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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Hello from Frankfurt airport. My flight is delayed and I’ll miss my connection in Atlanta, causing a 6 hour layover and arrival at home after midnight. The joys of air travel! I’ll catch up once I’m home for a day. Prayers for all in need.
  2. Just popping in. I haven’t caught up for several days. This head cold/sinus issue has laid me low for a few days. I mainly lay on the sofa. I finally started doing a little, and today think I’m finally getting rid of this illness. I need my ears to unclog before flying on Sunday. Prayers for @dfish and @superoma. @Heartgrove Happy Birthday! Prayers for all in need and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Maybe I’ll be a millionaire one day. No biking to work. Endangered species protection is important. Good quote. I’ll pass on the meal (fish) and drink. Yes to the drink, if someone else is paying. I haven’t been toTolagnaro. I’m starting to feel better. The head cold led to some chest issues too. I’m taking a Z-pack. Interestingly you can’t even get over the counter cough syrup without talking to the pharmacist, and it’s all herbal. Even regular Robitussin type stuff requires a prescription. The weather has been nice today, up to 72F. I sat out on the deck earlier, reading. Happy Victoria Day! @richwmn Good to have you back. @superoma Thinking of you at this difficult time. @Crazy For Cats Bon Voyage! @smitty34877 I’m glad the executive chef has a better appetite. @ottahand7 Safe travels to the cabin. @kazu So sorry to hear about the legal snafu. Hopefully you can do some planting soon. @ger_77 Safe travels for your family coming home. @Horizon chaser 1957 Welcome home! @dobiemom I’m glad to hear the good news about your eye. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.
  4. @superoma My condolences to you and your family on the passing of your DF. And what a shock to be the one to find him. Prayers for you all.
  5. Copied from 2021 post. We arrived in NY very early, before sunrise. Passing under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge The Statue of Liberty (it was hard to focus with the dark and the ship movement)
  6. Good afternoon (here). Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like museums, dislike dirty dishes, and am visiting almost relatives here in Germany. No living relatives other than my never met birth Mother in the US. Funny quote. I like the meal, maybe on the drink (I like most anything key lime), and yes to the wine. I’ve been to NY many times, but only sailed into the harbor once, on my LA to NY PC cruise. Pics are at home on my computer. it,s somewhat sunny and low 60’s here. I’m continuing to rest so far today. I seem to have a head cold; repeat Covid test was thankfully negative. We’re going to dinner later with another friend. I got a voicemail from my PO; regular carrier was off and subs didn’t get the message about mail hold. Regular carrier is back. @summer slope I hope Bailey is ok. Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List.
  7. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and Welcome back! I try not to be a packrat, and am trying to get rid of “stuff”. Hypertension is a silent killer and people should pay attention to their BP. I’ll salute telecommunications and information. Interesting quote. Pass on the meal, yes to the drink and wine. I’ve never been to Falmouth. The weather here has been cool for May. Yesterday it rained in the AM, but BFF and I took the bus into town and did some walking around. I did pretty good I thought. I was looking for something to bring to my hair stylist, who cut my lawn on Monday. He came back yesterday and I suspect the batteries ran out as the grass was high. BFF and I both noticed sniffles last night. My ears also feel clogged. So I’m staying in today and resting. I will do another Covid test just to be sure. The post office started leaving mail on my porch (the storm door is locked, so the mail slot is inaccessible), despite the mail hold! I sent an email about it, and they picked it up yesterday. This morning I made an Ortho appointment for 2 days after I return, to get checked out. It’s white asparagus season here and all the rage for this month. @kazu I hope your garden helper is better today. @1ANGELCAT Thinking of you and Fluff. @smitty34877 I was glad to read that the new aide for Tana is working out well. Good news on the car AC. @Mtn2Sea @Nickelpenny @rafinmd Thanks for the photos. @Cruzin Terri I’m glad DH slept somewhat better. I hope you can get some rest soon. @lindaler Sorry about the rough kayak ending, but luckily no serious damage. @bennybear That photo of the smoke looked frightening! Stay safe. @ger_77 I record my home BP measurements on my phone, and take a printout to my Cardiologist when I go; much better readings at home and I brought the machine it so they could see it matches their in-office one and is accurate. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.
  8. I managed to scrounge up this old photo from a previous FB post. Mom and me a long time ago. She’s been gone 30 years this past February.
  9. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Happy Mother’s Day! It’s also Mother’s Day here in Germany, and Father’s Day is on Thursday. Interesting days and quote. Pass on the meal. I had a rough day yesterday with stomach issues and couldn’t get warm. Then I realized I’d taken my injection on Wednesday and I think that’s the cause. I did a COVID test this AM that was negative. I will delay the next injection until I get home. Today we’re going out with a friend and his Mom, so I’m not sure what’s for dinner; at least I feel better. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start today. Lovely photo of your Mother. @richwmn Welcome back! Prayers for all in need and Cheers to those with reason to Celebrate.
  10. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I will celebrate birth mothers, as I am adopted. I’ve never met her. I also like hummus. I like the meal. I’ve not been to today’s port. I went out for a walk yesterday and am paying for it today with more knee pain. BFF is off touring a nearby old town with friends. @richwmn Welcome back and safe travels home. Prayers to all in need and I’m glad to hear of good news for many, especially on the health front.
  11. Good afternoon. Thanks for the fleet Report/Daily Good days. I’m trying to keep my room here clean; I got the guest room and poor BFF is sleeping on the sofa. The quote is hard to do. I like the meal and will pass on the drink and wine. I haven’t been to Malaga - thanks for the pictures. I had a short trip out for lunch today, now back with legs elevated. I’ll try to do more daily. As it’s my 5th trip here, I’m not missing out on too much sightseeing. BFF is currently doing some laundry; the appliances here are so different. Prayers for those in need, especially post surgery and with chronic illness. Cheers for those with something to celebrate. Today’s lunch of schnitzel and frites. We’ll have a light supper after this!
