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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. I'll have to take a picture earlier in the day when the sun is fully up, this was late in the day. Yea I hope the moving truck gets out of dallas soon. If waiting is the worse thing that happens to me moving, I'll consider it lucky. Yea and change my drivers license and all that other stuff. .. though I admit I'm disappointed it could be another week getting here. Communication is key. Though I dont plan on ever moving again, this was too hard. Or move during the winter, not june heat. I've heard patience is a virtue, though it's never been my strong point. I admit I'm impatient. I just want this done and over.
  2. I got out just in time. I was so lucky to leave late last monday. Even if it was 97 degrees, I got out before the storms. And tornadoes.. sorry you are still going thru it. I think I did the right thing for me leaving dallas. I was just there for family. Thanks for the reminder. I do think that's why the truck behind me with my stuff is taking so long. I just need to be patient. Sorry about the dallas weather you are still enduring. So hot!
  3. Things arent going bad really, just hot hot hot but I'm starting to relax. A lot of miscommunication with movers. Like them hanging up empty hangers in the wardrobe boxes and wasting space. And what is a partial pack. I thought it was packing part of my little stuff. I'm here and safe and moved yesterday into a extended stay with fancy suites. 3 extended stays here, only this one had the suites. So other than the moving truck taking so long it's mostly all good. I got out of dallas just in front of the tornadoes so consider that extra extra lucky and might be why the truck is taking so long, no power where I left from for days after. And every hotel I've stayed in has been extra nice. Though I really loved that one in Tallahassee the best, cutest ever. I've have stayed longer had I understood it could be up to 12 BUSINESS days. I've have paid the extra $1500. What has surprised me are the businesses along the 520 road that goes from i95 over to the beach, the next road south from the one that goes by the cruise port. In dallas I'd only seen a tatoo parlor one time down in east dallas. Here they seem prolific. One shopping centre, 3 in row all say tatooes across the front. Never seen so many tatoo parlours. Also I understand weed is only legal for medicinal? I was surprised to see a store front for a weed store, never saw in dallas. It's just different but 2nd time thru looked better, just had come in the more northern route last time, never across the 2nd route south that is the fastest way to orlando airport looks like. And I love the condo. I hated the house I bought, but my dad wanted me 5 minutes away or I'd never had chosen that house, so I would have moved no matter what when they passed. I doubt anyone here thinks moving a whole house solo is their idea of fun. I got a whole kitchen here and a premium suite with a comfy arm chair. Nice desk. Nkw it's just a matter of waiting for the moving truck. I just didnt expect up to 12 BUSINESS days .. but I needed some rest and the temperature is down from last week. Nothing really bad. And im so happy with the new condo. I know who buys a condo sight unseen on the word and movies of a trusted realtor. I had it painted and super cleaned before i arrived. Other than them taking down a elevator the day i arrived, it's super, just want it over with. Walls are all now agreeable grey lol. And super clean. This picture is in person the day I arrived. Just ready for this move to be done. Water doesnt look very blue here, I guess depends on time of day. But this is my own picture.
  4. As above 1300 to 1500 no shows on dream last January is not sailing full. It showed as sold out for a lomg time. Carnival didnt change the wording that a valid passport was required for ports either it was colon panama or Columbia which caused a lot of confusion. It showed sold out si ce April 2023 right up to a few days before final payment due when carnival sent out the notice a passport was required. Seems some PVPs told otherwise, so there could be valid reasons why last minute so many no shows, but we certainly did not sail full. It was a lovely cruise they missed. This was one of their special journey cruises and one of my favorite cruises ever. But showing it as sold out for over 6 months then suddenly there are cabins to book. Those who are managing inventory have some work to do. I'm also looking at it as a stock holder, I have quite a few shares underwater. I'll wait, no problem, as I'm sure ccl will come back but it was poorly managed giving out the info last minute a passport was required to board. I even had people arguing with me on social media it's a round trip no passport required. I knew because I'd done a similar route and I quoted google to them, people still argued for a round trip cruise passports are not required, google was wrong. Carnival should have been clearer imo. That's a lot of no shows. I know you are a loyal cheerleader and never see that carnival ever could have made communication more clear. We wouldn't change each others mind. I turned diamond that trip so I'm a happy calmer and the food was extra extra good. But that's a high number of no shows.
