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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. Source? No they don't. They report a stomach illness. They "know" nothing, They "heard" iit was "suspected". Quote: While on the ground in Mauritius, USA TODAY and a group of journalists scheduled to depart on a press itinerary Sunday, heard the stomach illness was suspected to be cholera.
  2. It's not the first time there has been Norovirus or similar on a cruise ship. Usually not as much drama around it as this time though. What's different from other times is that port authorities won't let anyone disembark for fear of cholera. NCL isn't putting people's life at risk any more than any other outbreak of whatever illness. These things happen! REALLY inconvenient for both the people stuck on ship watching their flights take off without them and those waiting to board though! And probably also scary for people onboard. Let's hope for everyone's sake that it is "just" Norovirus or GI or whatever you want to call it. And not cholera!
  3. Absolutely! If nothing else, a card or email pointing out how much you appreciate them! (Or one of thos charity things I wrote about earlier. 😄 )
  4. It's a photo. I'm not comfortable taking someone else's photo and posting it elsewhere. The letter doesn't actually say much, just that they should rearrange independelntly booked flights and that hopefully they can disembark on Tuesday. So no info that isn't already given here.
  5. As I see it what has happened is they got what surely was wrong information when cancelling. After all, WHY would they get their CN back if the cruise fare isn't refundable? The person that told them that must have thought the situation was another than it was. Or just not knowledgeable enough. So it's not really a warning about CruiseNext, but rather to check and doublecheck and also have another think if something is reasonable. Would it really be reasonble to have a certificate worth 250 given back if cancellation fee is 100%? Of course to excuse for NCL to give wrongful information!
  6. As I understand they have taken samples to be analyzed to make sure it's "just" norovirus (or similar) and not cholera. Analyze can take up to 48 hours. So sorry for those of those that should have embarked today! They must be so frustrated.
  7. Wondering the same! As someone who will embark Dawn in less than 2 weeks I'm not amused. But to each their own I guess...
  8. I just wanted to add my thoughts about this gift-giving. Something I do a lot is buy "things" from Red Cross, UNHCR and similar "gift shops". I don't know if you have this in US, but what we can do over here is instead of just giving xx$ as "money" we can choose to buy for example measles shots, school books, footballs and lots of other things needed. You get a nice gift card that can either be sent by post or by email. I have done this for many many years and I find that people really appreciate it. It's a "safe" gift that people are happy to accept and not feel awkward over. I know I get super happy when someone gives something like this to me!
  9. I'm confused! (Nothing new there...) Who would the two kid¨s meals in 3 and for be ordered for? Kid + Granny? That definitaly wouldn't be an option! So I guess the answer would be "no" then...
  10. Add me to the ones bringing a refillable bottle! I get a small carton in my room and even though I don't mind it it's usually not better than the buffet water. The carton is nice and light though so it usually comes with me on an excursion where I can discard it after it's finished. But I cannot see any need whatsoever to pay good money for something you can get for free.
  11. It's probably first come first serve. It has been on the ships I have been on. (The "small/medium" ones). No problem at all getting seats! Never been on Joy though.
  12. Yes. After all, it's just the Latitude perk that has the limitation about not using both on the same restaurant. With FAS or extra dinners or (horror!) paying menu prices you're free to go to the same restaurant as many times as you like!
  13. US bookings get FAS "for free" but instead pay gratuities if they take the drinks and/or special dining. EU bookings have to buy the FAS separtely, but do not have to pay any extra gratuities. About a week or so every months they have run a promo when the package is half price. That promo is on right now and runs until Feb 29. A very good deal!
  14. You have to be aware that US booking conditions ans EU booking conditions are quite different. Once you start a booking and it's clear that you're in EU what was previously mentioned on the site may no longer be correct. That is if you're on a non-NCL page.
  15. You should not have any gratuities for FreeAtSea added. Not now, not before! Not if you book in Eyuros. If you book in USD it¨s different. It's half price for FreeAtSea now by the way.
  16. Don't you have NCL transfer if you booked through them? That will make things easier for you and unless there is a delay you shouldn't have any issues. (Personally I prefer flying in the day before the cruise for peace of mind. Having said that, I will arrive in Cape Town on the day of departure in a couple of weeks. Flight, booked through NCL, arrival time is 7.40 am and the cruise starts with an overnight in Cape Town, so I should be fine even if there is some sort of hickup.)
  17. You choose your terminal arrival time during online checkin. You shoul have picked a later time! Having said that, usually they don't care what time slot you have. And boarding usually starts earlier than 12, even if that is what eDocs say- (For my upcoming Cape Town departure there has however been sent out an email that they WILL check your time, and not let you in if you're early. It doesn't say anything about being late though...)
  18. Absolutely agree on prebooking being a great idea! Makes things more relaxed onboard. But hopefully there will be good slots available to OP once onboard!
  19. Hmmm... 21 days from Saturday making sailoff March 16 Counting back to November 1: 16+29+31+31+30=137days. But maybe we're not talking about the same cruise? October 17 would be around 150 days. (Personally I think November is month we could just as well do without. But I guess we have to count it in anyway. 😄)
  20. Making all sorts of stupid typos myself I usually don't point them out. But this one was just too good to pass by! Thanks for making me smile and imagine what sort of cursing may have been going on. 😄 Not that it matters, but if the cruise is 21 days away, surely dining reservartions didn't open in October? But, really not important now! Probably me misunderstanding something. (By the way, I made several typos writing this. I THINK I caught most of them...)
  21. You log in and out of internet access. So you can use your minutes the whole cruise. If you need to write an email, first log out from internet, write the message and log back in to send it to save minutes.
  22. Yes! It's worth it! Put on a jacket and get uo early and go out there and enjoy the view while sailing in to wherever you're going. Views are great! Edit: I was thinking you come from an inside. If you are in a picture window Ocean View maybe it's not such a clear "yes". I had one of those on the same itinerary and LOVED it. But I'm a solo traveller so maybe I can sit by the window better than a couple.
  23. I did a TA on Gem in December. Sitting down to eat never was much of a problem, but the wind took some of my potato chips one day. 😄
  24. On my September Star cruise Ålesund is listed as dock. Not tender. I hope that's right!
  25. Isn't it typically 8 seats or something like that at one teppanyaki table? You'd have to talk to them to make sure they can seat you together.
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