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Everything posted by mchell810

  1. Your photos are just lovely! I don't know anything about "long exposure" photos, but I've been inspired to learn!
  2. I am not an insurance agent; I do have the Sapphire Reserve card. Based on what you've posted I don't think your flights, or delays related to the flight, would be covered simply bc you didn't use the card for it. If you end up paying for an upgrade on the flight you may want to use the Chase card for that extra bit of protection. Perhaps the card you used to pay for the flight offers some trip interruption/delay benefit.
  3. I will be staying at the same hotel next month; would love to hear your thoughts on it once you're over the jet lag 😉 Looking forward to hearing about your cruise, especially how it feels to be just a couple this time. 😀
  4. In June I got the room assignment on a Monday for a cruise that started on the Friday. I just kept checking mysilversea until it showed. My guess is your room will appear in the next day or two. Enjoy your cruise 😀
  5. Yes, I did recommend reservations for Silver Note. Yes, I was traveling alone; however, finding a table for one is the same as finding a table for two. Some evenings I ended up with others; we just turned up asking for a table for 4 or 6 and it was never a problem. I was most impressed the night our group swelled to 10: we went to the grill and we told it would be a 20 minute wait --- totally understandable. Turns out it took only 10 minutes bc they set up a new table just for us. (Clearly, that could only be done bc the restaurant is on the pool deck.) Excellent service and much appreciated.
  6. While I am no SS expert I want to share my experience. Like you I don't like making dinner choices months in advance. For my cruise I made a reservation for Kaiseki and one in La Dame (ultimately I cancelled it), but didn't make any others. I never had a problem getting a table, sometimes on my own and sometimes with new friends (who also had no reservations). I never did try Silver Note (the menu doesn't call me); I think this may be a place to make a reservation if you really want to get there. I hope this helps.
  7. Thanks for the info and I totally agree. I asked to confirm I need to bring my own stuff.
  8. Is Azamara still using Eco Boutique toiletries? I assume it would be this same on all ships, but am especially interested in Pursuit. Thanks,
  9. Azamara, like most cruise lines, should offer "Florence on your own" which will get you to/from the city. They usually also offer tours that are transportation and the tour. Both options would be for a fee. Many people opt to arrange private tours; you can try reviewing the Italy port of call board for suggested companies, reviews, etc.
  10. I love to cook; however, as I am mostly cooking for just myself now, I find I like simple things that can go in the oven or simmer on the stove. Your goat cheese recipe will be an addition to my charcuterie board dinner for sure!
  11. I got one of those "Cancellation Confirmation" emails with no information as well. (Lucky for me the cruise is not until November.) I find it very frustrating that Azamara would send out such messages. I know some will say it's old RCCL tech issues, but I have had cancellations before -- with Azamara and Celebrity -- and each one always named the specific tour that was cancelled. I hope you find a way to enjoy Florence.
  12. ^^ This is may issue with Azamara -- they always seem very late to the game with things like this. For example, they were very late in announcing the use of Ravenna to replace Venice. I am not on any sailing to the region during the games, I am not even a soccer fan; yet, even I know Qatar had banned travel for anyone who did not have a ticket to the games. I read that weeks ago.
  13. Wow, I am jealous! I wish I had room for 1000 bottles .... one can dream.
  14. I agree -- clearly Azamara is looking out for themselves. On some level every business has too, however, I am looking out for me, which means not dealing with companies that actively ignore customer needs. So this maneuver with Venice (and similar acts) may lead to the loss of customers anyway and damage Azamara's reputation enough that it's a slow death rather a quick one. Either way, same result: dead business.
  15. I do count on SS being in Fusina. They have VERY transparent through this process since last winter; always communications with passengers even when they were unsure of what the process would be. (Having boarded their ship using Fusina in June I can say it is a smooth process and SS did everything they said they would.) The fact that SS changed all their listings to Fusina so early, even for itineraries years ahead of some other cruise lines, I have no reason to doubt they have secured a contract. Perhaps Azamara, as an independent, is having difficulty settling on a location; however, they should make that clear to passengers rather than leaving it open to speculation. Alternatively, they could not release listings until they actually have a spot to dock.
  16. It can't be Venice bc of the rules there; perhaps Azamara doesn't know if it will be Ravenna or some other location. IMO it is disrespectful to customers to continue to show Venice as a port location. In April Silversea changed all their listings to Fusina (Venice) so that customers know exactly where they will port. Silversea published their itineraries through mid-2025; no games: Fusina is their port for the Venice area -- people can make informed decisions.
  17. By now your flights should have been ticketed so you can deal with the airline directly. If I were you I would call the airline directly and see if they will make a change, but I think it's unlikely. Was there a change to your flights that is making you uneasy with the connection time? The change may give you a better leg to stand on.
  18. And I see the same error made regarding a Quest cruise
  19. Yes, definitely looks like a "cut and paste" error. I am on the Pursuit in November and received the information in an email and a post on our roll call. It's sloppy work but I appreciate Azamara's effort inform passengers.
  20. Another vote for Spain Day Tours; you can do it with or without the winery visit. Positive reviews of the company go back many years on this board; I find them to be reliable and easy to deal with.
  21. The T-Mobile offer of a "free phone" depends on what phone you are trading in; they give a discount based on how they value your trade in.
  22. It depends on the airline. I was able to select seats for a Delta flight 5 months before final payment. I was even able to adjust those seats on the Delta website within hours of reserving the flight.
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