  12. Good afternoon (here) and thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report. Interesting days. Maybe on the meal and pass on the drink and wine. I haven’t been to today’s port. I am here in Germany. Enjoying the wonderful Brot (breads) already. After the excursion in Rotterdam, then the flight here, and ride from the airport to BFF’s cousin’s home, my legs were very unhappy. Lots of swelling and pain. I even considered an urgi-care, but they really don’t have them here. So I’ve been resting and off my feet for yesterday and today, and feeling better but still not great. Still lots of bruising and painful spots. I won’t go on a planned day trip as the area has lots of hills and steps. @Vict0riann I am glad Pat is doing well. @dobiemom I’m glad things look good with your eye, but the continued restrictions don’t sound easy. @kazu Wow, Ivan looks great! Sorry the elbow is still bothering you. @superoma Great job on the lists. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.
  13. Just a quick check in from Schiphol airport. I am woefully behind on the goings on of the Daily, but will catch up once in Germany. Our plane to Stuttgart leaves in a couple of hours. The cruise was great, although I was limited by near crippling back and hip pain when on excursions and trying to do some walking. This will definitely need to be addressed when I get home. Today is my DM’s heavenly birthday; she would have been 119. She is missed.
  14. Good afternoon from Southampton. Not doing much here, as we didn’t have an excursion and walking is still somewhat hard for me due to knees and back issues. Yesterday we docked in Dorset and went to Stonehenge. I am pleased to read of good news for many. Continued prayers for those in need and Cheers to those celebrating.
  15. Great photos from Spike Island and Weymouth! I saw you and Iain in line for the boat to Spike Island, but I was too shy to come up and say hello ☺️
  16. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. No baby, no brothers or sisters, and no ukulele here. Pass on the meal, but maybe on the drink and wine. I haven’t been to the port. Good evening as we sail away from Cobh. it started cloudy but by late day the sun had come out. We did the Titanic Experience, then walked about town. I couldn’t walk up to St. Colman’s, but did as much as I could with my sore knees and legs. @StLouisCruisers a thanks for the startup. @kazu Ivan looks at home. @dobiemom I’m glad you can sleep on your side now. @St Pete Cruiser Thank goodness for the medical care you received. @smitty34877 Many prayers for Tana and your family. @superoma Great job in the lists! Prayers to those in need, bon voyage to those about to cruise, and Cheers to those with reason to Celebrate. St. Colman’s and the colorful houses in Cobh.
  17. Good morning. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. It’s our last sea day before arriving in Cobh tomorrow. I’m still hobbling about a bit. Prayers for all in need and Cheers to those celebrating.
  18. It’s a nasty day. All outer decks closed as well as the veranda windows being locked. BFF is napping and I’m catching up on Cruise Critic.
  19. Good morning. It’s almost 11AM, as we’ve had 5 time changes since leaving FLL. I like the days and quote. Pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven’t been to Eidfjord. Still rough seas and 50 mph winds through tonight. Yesterday coming in from a deck, I didn’t see the step up, and fell; I landed on my knees. Several passengers came right over, asking if I needed medical. Fortunately I just bruised both knees and have tenderness and bruising. Nothing broken, but walking is painful today. Prayers for all in need and Celebration for those with good news.
  20. Good Saturday morning. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting up the thread today. @superoma Great job on the Lists! Another night of rocking and rolling; I thought I’d roll out of bed! Today is quieter. Day 4 of crossing the Atlantic. @Nickelpenny Welcome to the FR/Daily! Prayers for those in need and Cheers to those with something to Celebrate! The view before dinner last night.
  21. Good afternoon from the middle of the Atlantic. We are rocking and rolling here. High winds and swells have the ship with a lot of motion. Outdoor furniture is latched down and pools are drained. So it’s indoor activities only, mainly. Prayers for those in need. I try to keep up with the goings on of all the Dailyites.
  22. We’re heading into high winds and somewhat rough seas. This will be interesting. @kazu I hope the procedure brings you some relief. @mamaofami Prayers for Sam and that the doctor finds an antibiotic that works. @bennybear I hope all went well today. @ottahand7 Hugs at this difficult time.
  23. Good morning post Bermuda. It’s hard to keep up with everyone. Prayers for those undergoing or who’ve recently undergone surgery. prayers for those ill. Happy Birthday @dfish! I’ll try to catch up later.
  24. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like pigs in a blanket, we should not forget the Armenian genocide, and I occasionally scream, usually in frustration. I’ve been to Puerto Quetzal, but my photos are on my PC. I’m sitting on my veranda, enjoying the sound of the sea. Yesterday’s dinner was in the Greek-themed restaurant and I had short ribs that were delicious. I haven’t sampled the night life, as we’re eating a bit late, and with dinner and some wine, I’m ready to call it a night somewhat early. We arrive in Bermuda tomorrow morning. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for keeping the FR/Daily going, with @richwmn’s help. @superoma Great job on the lists! @Mr. Boston Welcome home. I hope we could give you a bit of comfort during this difficult time. @cruising sister I’m sorry the service was so difficult for you. Take care of yourself. @marshhawk It sounds like you may have a difficult decision to make, but I’m sure you’ll do what’s best for Irving. @Ichiban Nekko Welcome home. It sounds like you had a great trip! @kazu Best of luck with the surgery. @mamaofami Prayers for Sam. I don’t know why the font size changed. I’m not used to doing this on an iPad. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
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