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Posts posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all!

    Today is the first of our hottest days (90 or higher).  No rain in sight. Thankfully our humidity has stayed low below 50%.   I think I'll stay in and get the laundry done, but also want to get the last of the local strawberries.  They're soooo good!


    Interesting collection of days.  I miss my Dad so much, he passed at age 101 6 years ago.  We were very fortunate, he was a blessing and one of a kind.


    I think I'd like everything, the drink, wine and meal.  All the recipes look good to me (minus any cilantro of course) 😉  No shrimp here though, we'll be having stuffed peppers tonight.  We haven't been to the port, thanks all for the great photos!


    The fireworks have continued all weekend, but nothing like on the 4th. And only short bursts so the cats have been fine.  Hoping it ends today.


    After 3 days at the Grand Canyon DD and family are heading to Zion today.  They are having the trip of their lives, I'm so happy for them.  The boys have been troopers in all the heat (and there has been a lot of that!) still hiking and biking every day.


    Bon Voyage Karen @luvteaching!

    Nancy @ottahand7 That cake is amazing!!


    Have a great day everyone!



    • Like 30
  2. Good late afternoon

    Home again after watering DD's garden.  I was happy to see that the deer and slugs hadn't done any more damage and everything looked better than I expected.  I even was able to harvest a lot of lettuce for us.  I guess the deer only like the veggies when they're brand new and tender.


    Remember early in the grand-kitties' visit Smudge turned off our internet?  Well today she set off the home alarm. 😲  Actually it was probably my fault, I set the alarm to "away" when we left for DD's and shouldn't have.  The camera picked up movement in the living room -- we got the alerts on our phones and a phone call soon after leaving home.  Right as we said there are 2 cats in the house, she said "yes, I see a cat on the camera".  So I need to remember not to set it while they're here!  Or at least have the indoor cameras off.


    @SusieKIslandGirl What a beautiful quilt!  And I love that you make them for a good cause.  

    My Hydrangeas can do that too (pink and purple) it happens when I haven't put lime in the soil for awhile.  I like the deep pink so have to add lime every so often.


    Joy @Seasick Sailor Thank you so much for all that info about Wrangell!  Now I know what I want to do -- walk to the Petroglyph Beach State Park to see the ancient carvings.



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  3. Good morning all!

    It's going to get to the low 80's today, and then 3 days will be 10 degrees warmer (low-mid 90's).  No rain in the next 10 days at least.  Today I'll be watering our yard and also DD's.  I just hope the deer have left something to water. 


    I'm going to pass on everything except for kissing 😉  Not a fan of Sushi, no webmaster here, pass on the meal, drink (coconut rum) and the red wine.  I do love the quote though and we'll be in Wrangell next year on the 28-day Alaska.


    I was relieved that other than a few early *Booms* that scared the cats, we didn't hear any more last night.  They were much happier this morning than they were yesterday morning.


    Time to get ready to leave, I hope everyone has a great day!  





    • Like 25
  4. 22 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

    Another nice thing with Princess is you can use OBC for shore excursions before you sail. At least it was that way a couple of years ago when we did that.

    Yes, it's still that way.  I noticed that!  

    16 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

    @Cruising-along and the International Cafe is a must visit 🫣

    Thank you!  It does sound good.  


    Today has been quiet, but I heard one "boom" a few minutes ago a little before 9 pm.  Just hoping it won't get bad.  One cat immediately went under some furniture. 😞  

    • Like 9
  5. Good afternoon everyone

    Feeling much better after falling asleep on the couch for an hour.  The cats slept for 5 hours straight, that shows how tired they were after last night.  Other than that I've gotten absolutely nothing done here other than emptying the dishwasher.  My neighbor's SIL is visiting, and she told them she's never seen anything like our neighborhood before on the 4th. 😞  


    Ann @Vict0riann thank you for letting us know about the new payment system.  We won't be making final payment on our next HAL cruise for awhile, but are getting ready to pay off that Princess cruise we booked.  Learning they do things differently!  For one thing if we want to book specialty dining we have to wait until the cruise is paid in full.  Worrying that all the slots could be filled by then, we're paying it off early.  It's only a 1-week cruise, things will fill fast.  



    • Like 12
  6. 15 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

    I would like to take a moment to thank EVERYONE here  for keeping Tana  and our family in your prayers. I am embarrassed that my fatigue and lower mood made me so needy. I try to hold it together but some days are just exhausting. I am afraid to mention names as I am certain to leave people out. I do have an incredible family and we will do all we can to make her days with us the best they can be. 

    Thank you . This is a great group of people and  it has helped somewhat in restoring my faith in humanity.

    Hugs and please don't be embarrassed.  As Debbie said, you're our hero. 

