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Sharon in AZ

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Everything posted by Sharon in AZ

  1. Enjoying your report and glad you have a temporary fix for the laptop and that your luggage was delivered. Tomorrow we board! It’ll be nice to see old friends and meet new friends.
  2. Good morning all from a drizzly Quebec City. Safe travels to everyone meeting up in QC today and tomorrow. I wonder why the Nieuw Statendam is at Port Alfred again today, that’s near Saguenay, I thought it would be a sea day for them. Our DGD and our almost DGD walk to high school every day. I miss the days when we used to take her and pick her up. Yesterday for lunch we ate at a restaurant we had eaten at before with DM in 2009 when we on the Eurodam. We shared cheese fondue and rabbit stew. I really enjoyed the beans. We had maple crème brûlée for dessert. For dinner Craig suggested 1640 Bistro. We shared a hamburger and escargot. We were full so didn’t have dessert. Tonight we are meeting up with Debbie for dinner and can’t wait! Have a great day everyone!
  3. Good afternoon from Quebec City!! Craig ended up going on the walking tour alone. It was just too steep and uneven for me. After my recent outbreak of psoriatic arthritis it’s been difficult to do things like that. I haven’t seen his pictures yet but will post a few later. I am also disappointed about Gaspe being canceled and I wonder if it is because of the hurricane or tender issues. On the other hand, I’m happy for another sea day! Rich, I hope the laptop has been fixed! Have a great day everyone!
  4. Can’t wait to see you on Saturday! Safe travels. Drat about your laptop. I’m hoping it is fixable. See you Saturday! Safe travels Charlene and Bon Voyage! Enjoy! Great picture Terri! We are! We are going on a walking tour tomorrow morning and hope to get more pictures. Unfortunately, we also have to change rooms tomorrow, our HAL purchased rooms are a different category. Bummer.
  5. Good morning from Quebec City!! We had a long day yesterday and I’m still worn out. But I’m here! Have a great day everyone!
  6. Good morning from the airport! We are awaiting boarding our flight to Chicago. Sitting at the bar having my mandatory pre flight Bloody Mary. But why do people feel the need to make phone calls while sitting here???? I cracked up at the quote. I talk much more when nervous, anxious or excited. Like now! So, Craig is trying to read and all I want to do is talk. Happy Birthday Vanessa!! @JazzyV 🎈🎈🎈 Happy Anniversary Terri and DH!! @Cruzin Terri!! 🍾🥂💕 Enjoy your travels. Craig has done a countdown calendar and taped it up in our family room. He started on day 10. This was today’s: Have a great day everyone!
  7. Ann, I have really enjoyed reading about your cruise and travels. How did you find the place in Seattle? Were they friends? Sounds wonderful! Thank you Jacqui!
  8. Thank you -- See you Friday Debbie! Thank you for this background. Sutter Home White Zinfandel was our wine of choice when we started drinking wine in the late 70's and throughout the 80's. After that we started to prefer drier wine and started drinking Sauvingon Blanc.
  9. Good morning! We are having leftover spaghetti and meatballs today so the meal suggestion is right on target today. I cheat and use frozen meatballs from Trader Joe’s. They are really good and better than what I make. I probably won’t be able to post until Wednesday after we arrive in Quebec City. Have a great day everyone!
  10. Good evening! I read this morning that Corfu was today’s port but was too busy to find my favorite picture. Almost everything is packed and I am done for the night. Tomorrow we will finish the last minute packing. My favorite picture from Corfu. This is from the palace that Prince Phillip was born.
  11. Bon Voyage to my fellow cruisers!! I can’t believe that I’ll be in Quebec City on Tuesday. See you all very soon! ⛴⛴⛴
  12. Debbie @dfish! Congratulations!!! Celebration is in order. 🍾🥂 I love your new forever home , it looks so ranch like, almost Frank Lloyd Wright. I would love it, and am surprised it stayed on the market. See, things happen for a reason! BTW, I love miso. It’s a very misunderstood ingredient. It makes a wonderful marinade for fish when combined with sake and rice vinegar and sugar. I have a recipe if you are interested. Graham @grapau27, I’m sorry about the lesions that need to be removed, but it sounds like your doctor is being proactive. Terri @Cruzin Terri, I truly hope you are able to go on your trip. I think it would be the best thing for you both. Prayers for everyone in the Southeast suffering from Ian.
