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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good Friday morning. I haven't had a Philly cheesesteak in many years. Growing up Raisinets were my movie candy of choice. I will salute cocktails and look forward to having a couple on my TA cruise. Good quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Dar Es Salaam. We had rain all day yesterday, sometimes heavy, and again this morning. It's quite gloomy. We'll go into the upper 40's later. But, better than snow. No great plans today, other than a trip to the pharmacy. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting up the FR/Daily today. Sorry to hear about the passing of Lana. @richwmn Enjoy the ceremony, I've never crossed the Equator. Cool on the ship positioning the Captain was trying to do. @seagarsmoker Enjoy that last full day aboard! @0106 Thanks for the recipes. I like the first one I think. @rafinmd Excellent news about your sleep last night. I like your alternative meal. @aliaschief Sorry you had a bad meal last night. Thanks for the memes. @cat shepard Ugh on the cable installation, but I can picture you enjoying the sprinklers! @dfish Woohoo on your blood test results! Enjoy the butterfly exhibit and Farkle Friday. @mamaofami Wow on no power at the surgery center and the delay in your procedure. But it's over and done and now you can relax. @smitty34877 How nice of your friend to prepare a meal. @kazu The BC meme is totally me. @cruising sister Sorry to hear the splint is uncomfortable and I hope you can do something to make it more tolerable. @cruzngal Welcome to the Daily! @ottahand7 Good to hear your bags arrived. Lots to deal with when you get home after being away. @lindaler Oh my on the suitcases. Can you file a claim under your travel insurance? At least let HAL know. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad your visit with the PCP went fairly well. When I first went on Prednisone for my eyes, I thought it would be for 4-6 weeks. I'm still on it 4 years later, but now at a low dose, and suspect I will stay on it forever. @Quartzsite Cruiser New appliances are always fun (when they work). @kochleffel Good to hear you slept better last night, but sorry you're still tired. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  2. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia and working on getting stronger dfish recovering from parathyroid surgery Mamaofami’s recovering from cataract surgery SusieKIslandGirl’s DH with Covid, but improving Cruzin Terri with PMR flare Marshhawk’s abnormal lung scan and COPD Bennybear’s test results Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Cruising sister now with a hand splint RMLincoln’s DH’s sensitivity to glaucoma meds Tana’s pulmonary issues Scrapnana getting chemotherapy Celebrations and Shout outs: Bon Voyage St Pete Cruiser! (3/25 but he is 17 hours ahead of EDT) 0106 (Tina) pitching in on the meal suggestions of the day Kazu’s good report from the surgeon and ok to drive StLouisCruiser’s DGS in Michigan being named 2nd in his graduating class Many Dailyites with upcoming cruises 3 Days for USN59-79 (Westerdam 3/27 to 5/7) 5 Days for Cruzn single (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/19) 5 Days for Vict0riann (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/19) 5 Days for Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/29) Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Seagarsmoker (Nieuw Statendam to 3/25), DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam to 3/29), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Kplady (Grand Princess to 4/28), St Pete Cruiser (Noordam to 5/2) and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  3. Sharon, good news about DM. When I had my 2nd cataract surgery, the doctor said my cornea was "floppy" so I had actual stitches in the incision and she put a contact lens in so the sutures wouldn't irritate my inner lid. It was weird getting the stitches out, when someone comes at your eye with tweezers!