    • Like 23
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  7. Good morning all!

    We survived last night, but it was awful (as usual for here).  I need to move where the ban on fireworks is actually followed, or at least it stops at a decent hour.  Here they go on until 3 am and last night was no different.  The cats hated it, I hated it, and there was no consoling them.  Naps for us today!


    I think I'll pass on everything today but we have been to St. John's.  Photos to follow.

    The weather has been toasty, and getting toastier.  Low 80's today, creeping up to the low 90's in a few days.  I need to get to DD's tomorrow to give everything a deep watering and hope the deer have left something to water since I was there.


    Jacqui @kazu You made a hard decision but the best one.  I'm so happy to hear that you'll still be able to garden there.  I knew you wouldn't go anywhere without Ivan.


    Debbie @dfish Rita is a cutie.  You are very fortunate that the fireworks didn't bother her!  


    Ann @cat shepard Cute!  I may need to get some cat videos out 😉  One of them does like to "help" me do computer jigsaw puzzles. 😅


    All's well this morning after a very rough night.





    Soot (in the bathtub)



    We took a HAL tour in St. John's and went to Cape Spear, Cabot Tower, Petit Harbor, and Quidi Vidi.  


    Our ship, the old Rotterdam docked in St. John's



    Mallard Cottage, oldest house in New Foundland.






    Cabot Tower



    Cape Spear



    Fort Amherst



    Petit Harbor



    Quidi Vidi



    We had lunch at the Shamrock City Pub (I didn't have moose) 😉 







    • Like 23
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  8. 29 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

    Well, fireworks have been going off for more than an hour and getting more numerous. 😳 Fireworks are illegal in our city but you know how that goes. I just took out a trash can and it’s SO much louder outside. Yes, I did report it but there’s so many going off that nothing is ever done (that I can tell).


    4 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

    Same here. We have 2 houses across the street from us and at least 1 behind us that set off fireworks multiple times each year. They seem to start a couple days before the event being celebrated and go for at least a day after. My sister lives less than 5 miles from us - she has fireworks and gun fire in her neighborhood. That's really scary.


    The dogs are not happy.

    Illegal here too, nothing is ever done.  

    It's almost 10 pm now and it's going full force and will continue another 4-5 hours if it goes as usual. 😞  Earlier one of the cats threw up -- she's probably more nervous than she shows. We get the same thing on NYE and it always goes for days.  But the worst is the night of the 4th and night of NYE.  


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  9. Debbie @dfish Addie is adorable!  What a cute baby.  Thanks for sharing the photo.


    The fireworks here have gotten progressively louder and more often as the day goes on (it's only 6 pm now).  So far the cats are doing "ok" but definitely are aware of the noise.  I have classical music going downstairs and the sound machine going upstairs, but I know when it gets really bad later tonight nothing will drown it out.


    It's just about time for DH to start the bbq for the chicken.  I have the peppers marinating and made a big salad earlier.  This week is not the week to heat up the kitchen.  

    DD and family made it to the Grand Canyon for the 4th -- have a great evening everyone!



    • Like 16
  10. 34 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

    Carolyn, I hope the kitties will stay calm tonight.  So far we have not heard any fireworks, but I bet that changes tonight.  The flowers are lovely.

    Thank you Lenda! So far they seem to be doing ok, tonight will be the test.  The booms are getting a little louder every hour.  Hope I won't be up with them all night.  

    What time is dinner?  Yum!  Your dinner sounds wonderful, and the cake is beautiful!!  

    • Like 16
  11. Good morning all and Happy 4th of July!

    We'll be celebrating BBQ day by doing chicken on the BBQ tonight, and maybe I'll have a hot dog for lunch.  Neither of us is fond of most Country Music so will pass on that.  Also will pass on the meal, drink and red wine.  We've been to Gibraltar several times, we love going up to see the ape shenanigans.


    No plans for today other than staying home and trying to keep the grand-kitties calm.  The fireworks started yesterday -- so far they're doing ok but today will be much, much worse.  I did the "desensitizing" yesterday with low volume recordings of fireworks while I played with them with their favorite toy.  It went well, now will be the real test.  Will have a couple sound machines going and classical music (yes, I spoil our pets) 😉  


    We've begun our long stretch of sunny, hot days, up to 90 for several days soon.  So watering everything is on the agenda.


    Sandi @StLouisCruisers sending hugs on the anniversary of your DF's passing.  

    Annie @marshhawk sending hugs to you too as you remember the passing of your fiance and grandfather.

    Terry @smitty34877 always prayers and thoughts for Tana, you, and the family.


    The Astilbe and Lilies are just getting going here, I love the pops of color all over the garden.










    And Gibraltar -- just a few, my photos are like others already posted.

