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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. @StLouisCruisers Might be the number of people watching, which is why I load it a little early.
  2. Sandi, I can help with the Care and Celebration Lists. As for as starting the Fleet Report/Daily, I'm not up early enough, since I tend to stay up late. I know heating bills are crazy. The low temp was no doubt due to the cold, wind, drafty windows and probably not enough insulation.
  3. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I love ice cream and would gladly eat it for breakfast, but I'm trying to be strict with my diet right now, sigh. Not sure how to create a vacuum. I like some stuffed mushrooms at restaurants. Interesting quote. I like the meal and drink. Pass on the wine. I was offshore at Huatulco on my PC cruise, where there was an emergency medical disembarkation. We had a lovely -4F this AM. Now up to a balmy 11F and it's sunny. My bedroom was only 59 when I went to sleep, despite the thermostat at 64 for overnight, so on went the electric blanket! @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today, our lists, and the Huatulco photos. @ottahand7 Thanks for the great photos. We couldn't see anything when we passed Deception Island due to dense fog, and couldn't go inside. Sorry to hear you're missing the Falklands. @kazu Interesting the sounds our houses can make; living in a 100+ year old house I hear lots of noises. @0106 Thanks for the rest of the quote; that does make more sense. @smitty34877 Good news that Tana feels like eating! How is your hip doing? @dfish Thanks for the recipes. @Cruzin Terri Safe travels tomorrow. It certainly sounds like you had a lot going on yesterday; you deserve a vacation! @Seasick Sailor Oh no on slipping on the tile floor! I hope your pain eases up quickly. @rafinmd Good news that you slept well last night. I hope your progress continues. @kochleffel Sounds like a lot of party people on your cruise. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Take care everyone. A few pics from offshore at Huatulco Passenger being taken to a waiting ambulance on the pier
  4. Maureen, I applied online on Dec 28, expedited. My passport was shipped Jan 31, with expected delivery by 9PM tonight. It didn't come with the mail this afternoon, but nothing. Tracking was last updated yesterday, so maybe it'll come tomorrow. Has DS gotten notice that it shipped?
  5. I meant to add earlier that it's National Wear Red Day, to highlight heart disease in women. @marshhawk Sorry to hear Neko still has issues. Hoping for the best. @rafinmd I'm glad you have people nearby to help you out. Let them help. And someone to check in with every day is a great idea. @durangoscots I hope Monty is ok. @ottahand7 Aren't those tabular icebergs amazing? @luvteaching I hope DH's swallowing improves. If he needs more time, then it's good they're not trying to get him home too soon.
  6. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I used to chew bubble gum as a kid (bazooka). I currently don't have a bird feeder. I remember hearing about the day the music died, but was too young when it happened to know about it. Good quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish); I have a chuck roast I need to cook. Yes to a pina colada and the wine. I've been to San Francisco for a conference, many years ago (80's), pre-digital camera. Brrr. It's 14F with a wind chill of 0, temperature going down, and intermittent snow showers. I'd like to stay inside, but may have to run to the post office. I will open the cabinets below the kitchen sink and let water drip; last time we were this cold (around Christmas) the drain line from my dishwasher froze. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today and our lists. @ottahand7 Wow on those winds. When I was there on Zaandam we had calm winds and seas fortunately. @cat shepard I hope all goes well with your check-up. @cruising sister Beautiful sunrise. @marshhawk Hopefully Neko gets a good report from the Vet. @summer slope That is disappointing about tickets to the Arizona memorial; I hope you get them. @kazu Good job on changing the paper towel holder! I hope your pain is tolerable. @dfish Your painted bedroom looks great. So many closets! Also the quilt. I started a quilt many years ago and wanted no machine stitching; then my eyesight got bad and I've never finished it. I may consider using my sewing machine. It's a sampler quilt, with each square different. @Heartgrove Good to hear that DSIL and Sue are starting to feel better. @ger_77 At least it was nothing too serious for DH. @HAL Sailer My condolences to you and DH on the passing of his DS. Never easy, even when expected. @smitty34877 Stay warm! My over 100-year old house has the original windows. Even though there are storm windows in place, I can feel the air coming in. I had resisted getting new windows (I like the old wavy glass), I'm now considering it (I probably can't afford to get them all done at once!). I hope Tana can eat more, and breakfast for dinner sounds good! @rafinmd I hope you got better rest last night and are relaxing today. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  7. @grapau27 I'm sorry to hear that Sarah isn't doing quite as well as you thought. I hope she continues to feel better; often it takes some time for the injections to fully work. And the food pics look yummy!
