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Sharon in AZ

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Everything posted by Sharon in AZ

  1. 🐇🐇🐇 Good morning! Thank you for the Daily and Fleet Report Rich. Thanks to all for sharing. I love cherry pie so I probably would love a cherry popover. I like tofu and chick peas but not a fan of cooked cabbage usually. I just was telling Craig that I should eat more tofu because I like it so much, of course he said not for him. 😉 Carolyn @Cruising-along, I would probably tell the neighbor about feeding the cat, but not mention that the daughters were being neglectful. It’s a tough situation though. I can understand why you wouldn’t want to say anything. Terri @Cruzin Terri — Enjoy your special day!! Have a great day everyone!
  2. I love Allbirds and have 4 pairs of their flats. I have very small, narrow feet and usually can’t wear a regular width shoe, but these meld to your feet. They are the most comfortable shoe I’ve ever owned. And they are washable! And you can buy replacement insoles too. When I was on an excursion to the Etruscan tombs another woman was wearing a pair. We looked at each other and both said, these are the most comfortable shoes ever.
  3. DH is always Mr Craig or Sir Craig. I am always Mam Sharon. And this is since 1987 but we’ve only been on HAL so can’t speak for other lines. My reaction button isn’t working. I wanted to tell you that this is the most beautiful picture!!! I am so sorry for this news. May she have the strength to deal with all of this. I’ll be praying and thinking of her. Fred, the pictures are beautiful! And I saw the photo bomber.
  4. Good morning everyone! Thank you for the Daily and Fleet Report Rich. I had PT this morning and am sore from the acupressure the therapist did, but it’s a good soreness. In honor of Beach Day this is a sand castle from Half Moon Cay January 1, 2022, my favorite beach and a great way to begin a new year. Thanks to everyone for sharing today. I need to get busy so I can relax this afternoon. Have a great day everyone!
  5. If you have all your documents I truly believe you will have no problem when you check in. Good to hear you were able to fix your hotel amenities. I hope you can enjoy your pre cruise time and not work like crazy. Enjoy!
  6. Good afternoon friends! Thank you for the Daily and Fleet Report Rich. I saw your post on our roll call and agree that staying close to the airport pre cruise the night before your flight is a good idea. We live close enough to the airport that we don’t have to do that. Today DM had her 1 year lung cancer CT in preparation for her appointment Friday with the oncologist. She’s amazing and I’m sure everything is going well. Her 93rd birthday is on Sunday. Annie @marshhawk, I forgot to add in my previous post about not having Verifly that checking in at the pier in Barcelona was not an issue. In fact, I sort of felt rushed it happened so fast. Terri @Cruzin Terri, it was good to read that the situation with your friend has been resolved. I was talking to my DM about an old situation (1996) that happened in our family with her husband’s daughter. The daughter was trying to put a rift between them and included me in her scheme. My dear Mom felt very upset that I was becoming friends with the daughter. It took me a while to figure out what was happening and when I did really put the breaks on our friendship. I wasn’t going to let her divide my Mom from me. After my stepfather passed she moved away and we haven’t heard from her since. Jacqui @kazu, I’ll be praying for good weather for Jose’s celebration of life and for your knee to get better. Terry @smitty34877, the same thing happened to me once—left turn driver behind me honked, got irritated, zipped around me and sped off through the light. I was on my way to work and it kind of shook me up. I started using a different route after that. We have been to Montreal but I’m embarrassed to say that we didn’t tour around. One was pre cruise and one was post cruise. Have a great day everyone!
  7. Just a quick note before I start reading today’s Daily. Annie @marshhawk — yesterday you asked about Verifly. Prior to our last cruise I looked into it and it seemed so complicated and not worth the bother, plus it appeared to be optional. So I decided not to do it and it turned out not to be a problem at all. In fact, when checking in for one of our flights or customs (I honestly don’t remember where but it was in Europe) the agent said “I don’t blame you, it’s a mess”. That made me laugh.
