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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good afternoon. Thanks for starting up the Fleet Report/Daily @StLouisCruisers. No to inane answering messages (my landline still has an answering machine). I'm a bubble wrap fan for shipping my ebay stuff. What are we escaping from? Strange quote. I've made an Instant Pot turkey breast in the past. Pass on the drink, but yes to the wine if someone else buys it. I haven't been to Kushiro. It's a foggy day here, gloomy and 40F. Snow and freezing drizzle tomorrow. My eyes are finally starting to clear some, but the right eye will take a while due to so much blood. I look like someone in a horror film! I've spent the morning trying to get my Medicare annual exam scheduled. My PCP has no openings until June. Then I talked with the company that sends my Kevzara, to try to find out about getting extra for when I'm away. I'll have to send an itinerary, which I don't have yet. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for your post and our lists. I think my treadmill is dying; it was making odd sounds and needs a new belt. I'm not sure it's worth repairing it, as it's over 20 years old. It's up on my 3rd floor so not easy to get rid of. I guess I'll try my elliptical for a while. Ren and Colton must be very good to get those invitations and hopefully make good decisions, with their parents' help. I can try to help when you're away, if need be - just need to set an alarm for mornings; I've been staying up too late, which is the culprit! @summer slope I hope the crown is easily fixed. @kazu Wonderful news that you got a good night's sleep! So kind of your neighbors to help you out. @rafinmd I am sorry to hear you still have pain and did not sleep well. I hope the antibiotics will clear things up, but it may take time. I would talk to the doctor about a realistic prognosis. Prayers. @ger_77 I get cold just reading about your temps there. I'd be afraid the mug might break while full of a hot drink! @aliaschief Safe travels tomorrow and have a great time. @cruising sister Great photo! Bon Voyage! @GTVCRUISER Welcome home. Great sunset. @Cruzin Terri Sad to hear about your pain. Good luck with the HVAC. @Heartgrove Welcome home. Thanks for the picture of sweet Lily! @ottahand7 Looks like you got the Drake shake, rather than the Drake lake. Enjoy Antarctica, it's fabulous! @Cruising-along I'm glad the family is safely home. @kochleffel Woohoo on the cabin upgrade! @Seasick Sailor Sorry your oral surgery was so involved and I hope the pain is tolerable. Prayers for our too long Care List and Cheers to those with something to Celebrate. Try to stay well everyone.
  2. He did write this book for the 145th anniversary of HAL. http://gbooksinternational.nl/product/one-hundred-and-forty-five-years-holland-america-line-2018-albert-j-schoonderbeek/
  3. @HAL Sailer Belated Happy Birthday! I had to use the FTC identity theft website when I noted "collections" on my credit report. Someone had opened utility services in MD (where I never lived) in their name but using my information. I followed all their recommendations. A big pain! Continued prayers for DSIL and I'm glad the sons have made a truce, for her sake.
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily and to @StLouisCruisers for starting us up. I like puzzles, mainly crosswords and jigsaw (online). I rarely eat corn chips and haven't swapped seeds with anyone. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Newport, RI, even though I went to school in MA. It's a rainy day here. When going to bed last night, I noticed that I now had a hemorrhage in the left eye! I don't know what's going on. The right eye still looks bad as it was a very large one, the left isn't as big. But no pain or vision issues. I'll be watching football later. I will add to the Celebrations and Shoutouts: @StLouisCruisers Sandi for stepping up to help keep the Daily going! @grapau27 Thank you for Fr. David's sermon today. @kazu Prayers that your pain eases. I know many Ortho docs have gotten skittish about pain meds because of abuse, which hurts the patients who really need them. Good luck with the billing issues. @cat shepard I have a Fellowes shredder that I like. I just shredded old tax returns in it. @ottahand7 I agree that where you are now has breathtaking sights. @rafinmd Sorry to hear about the oxygen levels, so it's a good thing you sought treatment. Prayers for continued healing and recovery. @superoma Great puzzles. @Seasick Sailor Prayers that your oral surgery is quick and relatively painless! @cruising sister Great photos! Bon Voyage and have a wonderful time! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  5. I'm working on a list already, so up to you. If yours is first, then I'll not post one.
  6. I'm glad you're in your room. I hear some horror stories of people being in the ER for many hours or overnight. Have a good night's sleep if you can!