  8. I'm glad you're home Roy, but like everyone else, I hope you won't try to do too much. I know being in bed does take away muscle tone and strength, but so does having had pneumonia. I'm not sure how cold it will be where you are, but I hope you stay in and rest (maybe walking around in the house). Just know we all care!
  9. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Happy Candlemas. Groundhog Day is big here in PA with Punxsutawney Phil. I'll celebrate sweaters, as I'm always cold. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal and the drink and yes to the wine. I've been to Greece, but not Santorini Island. It's sunny and 29F now. The cold front is coming tonight. I'll be inside today, puttering around the house. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up and our lists. Nice Santorini photos. It seems DS is trying to make the best of a bad situation; it's too bad the weather is causing such havoc. @aliaschief It sounds like you're having a nice relaxing time. Great sunset photos! @kazu Stay warm! I have a little heater going in the room I hang out in, as it's colder than the rest of the house. So sorry to hear there was so much damage to your elbow, and that it will take a good while to heal. Hang in there. @Heartgrove Sorry to hear Sue is also positive, although probably not unexpected. I hope she and DSIL feel better soon, and that you stay negative. @smitty34877 We had quite a few homeless people in parks. Recently a new shelter was opened and filled quickly; but some won't go to one even though workers go out and try to persuade them to. I hope Tana can eat a little more, to keep up her strength. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you got the new HVAC in and that the insurance company is coming through. @Seasick Sailor Oh no on the trees losing branches. How awful for the people who lost their house to fire. @ger_77 Oh my on that cold! Do cars even start? @Cruising-along I'm glad you didn't have a lot of pain. Lovely photos. @Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Anniversary to DD and DSIL. Thanks for the pictures of Santorini. @rafinmd I hope you had a good night's rest. Relax and recover. Prayers for the Care List. I hope we hear something from @Scrapnana Kathi. Cheers to all with something to Celebrate. Stay well everyone.
  10. Good evening. I'm back from BFF DF's house. Oh my. There is so much stuff! He loved to take photos and there are probably 100 boxes with full carousels, thousands of photos, loads of photo paper, 4 old computers, printers, etc. It will take a long time to go through everything. @dfish The sucky thing is an incentive spirometer. @Crazy For Cats Good news on DH's polyps. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the additional photos, particularly the Nazca lines, which I wasn't familiar with. Sorry to hear the DDs lost power; I hope it's on soon. @aliaschief I'm jealous! @HAL4NOW Nice photos. @luvteaching Good to hear that DH is doing much better. @highscar Wow, that must have been a sight seeing a tornado. @RedneckBob Enjoy the wedding! @rafinmd Great that you're home. Take it easy and rest; it may take a bit of time to feel stronger. @Seasick Sailor Ice is the worst. I'm glad you have power. @Cruising-along I'm glad the dentist appointment went well. Soup, mashed potatoes, oatmeal?