    Some of my favorite photos of the Macaques.  Loved seeing the babies.









    • Like 24
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  12. 24 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

    They will love Mesa Verde and looks like they will roll through Durango. Are they planning to ride the narrow gauge to Silverton?

    I don't know, Susan -- will ask!  DH and I loved Mesa Verde when we were there a few years ago and we did roll through Durango that trip.  That was before we knew you. 🙂  

    8 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

    Thanks for the map. The 2nd half is nearly identical to the trip I took with 3 friends last September-good memories.

    That would have been a great trip.  We've been to most of these spots over the years, but never in one trip. 

    • Like 5
  13. 1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

    Just watched our local news and the storm we had last night also was an F1 tornado. It was about 7 miles from us, whew. 

    Carolyn @Cruising-along, the road trip your DD & family are on reminds me of a week long road trip that Craig and I took back in 1979 BK (before kids). We camped at several campgrounds and stayed in some motels. Went to the 4 corners area and all around, Window Rock, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley. We were exhausted!  But it was fun and a really good memory. 

    Yikes Sharon, that's close!


    Here's a map that shows their route (counter clockwise).  They'll take a month to do it, and are having a blast!  Lots of driving but lots of activity too (they have their bikes with them, swim wherever possible, and lots of hiking).  Wears me out just to hear about it!







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  14. Good (late) morning all!

    Drop a rock is a nice idea, pass on the clams fried or otherwise, and we try to not use plastic bags.  The Navy Commissary here just this month stopped using plastic and requires cloth bags (which we had been doing anyway).  But it's nice to have some plastic bags for garbage and  especially now that I have the grand-kitties here and am cleaning out the littler box every hour (it seems!)


    Hope the wine isn't sweet, would try the drink but not sure about it either.  I love lamb but have never had ground lamb!  So not too sure about the meal either.  That's 3 maybe's 😉  We were in Rhodes overnight in 2021.  I have tons of photos but am sure they're all like ones already posted.  Will see if I have anything different.


    I read that you should try to desensitize your pets by playing low volume fireworks on YouTube.  So I've been playing some every few hours today and keeping fingers crossed that the cats don't get stressed out.  As I've said before, our area is the worst for noise 😞  I plan to have several sound machines going in the house and other low-stress noises too.  


    DD and family are now in Sedona, AZ -- so down in Sharon @Sharon in AZ and Pennie @Nickelpenny's state.  They drove from Sequoia yesterday and to Grand Canyon tomorrow.  I can't believe how much they've seen in one week!


    Jacqui @kazu I'm so, so sorry to hear about the pain you're going through.  Good though that you have a diagnosis and prayers that the surgery will be sooner than later and will be completely successful so you can be pain-free.


    Here are a few of my photos from our 2 days in Rhodes.  We did a tour around the island one day and the other day we were on our own on foot.  We went to the Grand Master's Palace and to Old Town.  


    Grand Master's Palace from the ship



    Rhodes seen from the ship



    Gorgeous beaches on our drive around the island



    We saw Lindos and the Acropolis



    The ruins of Aphrodite



    I loved this arched passageway in Rhodes



    The courtyard at the Grand Master's Palace



    Beautiful arches and ceilings inside the palace



    A fireplace inside the palace





    Still excavating



    One of many cats I admired in Rhodes



    We enjoyed a delicious lunch before returning to the ship








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  15. Wow.  I'm really sorry to hear you had such a terrible cruise.  We disembarked the Volendam in April after 94 wonderful days.  Really -- absolutely no problems with billing or rude crew in all that time.  We will be sailing the Volendam again for the '26 World Cruise too. 

    There must have been a huge turnover in staff or you just have the worst luck. 😞 

    • Like 2
  16. 11 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

    We were in that cabin Dec 2022 - had 2 loungers (we asked cabin steward for them) plus 2 chairs w/footstools and 2 small tables.

    Did not experience noise issues, but that may depend on how careful crew is to be mindful of keeping the noise down, so could vary cruise to cruise.

    We loved the balcony and would not hesitate to book it again. We live on the balcony, so it's a major factor in cabin selection. 

    I'm glad to hear it's better now.  We sailed in 4154 in 2017.   The noise (right next to my head every night) was quite bad.  Maybe after complaints they're being more careful.  This is what we got for balcony furniture.



  17. 1 hour ago, USN59-79 said:

    Carolyn, are you sure that they can't do the labs the same day as the doctor's visit?  I am scheduled to see my oncologist this month and I have labs scheduled for 2:45 and the doctor appointment is for 3:00.  I don't think it will be a problem.


