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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. We have had that warm apple cider / fireball combination with a cinnamon stick. They taste great on a cool fall day.
  2. Thought of that, but a drain pan would need to drain somewhere. In our case, either the float switch, or the water inlet valve, or both malfunctioned. Therefore, it didn’t sense there was water in there, so it kept filling and filling, till we caught it.
  3. In our case, it got so far, that it looked like it was raining in our unfinished basement below the kitchen. When researching after the fact, I saw a lot about dishwasher floods. Now I will be researching water sensor alarms.
  4. Tip of the day - Don’t ever start your dishwasher and leave the house while it runs. My story. We never thought anything about starting the dishwasher and leaving the house, then getting home to put clean dishes away. Early last month, when we were having the early birthday celebration for our California grandson, we started a load of dishes from the meal, and went outside for cake and ice cream. My Sister-in-law had gone in the house, and she came out and said there is water all over the kitchen floor. Yep, it was the dishwasher. The dishwasher kept filling and the water would not shut off. So, I go in and shut off the water supply line and turn off electric to it and clean up the mess. So the question was, should we get a new dishwasher, or should I repair the one we have. It cleans in less than an hour, and everything is dry. I didn’t really want to get a new one, at least at this point. I narrowed it down to one of two parts, so I ordered both and replaced both for a total cost of $60. Kind of like replacing a battery in a key fob, much cheaper than new. We may eventually get a new one, but that will be problematic. Why, is a story for another time. In the meantime, I have a happy wife, because it now works again.
  5. I thought for a moment that you changed your CC name to go in Stealth mode this sailing. 🤣🤣
  6. @HBE4 let me add a belated birthday wish also, and prayers for your family. It is 55° here this morning, and I am leaving for an hour and a half drive to take my daughter to her appointment this morning.
  7. Last night, Susan and I were out to dinner. I had already ordered a drink, before I saw they had a few seasonal specials. A couple of these looked interesting. I may have to make a return trip.
  8. @Sea DogGreg, have a great cruise. Glad you got your hotel issue fixed. Have a drink for me when you board. I will be following along. @bobmaclibertyBob, have a couple great cruises. I will be getting my cruise fix between your cruises and Greg’s.
  9. I agree that the GoPro is great for underwater photos. I have had my 7 for a while, and I am happy with it. Although I have a full face snorkel mask with a GoPro attachment, I bought a floating stick so I could see what I was filming, and keep it in the frame. These are a couple shots with my GoPro.
  10. I will be following along on this one, because it will show me what I am missing. We were booked for October, but unfortunately had to cancel. And yes, to travel insurance. Never book without it. Enjoy your cruise.
  11. I think it seems more crowded because they are short staffed. Or maybe we were spoiled sailing at the lower capacities.
  12. For me, I think I have narrowed down those extra pounds being caused by either eating or drinking. I just can’t see giving up either to determine which one is the culprit.
  13. We will keep our eye out for it, and try to catch it before it gets to your place. Speaking of which, we were probably close to your back yard a couple weeks ago. We took our grandkids to a birthday / pool party at Squaw Creek Country Club. That is a really nice facility, with a huge pool. It took both of us to keep our eye on both of them. I wonder how long before the culture warriors demand they change the name of that CC?
  14. After sailing both Oasis and Allure this year, that is the one thing (And the ONLY thing) I would like to see changed on Allure.
  15. Happy Birthday to Kenzie. Today, September 11th, would have been my Mother-in-law’s 89th birthday. She passed 13 years ago. After the 9/11 attacks, she never wanted to celebrate her birthday, because she said that had taken all the joy out of that date.