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I haven't had melba toast in ages. I do like chip and dip, preferable tortilla chips and salsa. I know many will post their puppies; I never had a dog due to long work hours and then travel. Funny quote. I remember people talking about the meal as seen on social media; I never have made it. Pass on the drink and the wine is too expensive. I was in Punta Arenas on my SA/Antarctica cruise. It was storming overnight with hard rain and lightning. I woke up around 3 due to the noise of storms, then again before 6 so I posted the Cares List. Then back to sleep until 8. Nothing specific on my agenda today, with more rain showers expected off and on. I did schedule with the Ortho doc, not for 2 weeks; however today the knees aren't as bad, but my hand joints from the RA are painful. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start today and your dedication. Congrats to DGS on his academic achievements! Sadie and Milo are so cute. I wondered about "Tuesday" lol, but it's fine. @mamaofami Prayers for a successful and smooth procedure today. @seagarsmoker Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day and your dinner tonight. @0106 Appreciate the information and recipes. @rafinmd Thanks for today's alternate meal @smitty34877 I hope the appointment goes well today, and very kind of your friend to stay with Tana while you're gone. Thanks for sharing a pic of Fred and Zoey. @Cruzin Terri I hope your appointment goes well this afternoon, and enjoy your dinner with friends tonight. @dfish Good to hear from you. Rest as much as you can! @aliaschief Great memes. @kochleffel Sorry to hear that work is so bothersome. And I hope you can get better sleep; it's restorative. @grapau27 Nice lunch! @marshhawk Sorry to hear yesterday was like it was. Congrats on the ranking and they should give you some other gift since you can't do the concert. Be careful about the blood sugars, and I hope you get the PET scheduled soon. @ottahand7 I'm glad you're home safely. @lindaler Ugh on the damage to your new suitcase. @cunnorl I watched the launch live on YouTube last night; hard to believe it was mostly made 3D. I hope all goes well for DD at the doctor's appointment. @TiogaCruiser Wonderful table decorations; you're very talented. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Be well everyone. The Zaandam in Punta Arenas (12/24/2018) A trip to the Nao Victoria Museum with replicas of Magellan's ship and the HMS Beagle Strait of Magellan and replica of Shackleton's James Caird ship View of Punta Arenas, Strait of Magellan and Tierra del Fuego in the distance Monument to Magellan in downtown Punta Arenas and interesting building It was Christmas Eve, so Santa was in Punta Arenas Christmas Eve dessert on the Zaandam
  5. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia and working on getting stronger dfish recovering from parathyroid surgery Mamaofami’s cataract surgery today SusieKIslandGirl’s DH with Covid, but improving Cruzin Terri with PMR flare Marshhawk’s abnormal lung scan and COPD Bennybear’s test results Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: RMLincoln’s DH’s sensitivity to glaucoma meds Tana’s pulmonary issues StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Scrapnana getting chemotherapy Celebrations and Shout outs: 0106 (Tina) pitching in on the meal suggestions of the day Kazu’s good report from the surgeon and ok to drive Cruising sister’s cast coming off today Many Dailyites with upcoming cruises 4 Days for USN59-79 (Westerdam 3/27 to 5/7) 6 Days for Cruzn single (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/19) 6 Days for Vict0riann (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/19) 6 Days for Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/29) Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Seagarsmoker (Nieuw Statendam to 3/25), DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam to 3/29), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Kplady (Grand Princess to 4/28) and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  6. Lots going on here today. @dfish I'm glad things went well and you're home and using Moose Track (a favorite of mine) therapy! Rest, relax, nap and be spoiled by family for a few days. @Vict0riann Now that a decision has been made, I think you'll feel calmer. You guys can relax and come home rested, ready to face the surgery Pat needs. @Quartzsite Cruiser You did a lot and I hope you're not too sore tomorrow. Maybe a nice hot shower before bed to relax the muscles? @kazu Doing the Happy Dance for you . I'm so glad you're free! Sorry you had to be in an area that brought back bad memories.
  7. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. Cruise Critic went offline around 11PM and I couldn't get in. Luckily this AM I could, to post the Care List. Well, today I don't feel young at all with all the joint issues. Maybe we need a day to goof off occasionally. I used to sing in choirs, but don't anymore and have lost my range. Good quote by Churchill. Maybe on the meal. I'll pass on the drink and can't afford the wine. I have been to Spain, but not Alicante. It's cloudy but in the 50's here today. Ugh, I could hardly get out of bed this AM due to my knees. The so-called good right knee has been acting up the past week, and felt like it would buckle with walking and was also painful. I think I'll need to call the Ortho doc to maybe get a steroid injection in the right knee. I had a dental cleaning late morning, and made it to that. Things looked ok, but I have a lot of excess bone (tori) that are starting to interfere with things; so I may see an oral surgeon at some point this year regarding surgery to remove some. And BFF told me yesterday he has to have another Mohs procedure, but he's trying to put if off for a bit. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for battling the site issues to get us started today. Great photos from Alicante. Happy Birthday to cute Sadie! @dfish You should be all done by now, but I was praying for you this morning. @kazu I'm hoping your appointment goes well today. @rafinmd The meal looks good; I miss those chilled soups, which were a favorite of mine. @mamaofami Prayers for your procedure tomorrow that all goes smoothly. I remember the old days when you had to stay in the hospital and seeing patients with sandbags on either side of their head so they didn't move (late 70's). I had mine done a couple of years ago and it was simple. @0106 Thanks for the recipes and information. @cruising sister Happy Heavenly Birthday to your DS and hugs to you on this hard day. And yay on the cast coming off tomorrow. I know you'll do the work to get your function back. @aliaschief Thanks for the memes. @RMLincoln Ugh on all the rigamarole getting set up for DH's surgery. @seagarsmoker Thanks for sharing your cruise. I hope the crew stays well. @marshhawk Sorry to hear about the results of your visit to the Pulmonologist. Big decisions to be made. I hope you get to go on your cruise before having to have any surgery. @lindaler I hope your luggage shows up today. @Vict0riann Prayers for Pat and you. As you say, our health comes first. @sailingdutchy Wonderful photos, Tony. @Cruising-along Good news on the bone density test; my doctor told me degenerative changes in the lumbar spine can falsely elevate the density, but I hope that's not the case here. Many Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those with something to Celebrate. Take care everyone.
