE cookies! But I want GOOD cookies! Better than what NCL offer. But desperate times call for desperate measures and sometimes an NCL cookie is better than no cookie at all. 😄 And throwing cookies in the trash... well that's just not right! 😮
  11. Yeah... Not impressed by NCL desserts. At all. Nor the cookies. I do eat the cookies if offered and would never throw one away, but if not available I probably wouldn't miss them.
  12. Another "not technically allowed". They MIGHT let you, but consider that an exception. Don't count on it!
  13. Yes. It is ship/staff specific. Technically sharing is not allowed. But some (most?) allow it anyway. I have a feeling it is slightly more strict adherence to the rule now than before. But that's just a feeling.
  14. Could those 75 (or part of them) be tax while in Spain/France? There has been a lot of talk about tax on drinks, but according to NCL there should also be tax on meals. Even though it seems, when drinks tax was a hot topic here, people were not charged for meals. I think the most likely expanantion though is that they had someting with a surcharge.
  15. So I'm not the only one that grabbed the wrong card when leaving the room... Ooops!
  16. True. What it's about is a switch at the bottom of the slit. All you need is something to push that switch. Paper folded acouple of times, cardboard, plastic...
  17. I haven't been on a ship that requires a keycard for the elctricity in the room, but it's more or less standard at hotels I go to. You can just use a stiff enough business card or some old plastic loyalty card or whatever. Cut a piece of cardboard the size of a credit card and you're good to go. Or stay...
  18. I like white chocolate! But overall I'm wondering about NCL chocolate. Wether in desserts or in "chocolate treats" (they had quite a few of those at Gem) It is really poor quality! No big deal though. I'll just find something else to munch on. Like more food... or cheese... or... 😄
  19. It's NFC. So inside a plastic pocket should work. In the bars they might swipe it though, so you need to take it out then.
  20. Something I don't find odd at all! I'd say it's pretty common that employees has other sets of rules than guests/customers in workplaces.
  21. There are several "first I've seen" there! 😄
  22. I think so. Mine were bought in 2023. But why don't you just check your account?
  23. I guess it depends on where you are. I have only done Europe/UK and Transatlantic but they pretty much always told us to bring a governmnet issued photo ID, or at least a copy of one. Not that they were ever checked, but on an excursion in Skagway they checked our passports before the tour (Yukon), and only originals would do. (FWIW it was CLEARLY stated on the excursion ticket that a passport would be required. Not that that stopped people from not bringing it and having to get back on the ship to get it...)
  24. On my recent 15 day TA I think it was only offered once. I might be wrong since I wasn't interested, but if they offered it more than once it was not well advertised.
  25. I admit I'm not a very seasoned cruiser with huge experience. But honestly, does anyone go on a cruise expecting to shop? Ok, maybe a souvenir or a couple of presents. A nice piece of jewellery maybe. I haven't been on Escape but think all ships cater for that. LOTS of people go on cruises to gamble though! So not the best comparison... (And I suspect if you actually measure the square footage you'd be surprised. Looking at the deck plans Casino and Tradewinds don't look too different in size.) And yet a lot of the complaints are weather related! Including worries about children getting wet when it rained... (and seriously, the rocking of the ship... Wow!) I already commented on the 6 am docking and it's complaints like this that makes the whole post a bit silly. I'm sorry OP had such a bad experience on the cruise. And probably not caring much for Cruise Critic either after this. I hope future cruises on other cruise lines will be more to their satisfaction.
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