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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. It used to be a free perk. I can remember eating there for free, milkshake extra. It made sense as a once a cruise treat.
  2. I like that town. I've stopped and spent more than one night there. I can remember there used to be a fish place out on the water some hurricane wiped away. I'd be happy there.
  3. Red feet? You lead such a interesting life. Ok thanks
  4. First I've heard of candy beach. What kind of candy do they give out? Cost to go for regular?
  5. I think it was ourusualbeach but maybe someone else said he could get to Australia it was a $3k flight though. I do read flights have gone down. Might be better in the last few weeks. Oct 6 would be cutting it close for me. I think I get back from allure sept 30.
  6. Unless it's been raised the credit isnt 39.99 for ala carte with the package. I think I read $25. The 39.99 price is new so I doubt the credit was raised.
  7. I asked for german and got some icky sweet italian. Not the same or similar to me. The only place I found the german wine was in the Mdr.
  8. Ask to escalate it and call on Monday when the supversiros are there if they still give you a problem ca calling. Maybe we will sail together some day and I'll tell you my TA lol. Sending hugs. Try not to cry.
  9. Too bad you dont have my TA. I bet he could get your a refund. Even me if I booked hawaii, I dont want seattle or canada .. and I lived in hawaii 10 years.. but if I booked a cruise to go see it I dont want seattle. Lol. That's crazy bad.
  10. Idk just asking but wondering if they cant just skip maui. Seems like they are skipping all of hawaii. There are not other hawaii ports they can do, like I know big island has hilo and kona. ... seattle makes no sense to me.
  11. Agree in your shoes I wouldnt be happy. I'm sure ourusualbeach is right and you can cancel but still it's a disappointment. I would have thought sub a port in calif or mexico ... seattle? This is worse than last minute hurricane these changes. .. not close to what you booked.
  12. And hibachi is a $15 surcharge over the price of chops but people do it anyway. And not everyone doing the meal will order sushi, let alone 2 sushi. If you booked direct, before the cruise in the past few months price was 28.99 discounted from 35.99 up to now 35.99, discounted from 39.99 on all of mine. I plan on 1 plate of tempura. I booked direct so as I understand it, full sized sushi. .. I hope. I'll know in a month what they are doing for sure. Booked, direct. X 2. This only affects if you booked a pkg right? Udp or the 3 meal.
  13. No worse than D+ when they removed the drink you choose as a welcome, soda, beer .. and subbed another bottle of water .. and emailed us they are hydrating us more .. not a mention we lost a drink. .. though not a huge deal. 1 soda lol. It was just the way they told us. Not even close to changing your ports in my book nd calling it enhancing.. I would cancel.
  14. Maybe he just didnt openly disply he was happy. I'd bet he was happy.
  15. When you go to settings, and your ship wifi comes up, the page says do you want free access with the app or do you want to purchase wifi. .. click on free access. Then it says open app .. If you cant do it, there are people to help.
  16. Sept 10 and 17 24 opened last thurs I think the 6th. Maybe the 3rd as well but not seeing that roll call. Crashed the night before, got on about 3 am so when it's close be watching. Now a week later some say sold out.
  17. If I have to fly to Panama, wouldnt help if they get rid of solo supplements. Need to bring the ship back to usa before it would be worth it for me as a bargain.
  18. One thing I love about carnival is they dont lock the doors to the buffet. I might want to just sit there with a cup of coffee in the ac and you can. On rcl and I dont remember celebrity they lock the buffet doors between meals and you cant sit in there... win goes to carnival on this. Rcl causes a problem finding a seat busy time. The deli might be open later than stne buffet and inside the buffet. Or can grab coffee.
  19. Look in your planner. 1 pax, 2 devices. It varys so much by ship and date, no one knows what it will be on your cruise. My older ships charge less for instance. Pre boarding prices will be better than once onboard.
  20. I'm not sure but seems like you keep posting you dont know much about stocks, but you are rich enough to afford a good advisor? You have so little of rcl doesnt matter anyway. You dont know short or long term where rcl is going and dont care. You are just going to hold your rcl anyway, and your stock guy concurs, no brainer. .. about sum it up. I'm perplexed when someone says they dont know about stocks and keeps posting ... but they have a guy. But you have nothing to contribute and arent interested enough to learn about stocks. Dependent on your guy. We have a good guy too .. but I watch stocks trade and keep up and learn. Why not decide to learn. Great you have someone to meet with. I still want to know myself. Great you did well in the past. How about rcl now? Any thoughts? Other than how rich you are so you dont care about this tiny position. If you were buying now where would you enter, where is support? Short or long. Ignorance is not bliss in my book. I'm a what have you done lately, and how about NOW. The other 2 cruiselines had awful earnings, which imo people will discount rcl earnings. Only those who cruise and book realize fares are still going up, planner stuff up. Next earnings imo should be even better. Any pertinent thought about rcl NOW? Maybe I missed it and your point is be rich enough to hire a good stock advisor.
  21. Note that hibachi isnt more expensive booking direct.. but as you said harder to book. I'm sure to are aware, but just in case, there is a surcharge to book hibachi. .. so if you are booking 7 for hibachi .. who is paying the surcharge. .. I personally would save it for another visit. No way im paying for unlimited ... and a additional surcharge. Enjoy chops another night. It was $15 extra per person ... did it go up? In addition to whatever you paid. .. go do another included.
  22. 10 year old isnt old enough to use app and sign in as herself. I sat in the theater next to a 3 and 7 year old who came down early nightly to save seats for their parents. Very mature 3 year old. We had some nice talks lol. Seems they even went to eat alone. Some kids can and some arent mature enough. I forget the age to use app but I'm sure it's like 14 or whatever.
  23. I got a stop in colon Panama next January. I wonder if things will be better. The worst ever excursion I've taken with rcl was ro some city and then to welcome center. We supposedly had 1 hour but just to stand in line to peo was 20 minutes. No time really to see much. .. and that's why I had chosen radiance last march .. see the canal. .. one more time booked.
  24. It's not even very good pizza. Carnival has their white pizza. All their pizza is hand made individual pizzas. I know there will be a few who say rcl pizza is fine, or they like it .. not up to my standards. I eat it once in a while because it's free. I sure wouldnt pay for it. Not how it is now. Carnival eats their lunch for fast food already. Let's bury rcl lol.
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