  8. Hi my friends! I’ve been busy doing “stuff”. We decided at the last minute to go to our favorite cabin in the mountains and have been busy planning. Lots of work go into our stay there because we have to take everything, I mean everything, we need. So, you essentially have to take your entire pantry, plus all your food, plus all your stuff. It’s sort of like glamping but inside. I love it, but I hate camping, so this is perfect for me. So, today I made some things to take and we are working on our menu so we don’t take too much. I hope everyone has a great day!!
  9. Linda, how sweet that your stewards did this for you! They really do care and this just proves that fact. Vanessa @JazzyV, I’m sorry you feel so bad. I’ve had food poisoning twice and it’s not fun. I actually called my doctor the first time because I was so sick and he prescribed something, seems like it started with a P. Second time I had some old Zofran and took that even though it was expired. I’d avoid the coffee today though. Feel better soon!!
  10. Good morning everyone! Thank you for the Daily and Fleet Report Rich. Thanks to all for sharing. Just a quick note before I get ready, I’m taking DM to an appointment this morning and then we will go to lunch. In honor of Dog Day: Our DGD and her almost stepsister love to take silly pictures of their pug Smokey. And here our favorite dog, Blue. Have a great day everyone!
  11. Yes! Not long at all and I’m so unprepared. We only have two tours scheduled so far so I need to get busy with that too. I saw how big the roll call has gotten, crazy, I think it’s over 100 now. I’ve never been with such a big roll call. I booked this cruise back in February 2021 and can’t believe it’s finally here! We fly out on the 4th and stay 4 nights at the Château Frontenac (big splurge for us). I think Debbie is staying there also but I think just one night. Where are you staying?
  12. Good morning! Thank you for the Daily and Fleet Report Rich. Thanks to all for sharing. I’ll pass on the banana Split. I actually don’t think I’ve ever had one, I don’t like bananas, plus I don’t like mixing ice cream flavors. Just give me a scoop of vanilla please, and sometimes with chocolate sauce. I’ve eaten cooked bananas, but still not a fan. I love corn and it’s on my grocery list right now. Today we are having miso marinated sablefish though. Craig is on his pre cruise diet so he’s been eating low carb. We leave in five and a half weeks for Quebec City. I have been posting irregularly on the Daily and am not caught up with all the news. Lots of appointments for DM and I started PT for my hip. Hopefully it will help with my balance and pain. Sandi @StLouisCruisers, I’m sorry about your neighbors. How tragic. Joy @Seasick Sailor, I’m sorry about your friends brother. Jacqui @kazu, take care of yourself. Gerry @ger_77, yuck on the taste buds with wine! I know Craig didn’t have a taste for wine for about a week after his covid quarantine but still liked his Negronis. Have a great day everyone!
  13. Good Sunday morning to everyone! Thank you for the Daily Rich and to everyone for sharing. Debbie @dfish — thanks for the poblano recipes. Chilies Rellenos are a favorite of mine. I’ve never made a stuffed version though, but really want to try the second recipe, the southwest one with corn. I have been to Boston twice. The first one was with my Mom and we stayed at the Omni Parker House after disembarking our cruise on the Maasdam September 2005. Second time was with Mom and Craig and it was a port of call on our New York to Quebec City cruise on the Eurodam September 2009. In 2005 we did the Freedom Trail, Boston Common, and the usual sights around Faneuil Hall, and ate at the Union Oyster House also. My biggest memory of that cruise is that it was during Hurricane Katrina. In 2009 it was pouring rain and was also the day of Ted Kennedy’s funeral. Mom went with us to Faneuil but was miserable because of the rain so we put her back in a taxi to the ship. Craig braved the rain and did a bit of the Freedom Trail while I went to the Union Oyster House. We had reservations but I sat at the bar and waited for Craig and watched the funeral. When he got there we ordered oysters and loved the bar so much that we canceled our reservation. It was still raining when we went back to the ship. We will be there in October and don’t have plans, we’ll probably do some of the same things. Jacqui @kazu, I hope your wrist and arm feel better soon. Good news about Shadow and the rescue place. Gerry @ger_77, so sad about your friend. Condolences to you and her family. Have a great day everyone!
