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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. She had a few really bad days, with constant headaches and being extremely tired after treatment for a few days. We have been with her, every day, all day through the weekdays to help in any way we can. Maybe now that she knows what to expect, it will help. It will start again on Monday. Thanks for asking.
  2. I will take that view any day. We haven’t even seen the sun here for the last 4 days. Today’s forecast looks promising though.
  3. We were on in January, and the bionic bar is there now. A lot of newbies were trying it out on boarding day, but after that, it is dead.
  4. We were keeping the grandkids entertained on Friday, or maybe they were keeping us entertained. We picked them up to take them out to breakfast. Granddaughter was dressed for the occasion - a dress, necklace, bracelet, ring. I mean, we were only going to Bob Evans, and she would be dressed better than anyone there. She got a hand me down digital Canon, so she was busy taking pictures. One of their favorite games is called Telestrations. Each player gets a dry erase booklet with pages for pictures and answers. You draw a card, and draw a picture of the word on the card, then pass it to the next person. They then guess the word from your picture and pass it on, and that person draws a picture of their guess, and it keeps going until you get your booklet back. You can get some pretty hilarious pictures and answers. For the weekend, we had much of the same weather that Sue was talking about. It did stay nice enough that granddaughter got to cheer at the football game. (They won 32-16). A little blurry when zooming from the stands. She also marched in the Labor Day parade. Susan and I had a little break to listen to a good Motown band and eat tasty gyros.
  5. I have been missing from here for almost a week. I have been following along, but it seems every time I think I may have time to comment or post, something comes up. It was nice to read of the good times some of you were having on your cruises, and reading about the excitement for those leaving on cruises soon. Color me jealous. I was intrigued by that Tampa to Boston repo next September, but I can’t get Susan to even think about planning a cruise for a while. Today, both Susan and I had visits to the dentist. Since she had the early appointment, she got to take our daughter to her appointment today, while I had my dentist visit. I asked my dentist if he ever had anyone fall asleep in the chair, because I had never heard of such a thing, until OB mentioned it. The dentist said it was actually quite common. Well, not so for me, because I was gripping the chair as he drilled away.
  6. I got one emailed to me the same day I canceled. I went through C&A, and they stayed on the line with the other department until it was complete, and I had received the letter. Call C&A again. If they have the cancellation number, they should have the amount.
  7. When you called to cancel, the cancellation letter from Royal should have listed the cancellation penalty amount. The remainder should be refunded, but it will come in many pieces. Insurance will ask for a copy of your paid in full booking invoice, your cancellation letter from Royal, and documentation from your doctor.
  8. You should try changing your phone to EST next time to see if that makes a difference. Maybe it reads your phone date and time when you try to log in.
  9. My days have slipped into somewhat of a routine, now that our grandkids are back in school. Up early every morning and drive to daughter’s house to pick up the kids and take them to school. Then back to her house to do some work around the house and take her to any appointments. Monday, SIL took her to the long one. Yesterday, Susan took her to one, and tomorrow I will take her to another one. End of the day, pick up the kids from school. Monday, the kids did decorate some apple cookies to celebrate the first day of school. When we finally get home for the day, this is how we relax. Not a frozen kraken colada, but just as good over ice. Sometimes I am too tired to fire up the blender.
  10. I got a reminder on my phone today, that I could check in for the October cruise. That just made me sad, because that was the first of the bunch we had canceled. The photos I want to add, I save to my favorites. Much easier to find then. We booked the balloon twice, and both times it was canceled due to operational difficulties. Susan is always looking for those Quick Hit machines, and has had some luck some of the times. Usually only at land casinos though. Today was one of those days it was difficult trying to stay current.
  11. Sue, congratulations on the new kitty. Marietta and Debbie, great pictures of the two of you enjoying your cruise. Maryann, good to hear that Ryan is home and adjusting to his management. Kraken Colada has been my go to drink every night, as I climb into out hot tub and unwind from the day. It feels good to relax and get lost in a movie, then get ready for another day. By the way, I am already past that weekly quota!
  12. I have been in a Heartline study for over a year now. This was part of the article I read from them this morning. Now I am researching if Sunday is the start of the week, or the end of the week. Need to know if I blew it pretty bad last week, or if I got a good head start on blowing it this week. 😏
  13. So my day, today started out with a walk at the lake at sunrise. Then we took a drive to Lake Erie. Yesterday was birthday #69 for one of Susan’s sisters, so we took her out for lunch. She wanted to try Pier 6, which is a rooftop bar and grille overlooking the bay. They had a limited menu for Sunday, so I ordered the breakfast tacos. They were actually pretty good, with a little spice to them. I tried a couple of their pier bliss drinks, which I kept referring to as pier blitz and pier runners. (Not sure where I picked up those terms). The drink contained Citroen, triple sec, Malibu, pineapple juice, orange juice, sprite, and grenadine. About 3/4 of the glass was alcohol based with the remainder juices. They were tasty. They were having a tall ships review at the pier. I didn’t have any trouble finding this cruising duck. Afterwards, we walked on the peninsula. We did spot a couple monarch butterflies, which are now listed as endangered. We even found one of their caterpillars on a milkweed, which is their source of food.
  14. Although I did not mention specifically, I think most deduced that it will be her first chemo for a rare and aggressive cancer. That’s why we were rushing everywhere to get the tests they wanted completed before they would start. Some places said they couldn’t do tests before October, which made no sense. The one test with such a long wait, we paid out of pocket for her to get it done last Friday.
  15. Yesterday was the first football game for our granddaughter. She has that all important position of Cheerleader. She did excellent with her cheers. Her mom was a cheerleader, and Susan was a master at the fire baton, so spirit runs in the family. The football team came away with a 26-16 win for the first game. Next weekend is a home game.
  16. Thank you, and also thanks to everyone else who expressed well wishes for tomorrow. I know both Susan and I had one of those black humor moments; she, while listening to the hold music for the hospitals, and me while listening to Royal Caribbean hold music at the same time. We were trying to decide which one we liked to listen to for an hour. We decided neither one. By the way, if anyone wants to listen to an hour and a half of Royal Caribbean phone reps, I have an hour and a half that I made for quality assurance purposes. Who knew the Apple voice memos would record that long. 🤷
  17. When our CA grandson was here this summer, I was making frozen drinks every night. Non-alcoholic for him naturally, although he did discover he didn’t like kraken. One night he had finished his frozen drink, and saw I still had some in my glass, so he picked it up and took a big sip. “Ahhhh, what is that?” He said. I have been known to have a generous pour! I held a sloth in Columbia, and got some grief from some on CC about animal cruelty. I assume they probably named Sid after the Ice Age character. We watched those movies several times this summer. By the way, those movies are humorous, even for adults.
  18. Yes, please post some photos. We had planned to explore the city before and after our October cruise, but that is one we had to cancel. edit to add: I see the problem with playing catch up is that the photos are already posted as you scroll through the pages. Thanks.
  19. We are doing okay. Thanks for asking. After getting through all the additional testing last week, and getting things coordinated between the five hospitals involved with the tests, she is scheduled to start treatments tomorrow. Given the long wait times on hold, and the difficulty in getting tests scheduled, you would thinK that Royal was handling their phone lines.
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