  11. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. Freedom should be celebrated. I agree with No Politics for many occasions and gatherings. I'd like to think I'm a spunky "old" broad! Good quote. I'll pass on the meal (not a fish person). The drink is not a martini, only in a martini glass, but looks good. Yes to the wine, but can't afford it. I haven't been to Pisco. It's a balmy 19F here (started at 10 earlier) and sunny. I got a good night's sleep, 9 hours, yay. I figured out that because of bad bursitis in my one hip, I've been trying to sleep on the other side, and just lay there for a couple of hours. Then I relent and turn on the bad side, and I fall asleep. Eyes are slowly looking better; I don't think I'll scare anyone when I go out later. Today is injection day. Then I'm running off to help BFF go through his DD DF's things; he was quite the packrat. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up and our lists. Good to hear that Rudy's surgery was successful. Thanks for the photos from General San Martin. I was a good typist and did term papers for people - I sure do remember using carbon paper. @RedneckBob Safe travels home. @aliaschief Beautiful sunrise! @ottahand7 Thanks for the Pisco photos. Enjoy Paradise Bay. @kazu Prayers for a good report on the x-rays. @NextOne Happy Heavenly Birthday to DH. @smitty34877 Sorry to hear Tana has a GI bug. Also antibiotics can cause GI issues (C.diff). If it persists her doctor may want a specimen for the lab. @grapau27 I'm happy to hear that Sarah wants to go out and is feeling good. @rafinmd I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble breathing and back issues. Good that you're up in a chair. Good news on the passport too; mine will be here Friday. Woohoo on getting discharged later. I wish I lived closer so I could offer to help you out. @dfish I've been waking up congested, and think it's the CPAP, even though I use humidification. Once I'm up and about I'm ok. @kochleffel Bon Voyage, Paul! @Cruzin Terri I hope the HVAC install goes smoothly. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the great photos. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well if you can!
  12. Woohoo. Just got an email saying my passport has shipped. I did an online application (it's in beta testing, but I was able to do it). I applied Dec 28, with expedited processing.
  13. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Maybe I'll wear my shirt backwards today. I have treated myself to a piece of art (Peter Max) but it hasn't arrived yet. I will be planning for vacation! Good quote. I'm not a clam chowder fan (or clam anything). Pass on the drink, but I'll take the wine. I've been to Alaska, but not Kodiak Island. We got about 2" of snow overnight. Now it's 23F and cloudy. No big plans today. I hope to avoid shoveling and hoping for some melting of snow on the walk. I've started having trouble falling asleep; it was 2AM before I did this morning. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up and our lists. Prayers for your neighbor Rudy and his surgery today. @Nodakboiler Welcome to the Daily! @ottahand7 Sorry to hear your Canaletto dinner wasn't satisfactory. @kochleffel Early Bon Voyage! @ger_77 I hear you on how home improvements can eat up the travel budget! @Cruzin Terri I hope the Prednisone helps with your pain. @Rowsby Sorry about the shoulder pain, but the bed helping is great. I got an adjustable bed a few months ago, but no massage built in. @aliaschief You'll get there! @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Kodiak photos. @Heartgrove Sorry to hear DSIL tested positive; hopefully a mild case. Great sunrise picture. @Seasick Sailor I'm glad you're feeling better today. So nice of your neighbors to bring food over. @rafinmd I hope the doctor can help you out with the issue. You can email me if need be: vrone15218 at yahoo.com Prayers for the Care List, Tana, Jacqui, Sarah, Kathi and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  14. Yes illness, infection and stress all make cortisol levels go up, which raises blood sugar. That's why even non-diabetics, if put on a high enough dose of steroids, can have elevated blood sugars. I worried about that while initially on high dose steroids for my eyes.
  15. Infection will also make the blood sugar go up, as well as the stress of hospitalization. I'm sure it will go back to your usual good control as you improve.
  16. @TiogaCruiser Some of the reports are less detailed than others. I can't recall right now which was the most detailed. I do download them as pdf's to my computer. And getting one each 4 months is what I used to do. Since I had a fraud issue last year, I was allowed to get them monthly, but I didn't get them that often. I do have Experian monitoring that was free due to a data breach, so they send monthly emails saying no change in my report.
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