  14. Good morning everyone! I’ve been away from the Daily for a few days. Two reasons, one reason is that we’ve been busy having fun in Las Vegas, second reason is that I’ve had an eye infection that has made it hard to read. So, good news and okay news, my eye is better and we leave Las Vegas today, however, our flight has been delayed two hours. Since we had extra time we are having brunch at our favorite bistro, Bouchon. And from a few nights ago the beautiful fountain at the Bellagio: I’ll catch up with the Daily soon! I hope everyone is well. Have a great day!!
  15. Continuing from my previous post: This is the picture that didn't post of the apartment, the Altana is on top of the roof. You see them everywhere. That is a church in the midst of restoration and the white building on the left is a hospital. I'm not sure what happened with this picture, it's a split screen but it's kind of cool: At night: Ponte dell'Accademia: There was a regatta, but I don' know which one. It was quite fun. We could see part of the regatta floating by from the bridge near our apartment: Me waving from our apartment kitchen window: Edited June 17, 2021 by Sharon in AZ
  16. From another post on June 17, 2021. The church that I couldn’t remember the name of is Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta detta I Gesuiti. These are from our 2005 land trip to Venice. This is a small cafe along one of the streets, we were on our way to the white church in the background. I wish I could remember the name right now, I know it is in Cannaregio. San Michele, the cemetery island: An ambulance: The apartment building I stayed in 2001 with my mother, we were on the top floor. You can see the Altana (wooden deck) that was attached to our apartment. We would sit up there in the late afternoon with wine and cheese before dinner. I have more but will post later. Sorry it's so much but it's so hard to choose when Venice is so beautiful and unique. Edited June 17, 2021 by Sharon in AZ Oops, apartment building didn't copy right.
  17. My post from the Daily June 17, 2021: Venice holds a very special place in my heart. We have been there 3 times, the first time it was just my mother and myself for two weeks and we rented an apartment. I might have some of those pictures and will look later. The second time was on our Med Cruise on the Rotterdam and it was the disembarkation destination and we overnighted, then stayed 4 days afterward. The third time was a land trip to celebrate our anniversary in 2005 and we rented an apartment for a week. Here are some pictures from the Med Cruise. I'll try not to repeat too much, there is just so much to see. Sailing in: Our favorite church, Santa Maria dei Miracoli: If you can, search out the movie Pane e tulipani or "Bread and Tulips" in English. It's set near this area (somewhat) and one of our favorite (subtitled) movies. On our first day we went to Piazza San Marco and sat at one of the outdoor cafes, I think Cafe Florian, and enjoyed the view of the Campanile, The Doge's Palace, and Balisica San Marco. Quite a view! View of the backside of the Bridge of Sighs, aka Ponte dei Sospiri, with the very crowded bridge in front of it along the Grand Canal. Fast forward to a few days after disembarkation and we went to Burano, a very colorful place and one of our favorites. Since we were just in Venice in June I now have better pictures taken on my phone. I’ll select a few and post them separately.
  18. Good morning everyone! Just a quick note this morning. I wanted to share a picture Craig took of the moon Thursday evening. I was going up the stairs and saw it through the window and it looked amazing. It’s a bit blurry because of the window, but still beautiful. Have a great day everyone!
  19. Good evening! I’m late but had to comment because of the posts about Craig— it just cracked me up. Joy @Seasick Sailorhas met Craig and I had no idea Sandi’s @StLouisCruisers DH’s name was Dennis, and Carolyn @Cruising-along you will soon meet Craig. Really funny and made me laugh. Debbie @dfish — I hope everything works out for your move and purchase of a new home. We’ll have to talk more in October! Jacqui @kazu, my heartfelt thoughts and prayers to you about Little Shadow. I know you will do the best thing for her and not send her back. That poor thing has been through so much and you have too. I truly believe that you both are meant for each other. Today has been a busy day. DGD is here and we are getting ready for a short vacay to Las Vegas. I probably won’t be posting for a few days, but I’ll read when I can and see you all soon. Have a good night!
  20. Looking forward to your cruise log and pictures! Enjoy and Bon Voyage and Happy Anniversary! ✈️ 🎊 ⛴ 🍾 🥂
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