  13. Good evening! Had a busy day but wanted to check in even though it’s late. One of our errands today was to the pet store to buy new toys for Blue. Craig is taking Blue to his brother’s while we are on our cruise. He lives 4 hours away. Blue loves his new toys because they squeak. At some point he chews the squeak away. I love this picture because he is worn out after play time. I confess, I placed the toys next to him. 😉 Have a good evening!
  14. Thank you Joy! I had no idea you have psoriasis. Unfortunatley I also have psoriatic arthritis. The most painful has been my palms, wrists and face. I have 3 creams for different areas and they seem to help but the steroid shot helped the most even though it's just temporary. My DM has Tricare for Life also and says the same thing!
  15. I saw your menu for tonight on the Navigator app -- The Silver Gala menu. Hopefully it will be the same menu for us during our cruise. I'll take the Orange Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail, Caesar Salad, Filet Mignon Oscar, and Chocolate Souffle. YUM! What are you having? Congratulations! Lenda, that's really good news about the doctor appointment for DH!
  16. Bon Voyage and safe travels to Montreal! I remember checking your blog out once, so thank you for the reminder. Yes, it was the manufacturer support that I was speaking with yesterday. I haven't seen a rheumatologist yet and probably won't until January because that is how far out they are booking. One group won't schedule me until they get the referral so it's a waiting game with that. I've decided that I'll work on the medication the slow way and not worry about it for the next month while we are away. Crazy thing is this is just the interim medication until I get approved for the biologic. The steroid injection is helping and is supposed to last one to two months. I really appreciate your help Vanessa, every little bit helps.
  17. Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday. I can’t believe that we leave for Quebec City one week from today. Getting excited but also stressed because I’ve been so unorganized because of not feeling well due to my psoriasis. I spent a lot of time on the phone yesterday with a support group that is supposed to help pay for the medication. First call I was hung up on, then told that I qualify but had to call a different group that handles Medicare. That first person I couldn’t understand, it sounded like she was in India and kept putting me on hold, it sounded like children were in the background. In the end she said I didn’t qualify so I decided to call again. Second person said I didn’t qualify but that I could reapply through the mail and get a doctor’s note, which I can’t get done before I leave. I don’t understand how they think I could afford over $4,000 a month for a prescription. I decided to channel Scarlet O’Hara and worry about it tomorrow. Jacqui @kazu, I think it’s great you booked a Holiday cruise! It sounds fun. We really enjoyed our Holiday cruise last year. Joy @Seasick Sailor, I don’t know how long they keep the lost and found either. Craig lost his EarPods in June on the Oosterdam and we finally gave up. I think he left them on a table in aft pool area after reading and drinking his hot tea and they either got tossed in the trash or someone picked them up and kept them. Today’s saucy skillet chicken sounds good. Thank you for the recipes Debbie @dfish. I hope your offer gets accepted on the house. Craig is off to a cardiologist appointment and I have some errands to run plus I have some shopping I did for DM that I need to deliver to her. Have a great day everyone!
  18. Thank you both. Yes, I’ll get through this. We thought about canceling our cruise but I couldn’t bear that because I really think it will be good to get away and not cook and clean and worry about day to day problems. Craig will be taking Blue to his brother’s house in Show Low and I’ll be packing while he is gone. I think it’ll work out.
  19. Thank you all for your well wishes. This has been a hard pill to swallow. Graham your dinner with Sarah looks wonderful. We love Italian food. Craig already feels better- thank goodness because I can’t wash or clean much because of the psoriasis on my palms. Jacqui, I’ll email you soon.
  20. Jacqui @kazu That walking tour looks very nice, Sharon - do you mind if I ask - was it through HAL or another guide or diy? ———————————- Sorry for my delayed reply Jacqui! That Livorno walking tour was through HAL. It was listed as a “foodie” tour. It was nice but I also did one in Naples that was probably the best walking tour I have ever done. I choose both at the last minute and really enjoyed them. I have the descriptions saved and can email them to you if you would like.
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