  8. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia dfish parathyroid surgery today Mamaofami Cataract surgery March 23 Durangoscots still not feeling 100% Citizens of Ukraine/Earthquake in Ecuador From the rotation: Kazu’s surgeon visit today Superoma’s DD with breathing issues from Covid Tana’s pulmonary issues StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Celebrations and Shout outs: 0106 (Tina) pitching in on the meal suggestions of the day Cruising sister’s cast coming off this week Smitty34877’s new aide for Tana Many Dailyites planning cruises 5 Days for USN59-79 (Westerdam 3/27 to 5/7) 7 Days for Cruzn single (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/19) 7 Days for Vict0riann (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/19) 7 Days for Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/29) Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Seagarsmoker (Nieuw Statendam to 3/25), DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam to 3/29), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Kplady (Grand Princess to 4/28) and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  9. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Good days. I pay off balances monthly and have reduced the number of cards I have. But I'm tempted by changing to one with better rewards. I used to wear fragrance, but rarely do any more. I confess I don't read much poetry. I'll pass on the meal (fish/seafood), the drink and the wine. I haven't been to Cairns, although I have been to Australia. The weather should be nice today, going into the 50's and sunny. But rain the rest of the week. I have a haircut this afternoon. Other than that, just more sorting of stuff in this house to try to get rid of things I don't use. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up, and your Cairns photos. @Cruzin Terri Safe travels to Jacksonville today. @rafinmd I think as the weather improves we will all feel more energized. @0106 Thanks for the recipes. @Lady Hudson It's always tough coming back from vacation. I need to think about laying out clothes for my trip, and trying not to pack too much. I'm glad to hear DH is healing; great of the kids to pitch in and help out. @kazu Thanks for the memes (that last one is me!). @seagarsmoker Enjoy Grand Cayman. @dfish Ugh on the email snafu. And I hope the taxes work out to your benefit. Prayers for an easy surgery tomorrow and quick recovery. @ger_77 Thanks for the reminder about changing info if you've gotten a new passport (which I just did). @lindaler I hope your luggage arrives intact tomorrow. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great pictures from Cairns. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  10. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia Superoma’s DD with breathing issues from Covid dfish parathyroid surgery March 22 Mamaofami Cataract surgery March 23 Kochleffel’s loss of Junior Cat (Sasha) Vict0riann’s Pat’s surgery follow-up today Citizens of Ukraine/Earthquake in Ecuador From the rotation: Kazu’s upcoming surgeon visit on 3/22 NextOne needing valve surgery Tana’s pulmonary issues StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Scrapnana getting chemotherapy Celebrations and Shout outs: Bon Voyage Kplady! 0106 (Tina) pitching in on the meal suggestions of the day Cruising sister’s cast coming off this week RMLincoln and DH feeling better Smitty34877’s new aide for Tana Many Dailyites planning cruises 6 Days for USN59-79 (Westerdam 3/27 to 5/7) Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Seagarsmoker (Nieuw Statendam to 3/25), DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam to 3/29), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Kplady (Grand Princess to 4/28) and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  11. Good Monday morning and Happy First Day of Spring! Thanks for prepping @richwmn so the Fleet Report/Daily could continue while you cruise the world. I hope no one is abducted by extraterrestrials! I'll salute a Day of Happiness and Earth Day. I like the quote. I like the meal, drink and wine (but won't pay that much). I haven't been to Geraldton. It's a sunny day, started off cold, but going into the upper 40's later. I spent most of yesterday working on computers. My old one is ready to be donated now. Still having issues with BFF's Dad's one. After I posted the care list around 6, I fell back asleep until 9:15! I don't know what that's about. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for starting us up today. @Cruzin Terri I hope the workers get lots done in the next few days. Safe travels tomorrow to the clinic in Jacksonville. @TAW1963 Thanks for reporting on your cruise and the great photos. @rafinmd Good to hear you're sleeping pretty well. And I do hope you are starting to feel stronger. Nice to see your sunrise photo! @smitty34877 Sorry you had a rough night; prayers for you and Tana. I'm glad the aide is helpful. @0106 Thanks for stepping in for @dfish with the daily meal. I love Indian food and have had Saag Paneer, but never made it myself. @aliaschief Thanks for the great memes. @kazu I know it's sticker shock these days at the grocery store. When do you see the surgeon again? @dfish Good for you for sleeping in! @RMLincoln How are you two feeling? And did you have to reschedule DH's surgery? @kochleffel Oh no, so sorry to hear about Junior Cat. I know Sasha had a good life with you. My condolences on your loss. @durangoscots Sorry winter is hanging on where you are. Good to hear you're feeling much better. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  12. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia Superoma’s DD with breathing issues from Covid dfish parathyroid surgery March 22 Mamaofami Cataract surgery March 23 NextOne needing valve surgery 2 Edmonton police officers killed in the line of duty Citizens of Ukraine/Earthquake in Ecuador From the rotation: Jacqui recovering from elbow surgery Tana’s pulmonary issues Scrapnana getting chemotherapy Former President Jimmy Carter in home hospice care Celebrations and Shout outs: Cruising sister’s cast coming off this week RMLincoln and DH feeling better Smitty34877’s new aide for Tana Many Dailyites planning cruises 1 Day for Kplady (Grand Princess 3/21 to 4/28) 7 Days for USN59-79 (Westerdam 3/27 to 5/7) Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Seagarsmoker (Nieuw Statendam to 3/25), DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam to 3/29), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  13. Good morning. I hope we all have a reason to laugh today. I'll salute certified nurses for all they do. I eat a lot of poultry. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good, although maybe using zucchini to lower the carbs. I like the drink and wine. I haven't been to Penneshaw. Brrr. Winter doesn't want to leave; it's 17F out and with the wind chill 6F. But at least the sun is shining, and we'll warm up this week. I woke up later today, so the Cares List wasn't posted as early. No big plans here other than trying to restore one of BFF's Dad's computers (not successful so far) and looking at one of my old computers to save things from it before cleaning it's hard drive to donate it. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for our start today. Nice photos from Port Douglas. @grapau27 Thanks for posting Fr. David's sermon this morning. @seagarsmoker Have a great time aboard NS. Sorry it raining at HMC. @rafinmd Prayers that your energy level improves. @ottahand7 Welcome back and safe travels home. @0106 Thanks for being our literary reference! @dfish The recipes look good. @Mtn2Sea Great pictures from Kangaroo Island. @lindaler I'm glad you got home safely. Enjoy kayaking tomorrow. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  14. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia Superoma’s DD with breathing issues from Covid dfish parathyroid surgery March 22 Mamaofami Cataract surgery March 23 NextOne needing valve surgery 2 Edmonton police officers killed in the line of duty Volendam entertainer Devon Campbell who passed away Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Jacqui recovering from elbow surgery Cruising sister recovering from hand surgery Status of St. Louis Sal (6/29/22) and JAM37 (6/20/22) Celebrations and Shout outs: Welcome Home Lady Hudson! Welcome to the Daily trivia addict RMLincoln and DH feeling better Smitty34877’s new aide for Tana Many Dailyites planning cruises 2 Days for Kplady (Grand Princess 3/21 to 4/28) Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam to 3/29),Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  15. @trivia addict Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. @mamaofami Prayers for your cataract surgery and recovery. I've had both eyes done, live alone, and no issues other than lots of extra drops because of my underlying eye issue that could flare up from the surgery. @dfish Prayers for a successful surgery and recovery. @superoma Sorry to hear that DD still has breathing issues post-Covid.
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