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Everything posted by IAcruising

  1. Proper response. I hope there was a leftover cigar or two.
  2. Order an egg anyway you like, and just eat the white.
  3. For sure. I was very impressed with Prima, with some obvious issues. We will be sailing Aqua for certain.
  4. This is correct. No one is going to be able to sue a company for a sales ad. Well, that's not true. Let's just say it will take more time and money than most of us have.
  5. Wanna talk about giddy? I booked the Spirit for New Zealand. A week later it was cancelled, and I got a 10% FCC that I used on our April Encore repo. That's giddy with benefits! 😆
  6. Do not let them do the research! I swear my BIL calls me every other day to ask if I've seen a price drop. omg.
  7. Ok, that makes more sense. 😄 Let him know that AccuWeather is free.
  8. Ok. There is nothing I can say that will top that. 😆
  9. No, of course not. But I prefer not to be where those might happen to be.
  10. I'm honestly trying to comprehend cruising during the holidays. I can't possibly imagine a worse scenario for a large family get together. What a cluster that must be. 😎 We'll travel off-season, thank you.
  11. Come with us on the Encore repo in April. Maybe 30 or so kids for 21-days! Go-kart heaven, here we come....
  12. I have a number of young friends/family who travel by the seat of their pants. They would take issue with my OCD-style planning. 😆
  13. I'm getting giddy about being able to book dining in 9-days for my April Encore repo. Bring it!
  14. Our experience, your milage may vary. 1) $4.95 for breakfast, $9.95 all other times. Order as much as you want. 2) Anytime is anytime. Just hope there aren't 200 people in front of you. 3) You can't choose your flights, but you can get a 1–2-day deviation to get you there early or leave late. They will not provide transportation to the ship if you have a deviation. I don't know about your 4-day. 4) Plenty. Only the main shows can be pre-booked at 21-days. 5) If you only have one, choose Le Bistro. Book it at 120-days. 6) There will not be a lot if kids on an early November cruise in Europe. 7) Pearl is larger than Spirit, but still considered small. You will love it. 8 Muster is get your card scanned at your station and watch a video.
  15. Has this only been a problem when booking on the ship? I always get my discount when pre-booking online.
  16. I bought a polo shirt at the store a couple weeks ago for $20. Now they are having a 2-for-1 sale. Two shirts for $40. Go figure.
  17. I get it. Whatever works. I'm just a "plan b" (and c and d) kind of guy. I react strongly because the thought of getting stuck in a foreign country without a passport makes my skin crawl. Having a pre-plan for all circumstances is actually a huge stress reliever for me. Others are free to disagree.
  18. I love ya d, but c'mon. A passport is $13 a year. You seriously don't think it's the way to go? I realize it wasn't an option in this case, but in general?
  19. We had a Deck 9 Club Balcony on the Joy for 10-days almost directly above the Cavern Club. Between rehearsals and shows, we were quite done with Beatle's music for awhile. We only book Deck 10 now.
  20. So you can't get rid of the added gratuities? I find the differences in fares in different countries very interesting.
  21. Well, it works just fine, until it doesn't.
  22. I missed this one. I agree with Bird. ORD in February, on any given day, is a complete crapshoot.
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