  7. I was worried about this 2 years ago when I went to the ER. They kept me overnight in an "observation unit" so I could get a test the next day. I held my breath, but never got the big bill I could have potentially gotten. Oh, she is so cute! And congrats to Ren's team. I could try to help with the lists, but I tend to not get on to post until late morning.
  8. That's it for me. Thanks @leerathje, camera operators and fellow sail-away addicts.
  9. Guess NA is last today; now to see if she leaves on time.
  10. Thanks for the update. I'm glad they found the cause of your feeling unwell, and thank goodness no fractures. Rest, and hopefully the antibiotics will fix you right up! Continued prayers.
  11. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily and to @StLouisCruisers Sandi for starting us up. Data privacy is so important these days; I've been involved in several company data breaches and have credit monitoring. Now retired, but I sometimes had fun at work. I've never played a kazoo. Funny quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I was in Buenos Aires on my SA/Antarctica cruise. It's 42F and partly sunny here, so a nice day. It seems if it's not one thing, it's another with me. As I was going to bed early, when I looked in the mirror to put my bedtime eyedrops in, I noticed my right eye was completely red. I'd had a really big subconjunctival hemorrhage sometime earlier. No pain, but it looks awful. It's going to take a while to resolve, but looks a little better this AM. And so far my stomach is ok today. @rafinmd Oh no on needing to go to the hospital! Prayers for your health. We are worried about you. @grapau27 That's a hearty looking breakfast. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us today, and your photos. @mamaofami I'm glad you found your glasses; now you'll have a spare pair. @Seasick Sailor Sorry to hear you fell also; be careful! I'm curious, what do you spray your suitcases with? I bought Permethrin once to use. @kazu I'm glad you called the Bone Clinic about the pain; this is an unending saga at this point. I hope the stronger pain meds help for now. @marshhawk Wow, your previous doctor was really unethical with putting DH's info in your file. @smitty34877 Thanks for the photo of Miss Camilla! Prayers for those in need (including Roy) and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate. Some photos from Buenos Aires Torre Monumental Falklands War Memorial and the Kavanaugh Building Plaza San Martin's Great Gomero Tree Le Doubte (The Doubt) Sculpture, Plaza San Martin Monument to Jose de San Martin The Obelisk Candied fruits in a store window Casa Rosado, May Pyramid (celebrating the May revolution) and Plaza de Mayo Painted kerchiefs representing Mothers of Plaza de Mayo The Metropolitan Cathedral (Pope Francis was Archbishop here 2001-2013), Crypt of San Martin
  12. I read it the same way! I had to go back and reread it to understand that I guess DH stayed behind the wheel when he had to move the car back into the parking lot. Oh, Roy, sorry about the spill and your not feeling better yet. Please take care of yourself! My stomach has been upset all afternoon. So I'm sipping chicken broth for dinner. Just when I thought things had straightened out. I think I will go to bed early.
  13. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and @rafinmd. I do like chocolate cake, never had to punch a clock, and wigs are important for cancer patients. Also it is International Holocaust Remembrance Day and we should never forget that horror. I visited Dachau in 2014 and it was a moving experience. A great Ghandi quote. The meal looks interesting. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Hualien. It's 29F and cloudy today, with the occasional snow shower. No plans for today, so far. @rafinmd Thanks for starting us up and our lists. I hope you continue to feel better every day. @marshhawk I hope you like your new doctor. Sorry Fawn is still not herself. @StLouisCruisers Prayers for your neighbor Rudy and his medical team. @cruising sister Good to hear the family is feeling well. @AncientWanderer Congrats to your nephew on getting the passport. @ger_77 Welcome back! Great photo. You were missed. @kazu Sorry to hear you're still in pain. @dfish Good going on the painting. @Cruzin Terri That's very helpful to have the contractor put up all the window brackets, mirrors and pictures. @kochleffel Thank you for all the information. @iluvthe-c Welcome to the Daily! @Cruising-along Good to hear that your neighbor will be moving back into her home after all this time. Happy Birthday to your DD! @durangoscots That is a wonderful story about the staff member reuniting with her parents! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  14. Good news I'd think on the visit with the Rheumatologist. It would be great not to have one of the autoimmune inflammatory arthritis diagnoses. All of this can be hard to diagnose. When I first had the uveitis all manor of autoimmune blood tests were done. My rheumatoid factor was negative a couple of times (maybe the titer was too low to detect), but then when years later I had the hand pain, the ultrasound was classic for RA. I wonder if this isn't autoimmune if you'll stay on your current medication?
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