    Ray the appointment is with my Nephrologist, and she can't use the same lab that my regular doctor uses. Apparently she could in the past, but not since I've been a patient there.   I have to go to Lab Corp in Everett for her labs.  For some reason all Lab Corp appointments are full this week and next week, and my Nephrologist doesn't have another opening between July 10-Sept.  It's just all messed up, but I'm ok with it now.  If I was having a lot of problems I definitely would let them know. 

    • Like 8
  18. 13 minutes ago, gizmodog said:

    Did you find the view obstructed at all by the lifeboats or the stuff directly beneath you? Did you take ant photos of the cabin? Was it tub shower or only shower?

    Wow, it was 5 years ago haha.

    No, we didn't find the view was obstructed, and it was shower only, no tub.  

    That said, we wouldn't rush to book it again.  Unless things have changed, we weren't given extra loungers for the huge balcony.  But most of all, there was a lot of middle of the night noise coming from the crew passageway that was between our cabin and the next.  This was 5 years ago and our experience then.

  19. Welcome back to HAL!


    1.  It's probably just too early.  You'll be able to book them ahead of time -- when will vary from cruise to cruise, but I would expect within the next few months at least.


    2.  Navigator always shows "smart casual" until closer to the cruise (or sometimes not until you've boarded).  You will definitely have 3-4 dressy nights.

    • Like 3
  20. 33 minutes ago, dfish said:

    Carolyn, I hate when they mess up with lab tests and such.  I am still training my doctor on how to submit prescriptions.  We finally got the test strips right.  Now we have to work on the metformin and Ozempic.  Although, I may just give up.  The local hospital, who owns most of the physician practices here in town, dropped my insurance plan.  It is a weird business plan as half the town has that same insurance.  I guess they figure they'll get enough people from out of town to make up for it?   Meanwhile, half of Midland will be going to Saginaw or Bay City.  

    Yes it seems like one thing after the other, doesn't it?  I swear ours only got this bad in the last 1-2 years.  Before this if I ever had any problem at all, it was the billing dept. (not sending the right code to our insurance).  But now the billing is fine and the office staff are sorely lacking!  Besides that, doctors, nurses and even office staff are leaving in droves so it isn't as easy to get appointments as it was even a year ago. 

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  21. 10 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

     Sorry about the mix-up for bloodwork, and delaying of your appointment. I try to get a paper copy for lab work, even though it's in the computer system (if I go to the hospital lab), because I might decide to go to Quest.

    Good advice Vanessa.  I wish I'd had a paper copy yesterday, but I will make sure from now on.  I heard from the clinic (apologizing again) and she attached a copy of the orders to her message in case I need it next time. So of course I think she's insinuating it was the fault of the lab and not them.  

    • Like 19
  22. Good morning all!

    Today and tomorrow are our last cool-ish days and then it will heat up, even up to 90 over the weekend (very hot for here).  No rain for the foreseeable future.  Will be turning on the A/C for the first time this year.  Unfortunately we have to leave all the blinds open because of the kittens so that lets a lot of heat in.  If we didn't have them here for the month they would be closed when the sun hits that side of the house.  


    Good/interesting days.  I'll pass on the drink -- I love rum so would try it, but the thought of maple syrup in a drink makes me gag...also would pass on the red wine.  But the meal sounds delicious and I've printed off the 2nd recipe for future use.  We have halibut in the freezer and have peppers often, so this sounds really good.  


    I'm not happy about the mistake made by my Nephrologist's office in not sending lab orders and now I will have to wait until September to see the doctor.  I love my doctors but the help in the clinics has really gone downhill. It's a good thing I'm not really bad off and can put off this appointment!  We'll see if I hear from them today with a better solution.


    Prayers for all on the care list and cheers for all celebrating!  

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  23. Good afternoon,

    We're back from watering DD's garden and checking on the house.  The deer, bunnies and slugs have had a field day sadly.  Her beets were pulled right out of the soil, and all the lettuce, basil and a few other plants were eaten. 😞  I harvested what I could to bring home.


    First of all, Joy @Seasick Sailor I'm adding my prayers and hugs for your sister Bonnie, for you and for the family.


    Brenda @bennybear Happy Birthday to your DM!


    It has turned out to be a bit of a frustrating day.  When I got to the clinic for my labs this morning I found out that they hadn't gotten any lab orders for me from the Nephrologist....what?!?  I was told that they'd been sent in back in April. Ok, so I let the clinic know, and they sent them in again.  But now I can't get an appointment for labs until July 8, which is the same day as my appointment with the doctor.  And she won't be available after July 9, which is too soon to get the results.  So it looks like I may be waiting until early September to see her.


    Then at DD's house I saw that several large branches from the neighbor's tree had fallen into DD's back yard.  Thankfully there was no damage, but that was a shock.  There haven't been any windstorms and the branches didn't look rotten -- very odd.  It's been a strange day all around.


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