  5. I did a 14 day journey cruise in January and we had close to 1500 no shows. When you just pay fees and taxes which are refunded for no shows, it snt a big deal to decide to not go. It was very nice, hardly any lines anywhere, even the stir fry rarely had more than 5 waiting. Elevators no waiting. They wouldnt tell us exactly how many no shows, could have been as low as 1300, but some said more like 1500. But a lot didnt show for their free casino cruise.
  6. The big thing for most I know is now the top tier pinnacles can match zenith on celebrity. Before the status match didnt go above elite. I hope to hit pinnacle but just no showed for the 2nd time in may for q cruise. I hope to be pinnacle next year. So this is big for those high loyalty.
  7. I think what they meant was they were allowed to use the 2nd free night later in the week. Harmony allowed this. Allure did not. Not that you can use bogo more than once, or maybe I misread your question.
  8. Another issue as I'm in the process of moving into the cape Canaveral area and I dont believe celebrity has any ships I've noticed out of that port. That was the whole point of ocing to a cruise port, to go out of that port mostly... celebrity seems to go out of fewer ports. Didnt go out of Galveston either.
  9. The DP340 is a big deal for me too. Though I hardly gamble so no freebies. But the solo supplement is why I pick royal.
  10. Well on the liquids like extra shampoo and bathroom stuff they said if it's already sealed in a box, what they cant see they cant complain about. I didnt try and hide anything though.i took the bathroom stuff in my car, not that it probably didnt get just as hot sitting in my car for days driving here. I still havent sold my house. If the buyers fall thru I may be flying back to sell. Last I heard was the guy was selling a place june 4 and being funded June 8. I agreed now to june 15. Selling at a small loss actually. Dallas prices are soft. I just changed hotels for the 5th one last night. A extended stay with a full kitchen. Lol I bought a bunch of activa yogurt last night at publix last night. My Kroger in dallas quit selling activa yogurt, just has the drinks. And this place has yogurt free for breakfast but probably not as good as activa. Never do hotel yogurt but this morning grabbed one to try. I have a feeling I'll be here a while. First night in this hotel and it's nice. That expensive place I was at last didnt have a nice arm chair like here. And I wanted a microwave as I have some popcorn I might make later. Sorry I've missed so many birthdays, happy belated birthdays to all those I missed. Today I will relax and look around, see what there is to do. I'm pretty sure at best I wouldnt hear anything from the movers until next week. I'm betting their offices are closed. I am a pack rat. But I told them before I left I had about 80 packed small boxes. I have about 50 of quilts I refuse to give up. The boxes are the small kind printer paper comes in. 1 quilt per box. I kept mynfsvprites and gave away the rest to family as I'd said before. I probably gave away 500. And my cousins are spreading them thru their own families. Mom was the youngest of 13 so lots of family. The 80 already packed boxes were included in the original estimate plus my own stuff. Some of the boxes were papers. I brought the important papers in my car and jewelry, a couple of valuable pictures, antique pottery. I have a SUV. I stayed in vicksburg last Monday night. It's a casino town. The casino is on the Mississippi river with a view of the bridge. I only saw it at night though, but always thought it looked like a pretty town. So decided this is my new home away from home, got more comforts of home here. Sorry george about I think it was your nephew. Lots going on I've missed. I'll catch up today.