  16. This was my morning sunrise photo this morning, only I got there a little late. In case you are wondering what that is that the sun is rising above, it is a bank of solar collectors, and they are all facing me, away from the sun. Now I am not an expert, but I think they should face the sun. We walked at a campground, and they were celebrating Halloween today. Probably because camping season is almost over for the year. Most of the campers were decorated for Halloween. Now, as a Penn State fan, I don’t know what went wrong with my offspring. I mean, none of them went to Ohio State, but they have all adopted that team. Someone was ready for game day. Dinner tonight was hibachi at Mizu’s. Yum yum
  17. I don’t know why, but some in my family think Yoda would have been a good name. Too bad they can’t stay this size.
  18. The third “and then…..” is not specifically one from yesterday, but just one more thing my daughter’s family has been dealing with. I know there are many pet lovers on here. Their “Lucy” has been with them for 16 years, and now shows signs she is reaching the end of her life. Lucy I am afraid the grandkids will soon be dealing with the loss of the only pet they have ever known. It is hard to tell how they have been processing all the changes they see taking place right now.
  19. The second “and then……” from our somewhat normal day. I had just fallen asleep, when Susan woke me up. She said our daughter just called, and said she tested positive for Covid. She wanted us to test right away to see if we had it. Now, I don’t function the best when awakening from a deep sleep, but I managed to find a couple of our tests, and tested both of us. We were both negative. So our daughter wanted to go to the ER to have everything checked, probably because of everything else she has been going through. 10:30 at night is not the best time to visit the ER, although I don’t know if there is ever a good time. The one person they were just getting around to seeing, said they had been waiting 7 hours. So she called some other hospitals to ask them what their wait times were. “Oh, we aren’t allowed to tell anyone that!” They checked her all out, wrote her a script, and at 3 am, we got to see the heard of deer that visits our yard. So much for our dreams of a good night sleep. The good thing, is that her symptoms are mild, but the bad thing is her next treatment is now delayed until the 26th because of Covid. So where did she get it? Probably from a teacher who dropped off something our grandson had forgot at school. About two days after she dropped it off, she called our daughter to let her know she just tested positive. and then……
  20. My first “and then……” from a somewhat normal day. I hear from my sister, that my nephew is in the hospital. He had arthroscopic knee surgery last week, and he woke up to a very swollen knee. The hospital drained a lot of fluid, and thought it was a staph infection that will need IV antibiotics. Four to six weeks of IV antibiotics, and they are testing to see if it got in his bloodstream. I think this is his third knee surgery, and he is only 38. That is a lot for such a young age, but it stems from a football injury when he was younger. Hopefully they will get it under control. Sometimes it feels like the family is jinxed. And then……..
  21. Yesterday started out as an almost normal day. Since I had been doing so much work around my daughter’s house, a few things at my house kept getting put off. So with three sunny days in the forecast, I thought it would be the perfect day to seal my asphalt driveway. I had picked up the 5 gallon buckets of it ( which has also been hit with container downsizing, since they are now 4.75 gallon containers). End result, I had to buy more than normal. While Susan went to daughter’s house to help her, I spent five hours on my drive. We went to the lake in the afternoon, and had a nice walk, just the two of us. Saw this squirrel who didn’t want anything to do with this black squirrel, so he chased him away. Then, it was a relaxing supper, with one of our lo-cal pizzas. I know, it doesn’t look as nice as a Sorento’s pizza, but it is actually pretty good. Thin crust, ranch dressing for the sauce, cauliflower, broccoli, olives, banana peppers, chicken and mozzarella cheese. Then some time in our hot tub to enjoy one of these. And one of these. I was trying to do red, white and blue with that second drink, but I got lazy and didn’t blend and crush the ice. And I might have overdone the kraken. But it sure did taste good. So things almost sound normal And then……………
  22. Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. It will not be a short journey. Every two weeks for the next six weeks, then every week until Mid January, then surgery. They say side effects will get progressively worse. And after yesterday, things may have just become more complicated. More on that later.
  23. Let me add my condolences to our friends in the UK on the passing of your Queen. She was truly a remarkable lady. Sorry I am late with this, but I am just now getting caught up on the news and this thread. More on my day later.
  24. Just talked to my son and grandson, and they said it had hit 113°. Grandson said he was glad his school had air conditioning, and my son said he was enjoying his office air conditioning. They had all their fans running in their house too. Since he has a charger in his garage, he said is is able to charge his car after midnight. I had asked, because I had heard your governor was asking people to not charge their EVs.
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