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Everything posted by IAcruising

  1. Has anyone noticed that their CN certs no longer have an expiration date? Just got word this afternoon, and I have confirmed that mine do not.
  2. Yes, that's why they're awesome! What else you gonna do with the bacon and sausage drippings on your plate?
  3. My TCC just told me today that a triple-up starts Nov. 8 and runs through Nov. 16. Seems like weird dates. And now I don't remember if she said it was CN certs or Latitude points. I'm assuming CN. She also said that CN certs no longer have an expiration date, effective immediately.
  4. No one buys 100 shares of NCL as a great stock investment. They buy it because it provides a nice tax-free dividend every time they cruise.
  5. I think "going West to East" is the same as "moving eastward". Unless I'm living on a different planet (which is entirely possible). Or, what Capitan said.
  6. Ouch. Pretty low blow for the NCL forum. I am a bit confused, as it seems you've done this before. Why did you wait 3 months before inquiring about your request, and with only 2-weeks or so before the cruise?
  7. Me, thank you. We live in Iowa. Have you ever been to Iowa in January? I don't like beaches, I don't like heat, and the Caribbean is getting really packed, tedious, and unfriendly to be honest.
  8. Do you get travel points or cashback on your Chase card? Unless it is important for you to get to a certain level on your NCL card as quickly as possible, I'd go with the Chase card and get the insurance.
  9. It's really all about how you choose to perceive it. I had $1000 in casino charges on my account. I bought 8 certs. In my mind, I had erased my casino charges and put a $2000 downpayment on future cruises. Worked for me! 😂
  10. In Sitka, it was $69 for a single Alaskan King Crab leg. Granted, it was the length of my arm, but still...
  11. As ziggy just pointed out. You immediately use the $250 to pay 1/2 of the $500 charge.
  12. I don't think the revenue thing works the way you think it works.
  13. I just can't not see that spelling blunder every.single.time. 🫤
  14. NCL is now $25 for Haven and suites, and $20 for all others. You can assume the other lines will be catching up sooner rather than later.
  15. Good point. Where do they usually go in February? The Caribbean? Of course, dumb question. Ugh.
  16. And visit the same Caribbean/Mexican ports for gazillionth time? No thanks. There is Bermuda, which you could visit 5 times and never do the same thing twice. Also many ports in New England and Canada we've never visited. I would hate to see the NY sailings limited or stopped.
  17. Says some anonymous internet poster who refuses to back up his "facts" with, you know, "facts".
  18. I say that to Mrs. IA all the time. She snaps back, "How do you know what will be necessary"? Tough to argue with that.
  19. I guess so. But it's soccer. Does anyone really care? 🤣
  20. I think the license fees would be far more than the amount they would get in "a section of O'Sheehans". And which game would be shown? I see fisticuffs on that horizon.
  21. Deck 10 for us. I spend most my on-ship time on 6/7/8 and don't like stairs. My wife spends her time on top and loves walking the steps.
  22. So, NCL took your payment, but declined to apply it to the shore excursions? Are the excursions sold out or cancelled? Why aren't they just applying your payment to the excursions you requested? From the outside looking in, something seems to be getting lost in translation. Good luck figuring it out.
  23. I'm confused. Your payment was declined by whom? Your credit card or NCL? If NCL, do they have your money, or don't they? Has your credit card been charged? I got lost somewhere on this road.
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