  11. Moving. It's been 97 in dallas. Movers cant move hazardous or liquids. All drawers have to be empty I'm told. I was quoted just under $$7500. Remember this is a tiny house 1107 sf. Huge kitchen a garage and a few small rooms, one bedroom set up. 2 closets. Went over the inventory list twice. 4 movers show up last Monday and I see they packed my closets, hanging up empty hangers, and tee shirts. Throw them in the box. Hangers dont need to be hung in special wardrobe boxes. I was busy packing my car, was too hot to pack ahead. Nothing moved from garage, except my ladder, none of my cleaning products from under kitchen sink, nothing from the bathrooms, equal my scales, rest are liquids. Head guy says you've used up your allowed space, and of course I say I want my bedroom packed too lol. Price winds up over 9k. Imo that's a bait and switch. They asked when I wanted it delivered. I said today friday. Turns out now they say it can be up to 12 BUSINESS days from last tuesday. I said I moved Monday right before the tornadoes hit. I'm still seeing posts from neighbors no power or off and on power 5 days later so I am lucky I got out monday. So I push on thru and last I heard from them she says if I dont hear from the movers by june 6 or june 7 contact customer service again. What? Guy who sold it to me also said I might know a week ahead, the truth is they text within 24 to 48 hours when they will come. It's been so hot. The coolest day was 96 and was 101 I noticed when I hit I10 biloxi. The heat and humidity not helping. So I am at the condo last Wednesday and now know why rhe increase in HOA. They are replacing both elevators. Tuesday my realtor said they were fine. Wednesday the one working is shaking and stopping at floor 5 every trip a long time. I spent 2 hours in the heat unloading my car and gave up, finished unloading today, but right now only 1 of 2 elevators is working. Bet that costs me extra. The good news is I love the new condo. Right now I'm wishing it wasnt top floor 8 with the slow elevator the whole bldg is sharing. Hotels cost a fortune to me. The one I was at last night said a AAA tournament is in melbourne. Over $200. Avid. Never heard of it. Stayed in the cutest boutique hotel in Tallahassee I've ever seen I loved. Most of the hotels are 100% sold. Where I am now he said is full friday and Saturday so I'm lucky I booked yesterday. The hotels along the road 520? To Merritt island look run down to me, wouldnt stay at any I saw. Cocoa isnt much, not cocoa beach, cocoa. I'm here and could sit here in a hotel another week or more. I do absolutely love the new condo. I planned to buy new furniture when I got moved, so imo I didnt move that much. 3 guys who barely spoke english and a head mover who upped the contract. Wait until they find out only one elevator works. I have to give 24 hours notice to this guy on the property so he can pad the one working elevator. So far either his number doesnt work or I just leave messages he doesnnt return. My self install spectrum equipment arrived today, I'm going to hire someone to install. I still feel exhausted and not eating enough. Supposed to maybe be under 90 tomorrow. I arrived in florida tuesday and here Wednesday and just trying to get stuff set up. Now I need my stuff delivered. I am stressed to the max, but here safe and sound in a hotel. I dont even have a chair in the new condo to sit on yet. I love the huge walk in closets. I love it's so big. Some welcoming committee lady raved over how much she loved my counter tops and deep double sink, so I'm guessing she doesnt have that in hers. Agreeable grey isnt very grey but the place is clean and looking fabulous to my eyes. Anyway, that's why I've hardly been posting. I'm just too tired. Not mad or upset at anyone.. just tired and not sleeping enough. Or eating enough. No appetite. Went to publix tonight, first time in over 20 years. Ate at sonnys BBQ the other night, I thought I was in dallas lol.
  12. Well idk if anyone if I tested, but I will never ever ever move again if I get thru this. I was supposed to do the Monday to monday 1 week cruise on mariner and entirely my fault, didnt board. I'd been on the edge of exhaustion for a good month not s,keeping or eating well. The 2 reasons I couldnt move last year were to file taxes for me and my sister and homestead the house i signed over to her. I've called my broker at ubs who turns out is now a senior VP, i knew he was super duper, he tried to call today but i was busy and will follow up next week. For reasons idk my sister had $2500 taxes withheld, but i didnt get a notice. I'm hoping i dknt have to file a amended return with the cpa in dallas. Her check had to be snail ailed from the IRS and my sister and bil decided to take a last minute vacation same week as my missed cruise. They left Wednesday and the check from the IRS came 2 days later. It wouldnt have been safe,their mail boxes sit out on the street and they have a rear entrance garage. The other thing to homestead the house, I put in for jan 1sr. All they need is a texas ID with a address that matches the house in my sisters name. I've asked bil 25 times but he blew it off. I then tried online, phone and email, says cannot verify, come in in person. So the monday before the movers come the 3 of us finally go there in person. The old texas ID never expired but the new ones have expiration date. Not only that but to change her address to the new system requires either a non expired passport or original birth certificate. He could have taken her in, without me, but noooo. Anyway now it's being mailed and I asked him to take a copy, snail mail it to me so I can send it via email as a attachment and hopefully then she is homesteaded.
  13. Just something over the counter, but I wound up so sick I had to take antibiotics for the e.coli to get rid of it. I got really really sick. The over the counter stopped the runs but I wound up past just that, needed antibiotics. As did several others. I eat a lot of spinach but e.coli could be on a lot of other things, ..honestly over 50 of us posted to our roll call they all got the runs the same friday night. And I didnt get off the ship, wasnt cozumel. I dont care what they claimed. By the time another week went by and I was so sick I was close to having to be hospitalized and I think running a fever. I needed antibiotics sooner than a week later.
  14. Over 50 of us got the runs one night on my roll call. A unheard of large amount I never even saw during covid. Friday night, many went to doctors when they arrived home, I was on b2b and tried to report it at guest services. Talk about rude. I was yelled at, yes he raised his voice and yelled impossible it could not be food related he said Their food is inspected, I got it in cozumel. ..though I said I didnt get off in cozumel and ate nothing in any ports. Some called royal and tried to report it and none said royal,cared, if it's not covid dont bother. My doctor treated me for e coli as most doctors diagnosed it as that. One lady went into hospital. Turns out stuff for the runs isnt sold in the onboard stores. Miserable 2nd week. Now I pack for the runs. People can and do get sick from the food. I'm witness.
  15. Rcl might have changed but the cafe I went to used Seattle's best which is sold by Starbucks.,
  16. And I had a horrible meal at chops. Truffle fries no seasoning, steak was red, undercooked and I didnt have time to wait to recook. Luckily was bogo but I ad it have NOT been back. This isnt gourmet food. Hit or miss on any particular meal. I'd say it's about luck.rather than wonderland being bad. Used to have arugula for salads, now I havent seen it except on carnival used to do honeydew but now only saw it on my carnival cruise. But at least I can find bread and salad to make a meal. Italian night nothing I will eat. Except the bread and salad..sometimes you just gotta do what you can. Not every meal is up to par. But I didnt have to cut up veggies or wash dishes.
  17. I was with my sister in Belize and we hired a taxi. The lady selling was annoying but I assumed she was just directing to different taxi but no she said 2 have to be in the taxi, the driver and a 2nd person with him by their law. She took us to some church and we sat and sat, about how black people had to sit outside and couldnt come in, sat another 30 minute way over a hour held hostage. I was so hoping mad. Felt like I was being held up. I didnt tip. That's for sure. I'd done taxi in other ports but not Belize except that one time. My sister has seizures so when I was with her we didnt pre purchase excursions because i never knew when she would have such a bad day of seizures I'd have to literally drag her around. Now she found a husband who drags her around even if she is limp like a fish. But I've had bad experiences in Belize. Wanted to see the birds last time, instead did some stupid yellow open air train waste of money. After that time being held hostage at some church i had no interest in .. yea belize is scary in my book. Nothing but problems. We all 4 sat there at a stand off for a long lomg time. I'm hoping to stay in rome next year and scared to death to plan alone, or how many days, or I'll be thinking get me out of here. I do prefer group tours I admit it. I want to be surrounded by others.
  18. If you mean rhe Greek dinner it's free. They just request reservations but I've walked in.
  19. You dont have to be a huge fan of the food to continue to cruise. I enjoy not having to cook or clean up. I love salad and it's a pain to fix so that makes me happy. Doesnt have to be super good. Just nice that I dont have to cook and clean. I'd do wonderland again as a bogo at half price.
  20. Reasonable is in the eye of the beholder. I wouldnt count on any good deals. Travel has been solid lately and now you limit yourself to close to out of nyc. I've seen a group which can be joined where you can ask for ideas and deals. Social media site, not a special site selling cruises. I love my TA so I just look at what they offer. Maybe do some mock bookings and narrow it down to which ships or specific ports.
  21. Pizza should be open by 1 pm if not sooner. They have some fruit and other stuff usually also. It's a smaller ship, less food choices.
  22. The problem with this is most private have a higher price for just 1 person. Couples or families it's less expensive but for me as a solo it's a higher cost and not worth it. This really depends on the size of the group you want to book. I just dont find deals for 1 with private excursions. I just skip or book something else.
  23. I once ordered the turkey and asked for only dark. What I was served was 90% white, with a 1 inch teensy piece of dark meat. Went to WJ to eat enough to fill up. Its just not what I desire that much any more. I need to get ove, but after that I will look around. Each of us is different.
  24. One other thing on the carnival app I like for breakfast or lunch works better than dinner. At the bottom there is a button you can slide where you ask to share a table. During dinner I find most couples want to eat alone and not many others want to share, but early lots want to share. Just push the button to share. Otherwise I always get a 2 top by myself. It is one extra button yes, but I like to share brunch sometimes. Also faster seating. I cant push the button from my cabin and walk to the dining room before half way there it goes off and already matches me. Its that fast. Had to wait until I'm closer to lush the button I'm ready to ear. No wonder they have a whole dining room dedicated to anytime, it's that good.
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